I Wish

248 7 4

All I want for Christmas is glee
Because guess what
Still don't own it...
Tracy laid in her bed silently staring up at the ceiling. She cuddled her stuffed bear, which was tattered and worn down after years of love, closer to her chest closing her eyes tight.
"Maybe..." she mumbled, "maybe if I wish hard enough, it will bring back my daddy..."
Kurt laid in his bed silently staring up at the ceiling. He cuddled his stuffed bear closer to his chest closing his eyes tight.
"Maybe..." he mumbled, "Maybe if I wish hard enough...it will bring back my mom..."
He opened his eyes, knowing this wish was foolish. He looked down at this bear his mother gave to him when he was little. So many times he had wept with this little friend, and he hoped to some day pass it along to his children so they could show the sweet bear as much love as he deserved.
Today was the day. The day where years ago his mother passed away. Of course, his father had to work today, so he was all alone. Kurt pulled himself out of his bed and wondered into his mother's bedroom. He opened up one of his mom's trunks, taking out her favorite perfume tenderly.
Slowly he sprayed the room twice, then laid it back in the trunk. Kurt took a deep breath breathing in his mother's scent. He sat down with his back against the bed, pulling his legs to his chest.
I wish I wasn't all alone today...I just wish I had someone with me...to be here with me...
Kurt's phone went off. Curious he picked up the phone, and with a shaky voice, he answered,

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