The Running Back

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Hey so...
Still don't own glee...
Please don't sue me :)
Tracy Anderson-Hummel was pouting in the car ride home from school. She wouldn't even look at her father, as she glares outside the window.

"Tracy do not give me that sass. I am very upset with you right now." Blaine warns.

"Why?" Tracy whined, crossing her arms.

"You just got kicked out of Kindergarten, Trace! What am I supposed to do now?! That was the closest school to our apartment, and we don't have the money to send you to a different school everyday!" Blaine bangs his steering wheel angrily.

Tracy jumps from the loud noise, and her eyes tear up. "It's not my fault!" She shouts, "They started it!"

Blaine feels at a loss. His world is crumbling around him, and he snaps, "Tracy that doesn't give you a right to HIT THEM!"

"HE CALLED DADDY AND YOU F*GS!" Tracy screams at the top of her lungs.

Blaine practically slams the breaks, and he turns his head violently to the back where his daughter was sitting, "What did you just say?"

Tracy now has tears streaming down her face, "H-He called you and daddy the mean word people call you on the street when we go get ice cream. You think I don't hear it, b-but I do! Johnny said you and daddy were f*gs...So I punched him...And I don't regret it."

Blaine is lost for words. "I...Why didn't the teacher tell me this..."

Tracy cries more, "B-Because Ms. Ginger agrees with Johnny! She told me that I'm violent because I'm the product of two d-dads!"

Blaine takes a deep breath, wanting with everything in him to cuss up a storm, or hit something. Anything to get this anger he's feeling out of his chest. An abrupt beep from a car behind them breaks him out of his trance. He steps on the gas and makes it the rest of the way home, silent.

The car parks in the parking garage, and the two just sit there for a minute.

"Dad...Are you mad at me..." Tracy's soft voice floats from the back seat softly.

Blaine can't face his daughter. He just says, "No, Trace...I'm just sorry that you felt like you had to defend me...And I'm sorry for yelling at you...I'm just...I'm working through some things, sweetheart..." He looks down at his hands. He wishes Kurt were here. He'd know what to do. What to say to make it all better.

Suddenly, there's a click and soon a little foot sticks through to the front seat, and comes Tracy, sitting in the passenger seat. She smiles up at her father, then climbs into his lap, cupping his face.

"Don't hold the world on your shoulders Dad...It's okay...Maybe Auntie Rachel can drive me to school, or we could do school at home? Either way...It's gonna be okay cause we have each other..." She smiles, and hugs her father tight.

Blaine tears up, holding this beautiful angel sent from heaven. Kurt was his angel, and Kurt now gave him Tracy. He might not be with Blaine in the flesh, but he sees Kurt in their perfect daughter. He runs his fingers through Tracy's soft brunette hair, "Yeah Tracy...You're all I need..."

"You wanna know what I think will cheer you up Dad?"


Tracy smiles, "Tell me more of the story!"

I walked into school Tuesday morning, expecting to see another slushy hit my face. Kurt had advised me to bring an extra pair of clothes to change into, so I carried an extra bag of backups. Scanning the hallway, I look to see where Azimio and Karofsky are at. They are nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe they got expelled, or are playing hooky..." I mumble. As I arrive at my locker and start to unlock it, I see my beautiful angel Kurt Hummel lean next to me.

"Good morning handsome. How are you today?" He smiles at me sweetly as he gazes into my eyes.

"A little on edge, to be honest. This is my first day where I'm not popular, and I'm not sure how to handle it, or what's gonna happen..." I turn my head over my shoulder and see Quinn. Excited to see a familiar face, I smile and wave for her to come over.

Quinn looks at me up and down, then looks over at Kurt, then back at me. She gives me a stony look and turns her head away, walking down the hall.

My heart breaks in my chest. Quinn, my best friend since sophomore year, is leaving me high and dry...I should've known this would happen, all she cares about is power and status but...I thought she at least cared about me more than all of that...

"Hey..." Kurt said, grabbing my hand, "It'll be okay..."

White hot shame floods through my chest, and I pull my hand away, "I'm fine. Can you just give me some space please?" I look down. I don't mean to snap at him, but I can't handle this right now...I've lost everything...For a relationship that might not even work out anyway.

Kurt looks at me, hurt from the harsh words. However, he stands up straight and nods, walking away silently.

"Shit..." I mumble, and lean my head against my now closed locker.

"Rough day?"

A new voice I'd never heard before was now talking to me. I lifted my head and turned to look at him. He's tall, chestnut brown hair much like Kurt, except he has this 'I am better than you' air around him. He smirks at me, and tilts his head, holding out his hand.

"Sebastian Smythe. And it's rude to stare."

My eyes widen and I choke for words, "I wasn't staring I just-You're new and I was trying to figure out where I know you from...You seem familiar..." I shake his hand slowly.

The cocky boy just smirks and chuckles lightly, "Guess I just have one of those faces, huh?

I laugh weakly along with him. Something about this Sebastian doesn't set right.

"Say, that boy you were just so rude to, is he gay?" Sebastian leans against the lockers, just as Kurt had some moments before. I glare at him, And there it is... I thought, I knew I wouldn't like him...

"Yes he's gay. And he's mine." I say protectively.

"Oh, right right. So that's why you were so cruel with him just holding your hand? You seem like a great boyfriend then." Sebastian's smirk never leaves his face.

"I'm just having a rough day is all." I glare at him, wanting nothing more than to put him in his place. Who is he to walk in here and have an opinion on my relationship?

"Yes! I heard about that. I'm the new running back on the football team, so Karofsky and Azimio filled me in on how you were hot stuff, and then just yesterday fell flat on your face. Said it was because of Kurt, but to be honest, I think you're the one dragging Kurt down. How you were popular and not him is beyond me."

So that's where the two hooligans were. The football team was showing him around. Now there's a new member that I wish more than anything would just shut the hell up. "This has been great, but I really should be getting to class." I smiled a bit politely and nod as I turn to walk away.

"Talk soon pretty boy. Tell Kurt I say hi."

I don't even turn around to face him. I just walk away, trying not to say or do something I regret. It takes everything in me not to snap back. I'm
above stooping to his level. God, I'm gonna be an amazing Dad one day.

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