Y/n finally woke up and continued his attack at the demon. It looked at the 2 boys in surprise, taken aback at how his powers aren't working. The boy looked at the, now real, Tanjiro, who looked beyond infuriated. Y/n didn't have time to admire how driven he was. "Tanjiro would never say that! Never!!" He spun around, making his way to the demon and swiftly cutting off his arms.

"My family would never say that!!" Tanjiro demanded. "No matter what!" he pounced into the air. "Don't insult my familyyy!" he screamed. With a swift swing of a blade, the demons head came flying off.

"'He' told me to kill you along with the pillar. Now I truly understand how he feels..." the demon growled as a makeshift bod sprouted from his neck and latched onto the train. "Somehow your guys' very exitance makes me twitch in anger". Tanjiro's enraged expression turned to one of shock and disbelief, Y/n's one as well. "Your expressions are lovely! I wanted to see that. Ufufu!" the demon laughed. "You want me to tell you why I didn't die even though you cut my head off. Fine, since im feeling nice right now. Its so simple, even a toddler could understand! Even you, e/c-eyes!" the demon cooed. An irk mark grew on Y/n's forehead. "That's not my actual body. Neither is this form that I'm taking on right now. Im taking on the form of a head, but im not a head. While you were snoring away peacefully, I fused with the train! This whole train became my blood, flesh and bones! You understand? So basically, all 200 passengers are food that will strengthen my body, as well as my captives. Can you protect them all by yourselves? This whole train is overflowing with humans from one end to the other. I wonder, can you delay me?"

Tanjiro went to cut off his head but he just sank farther into the train. It was clear that the boy was fueled by anger at the moment. Y/n placed a steady hand on his shoulder, calming him down. "Rengokuuuu! Zenitsuuu! Inosukeee!" Tanjiro called out for them pleadingly. "Now's not the time to sleep! Wake uuuup!"

"Nezuko! Protect the others!" Y/n ordered. A slight thumping was heard from inside the train. A small smile slipped onto the duo's lips as Inosuke busted through the ceiling of the train.

"Pig assault! That is the way of Inosuke-samaaaa!" the boar man screamed triumphantly.

"Inosuke! The train is no longer safe! Protect those who are sleeping!" Tanjiro instructed. "The whole train is turned into a demon! The entire train is a demon!"

Realization struck Inosuke. "I was right... I knew it! So that means I'm right and I'm the boss!!" he jumped back into the train and cut up a demon that was sneaking up on a young sleeping couple. "I'm gonna save every single one of them! You oughta prostrate yourselves before me!!" he declared. "Inosuke-sama's driving throouuuuuugh!!" he kept cutting through, Nezuko by his side.

Y/n stared at Inosuke at disbelief. "That is quite a reaction" he commented calmly.

Nezuko did her best to defend herself against the demon that was starting to get a grip on her, but a still unconscious Zenitsu came to her aid.

"I will protect you... Nezuko-chan" the blondie declared graciously. The demon girl stared at him with her eyebrows slightly upturned. "I will protegth..." Zenitsu suddenly snapped out of his sleep.

Tanjiro and Y/n stood back to back, defending Rengoku's sleeping body. "It seem's like things took a turn while I was having my nap! For sure, for sure!" the man with the flashy hair declared and drew his sword. "As a pillar, I am ashamed of myself! If theres a whole, I wanna go into it!" With a massive jolt the train detached the carts from itself and it jumped up slightly, forcing Y/n and Tanjiro to the ground. "L/n! Kamado, my boys!"

"Rengoku-san!" Y/n exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

"I managed to land some minor slashes before I came here. And I think the demons will take some time to regenerate. But there's no time! I'll speak quickly. This train is made up of 8 cars. I'll protect the back 5! Yellow boy and your sister will protect the other 3. You and boar head boy will go for the demons neck while watching out for the front 3 cars!" the hashira explained.

"What about me? I wanna help!" Y/n said firmly.

"You help everyone out. Jump around from cart-to-cart to help anyone you can" Rengoku patted his shoulder.

"Neck?! But now the demons..." Tanjiro trailed off.

"It doesn't matter what he looks like! As long as it's a demon, it'll have a neck! Im also looking for his weak spot while fighting him. Time to get fired up, my boy!" Rengoku declared. And with that, he sped off. The 2 remaining boys looked at eachother in excitement and amazement at the hashira's skill.

"Inosuke!" Tanjiro called out.

"Inosuke, where are you?!" Y/n yelled.

"Shut up! I'll kill you!" the boar headed boy barked. "Googly eyes just HAD to butt in! but somehow... somehow... he's still awesome! It pisses me off so much!"

"Watch for the front 3 cars!" Tanjiro ordered.

"I knoooow! I'll find it soon! With my focus 7th form! This guy has a weak spot somewhere!"

"I knew it!" Y/n chimed.

"Is it up front?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yeah! The front part smells disgusting!" Inosuke confirmed.

"Right. To the front then, Y/n! Lets go!" Tanjiro instructed and started running, the mentioned boy at his tail.

"I'll stay behind here. I'll help out Nezuko and Zenitsu for a while! We'll regroup at the front of the train breifly!" Y/n waved his goodbye and hopped off to join Nezuko and Zenitsu. He came in time to watch Nezuko's arm get sucked into the demons body. He moved quickly and severed her from the demon. The girl looked up at him gratefully, a light blush on her face. With a happy expression she came to hug him. Y/n happily hugged back, even if it was just for a brief second. Nezuko pulled away and looked at the slowly wilting sunflower at Y/n's waist. She frowned slightly. "You'll get me a new one soon, okay?" he promised. The girl nodded cheerfully. "Zenitsu, do you have everything under control?" he asked. The blondie nodded hastily.

"We've got this, Y/n-kun. Go help out the others" Zenitsu urged. Y/n nodded and ran off once more to help out Tanjiro. He found Inosuke there with him.

"Tanjiro!" Y/n called out for him. As soon as the red head turned around to glance at him, he got stabbed in the gut by a conductor. Y/n's eyes widened and his blood boiled. The e/c eyed boy grabbed the hilt of his katana and slammed it down on the conductors neck.

"Y/n! I'm okay!" Tanjiro reassured.

The conductor fell backwards as Y/n leapt onto him to try to keep him restrained as the other 2 did their best to kill the demon. After a few minutes of wrestling, Tanjiro revered Enmu's head, a.k.a. cut off the front part of the train. A blood-curdling scream made the trio throw their hands over their ears. The train started shaking violently.

"It's dying! It's thrashing around!" Inosuke theorized.

"Inosuke... Y/n..." Tanjiro breathed out and grabbed Y/n's haori. "Protect the passangers..." the said boy scooped the red head into his arms as Inosuke slowly stood up.

"You're okay, Tanjiro" Y/n promised him. He forced the weapon out of Tanjiro's stomach and immediately pressed his already blood-stained sleeve against the wound to stop the bleeding.

"The train's! Gonna flip!!" Inosuke warned. And with that, the train flew to the side. 

Apathetic Demon slayer (KNY/Demon slayer x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now