"Then what did last night mean?" Ransom retaliates.

"I...I...I don't know." I lie.

Ransom's smile fades and bows his head. "It meant nothing to you." His voice is barely audible, but I manage to hear those words.

"It's not that it didn't mean anything to me." I keep my voice neutral.

He looks up at me through his lashes and for a split second, I can see the old Ransom back. My Ransom. It's too bad however, that the asshole Ransom is back. "Then what the fuck did it mean? You just said you don't know what it meant." I can hear the anger in his voice.

"What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that it meant something? That I realized that I want to be with you again?" I counter. "That I want to be a victim to your ways again? You realize that the last time we were together, you hurt me...so much." Just thinking back to those memories make my stomach twist.

"But that is all the past now. We are together." Ransom states with a growing smug smile.

"No, we are not." I utter.

"Yes. We are." His smile grows wider.

I roll my eyes. "This is hopeless." I say.

"Hopeless?" He questions.

"What happened last night...won't happen again. In fact, I want to go back to Harlan's house. Since my car is still there and my notes for my book."

"What about my groceries?" Ransom pretends to pout and then bursts into laughter.

"Do your own damn shopping! Why don't you ask one of the staff members at your grandfather's house?" I snap, rolling my eye s yet again. My temper is rising and I know I need to leave this place before we end up in a screaming match. Once I am home, I will be with my dog and of cause, my friend Lydia.

I turn to exit the kitchen, but Ransom is quick to his feet, and blocks the doorway. He clenches his jaw and straightens his posture.

"Ransom...please -"

"No! You have given me 3 eye rolls and you know damn well what they do to me." He smirks, with his hungry eyes looking down at my body. I don't like where this is going.

"I can't. I need to go and besides, I told you what happened last night will not happen again." I express and bend my upper body to walk underneath Ransom's arm, but he wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his chest which takes my breath away.

"Let...me...go!" I puff, trying to pull away from him, but he is too strong. I should have taken Lydia's advice to go kickboxing again - since I stopped going a few months ago.

"Stop it Evelyn." Ransom takes my hands in his to stop me from struggling.

I roll my eyes at him...but that was a mistake. I know it was.

Ransom pushes me backward and he walks forward into the lounge, and I am pushed onto the couch. Ransom is on top of me and restrains my hands and places them over my head.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me? For the 4th fucking time?" His face inches from mine.

I squirm under him. "Let me go! I need to go!" I urge. I honestly want nothing more than to leave and to get back home. I have errands to run and I cannot stay with him any longer, for I fear I will get roped back into his hostile ways. I look around the lounge and this house is starting to feel unfamiliar to me.

"You have been rolling your eyes at me too many times." His eyes fixed on mine. "Enough is enough!" He looks down at my chest and back up into my eyes. He curls the one corner of his lips.

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