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Y/n ran through the heavily snowed in forest, panting desperately to try to catch his breath. He couldn't take it anymore. It was too much. Way too much. He wasn't safe at home. He had really messed up this time. According to some people in the village, the h/c haired boy had been messing around with some of the children. Naturally, that made his parents mad. Luckily he managed to throw on his favourite f/c haori over his other, mostly tattered clothes before bolting out the door. 

"Y/n!!" his mother screamed after him. "Come here, I just want to talk!" she growled, poison seeping into her voice. Y/n knew it was  a trap. Tears brimmed the corners of his eyes but he just blinked them away.

As previously mentioned, the e/c eyed boy was running. From his mother, if we're being exact. Funny how fathers are mainly the villains, but no matter. The boys mother, is what people would consider, emotionally abusive. She tried to control every part of his life, and when he didn't comply, she would degrade him and sometimes even beat him. Thats why he was running. His mother wanted him to be perfect, to be liked by everyone, but Y/n wasn't like that. He stood up for what he believed, and often got on peoples nerves because of that. People didn't really like his honesty. Or, at least he used to be like that. He wasn't brutally honest, god no, he was too kind for that, but he did express what he thought. His mother, surprise surprise, didn't like that and beat it our of him. So, on top of being naturally awkward and anxious, he was scared to say how he felt because he was afraid of either being ignored or being punished.

Y/n started growing more and more tired. The cold air nibbled at the tip of his nose. His panting and running had kept him warm up until now, but the adrenaline was wearing off and he was starting to get cold, but he had to keep running. Away from his mother.

Her threats and insults rang through Y/n's head. 

"Are you stupid?"

"Whats wrong with you?"

"Just shut up!"

"You're nothing but a delinquent!"

"SHUT UP!" Y/n screamed and covered his ears, squeezing his eyes shut. "I can't go back, I can't..." he whimpered. Just as he opened his eyes he slammed his face into a tree. He yelped as pain shot through his nose. His hands shot up to his nose, which had warm blood running down it. The h/c boy stumbled backwards.

Now, Y/n didn't live in a village, in fact, he lived in a mountain. Up it to be exact. Which means, he was running down the mountain right now. As you have probably foreseen, his step back wasn't very good. The poor boy misstepped and ended up tumbling down the side of the mountain. Luckily, the soft snow broke his fall. He didn't waste time though. He hopped up on all fours and crawled over into a cave, his bloody nose leaving dark red stains in the snow.

The boy hugged his knees as he listened to his mother progressively move her yelling to another part of the thick forest. For good measure, he stayed in the little cave for a little longer, trying to calm down. He slowed down his breathing and instantly hissed in pain. Y/n hadn't realised how badly his lungs were burning up until now. The thin air up the mountain already made it hard to breathe, and since he was suddenly taking in large amounts of oxygen, his lungs felt as if they were going to explode. His throat was scratchy and it was easy to tell that his voice was going to be raspy the next day, but that didn't matter. What mattered right now was that he didn't have a place to stay. He could stay with the only person he had considered a friend, or at least an acquaintance, Kamado Tanjiro... but then again, they weren't exactly good friends and he didn't want to be rude. He scoffed in frustration and held his head in his hands. What the hell was he thinking?! He should've just taken the abuse and gone to sleep. Now he cant go back home because if he did, he would be in a lot of danger. He heaved a sigh as he slowly crawled out of his hiding place just as dusk was rolling over the distant hills.

"Hmm, is that a human?" something in the shadows hissed. Y/n's e/c eyes widened in horror as a rough and calloused hand slithered around his neck. The boy swallowed out of nervousness, trying his hardest not to shake. "No, not human... perhaps... hybrid?" It sunk its claws in Y/n's shoulder. He screamed in pain. The thing cackled and emerged, breathing onto the h/c's neck.

"What are you talking about?! Im a human you twat!" Y/n growled and elbowed the thing from behind. He twisted his way out of its grasp and started running from it. It didn't take long before it got back on its feet and leapt onto the boy. He screamed again and squirmed under the monsters grasp. "Get off me!" 

"No, you definitely smell like a demon" It hissed and examined him. It was salivating heavily, large drops of slobber dropping onto the boys disgusted face. "No matter, you should still be as tasty as any other human". Despite Y/n's struggles, it grabbed his arm and lifted it up to its mouth, ready to take a bite. The poor boy was slowly growing weaker. His muscles were giving out. His lungs felt like they were going to be crushed by the weight of his ribcage. Y/n tried desperately to push it off, but the creature had the upper hand. Literally. It grabbed the boys arm and sunk its teeth in it, earning itself a scream. The boys other arm dropped.

"Thats right! Give up!"  the thing cackled. "Be a good boy and give up!" That infuriated Y/n beyond belief. He wasn't a weak little boy anymore. He was strong, whether anyone believed him or not. The things smugness just piled onto his anger. He quickly grabbed the nearest thing he could find, which happened to be a rock, and smacked it into its head. The creature wailed but didn't let go. 

"Someone help me, damn it!"Y/n hollered, hoping to catch the attention of someone with a weapon.

"Shut up!" It screamed in return and bit down on the h/c haired boys arm as hard as it could again. The adrenaline pumping through his body didn't allow him to feel the pain. He brought the rock up again and started bashing the creatures head with it over and over again. Blood splattered onto the pure white snow and onto Y/n's desperate face. 

"Just die for fucks sake!" Y/n yelled at the top of his lungs, and in a final attempt to kill the thing before it killed him. It retaliated by slashing the poor guys eye. The h/c screamed in frustration and pain.

A sudden figure kicked the creature off of Y/n. The boy used that to his advantage. Dropping the bloodied rock, he scrambled to his feet and clutched his wounded face with his good hand. "You did pretty good defending yourself over there" The mysterious figure, that potentially saved the h/c's life, said and slammed his foot into the creatures chest, crushing it and making it scream in pain. A loud crunch and a blood curdling scream resonated through the dark forest.  A look of horror crossed Y/n's eyes. "Kill it" The man demanded and handed the boy a sword. The boy finally examined him. He had messy, tangled, dark brown hair that was pulled into a small pony tail. He had chocolate brown, stern eyes and a large scar that stretched from his ear lobe against his neck.

"K-kill?" Y/n whimpered.

"Cut its head off"

Y/n swallowed nervously and slowly walked over to the creature. Now that the adrenaline had completely worn off, he was exhausted. His wounds were screaming at him to stop and rest, his lungs hurt and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. He wearily raised the sword above his head and gripped the hilt. He hesitated. When he was about to die, his body moved on his own. Now, he was about to consciously kill something. When his dad took him hunting, he could barely kill a rabbit. This thing was an intelligent creature.

"Just do it!" The man barked. 

"I cant!" Y/n yelled back and dropped the sword. He slumped against a tree. The man sighed and picked up the sword, swiftly removing the creatures head. He shoved it into his scabbard that was attached to his waist. He crouched in front of Y/n. 

"Come. Ill treat your wounds" he said in a soft voice, lifting Y/n onto his back. "Im assuming you don't have where to go". The h/c haired boy remained silent, both because he didn't know what to say and because he was too weak to. The man sighed again. "Ill take you in. I will teach you to be strong, to be a demon slayer" the man said rather dramatically.

Y/n was too exhausted to ask what the heck a demon was. He just wanted to sleep. Though, he did manage to muster out a simple question. "W...who are you..?" he muttered before closing his eyes to finally give them some rest after the horrible things he'd witnessed today.

"My name is Fujisawa Asahi" the man replied. "The gold pillar"

Apathetic Demon slayer (KNY/Demon slayer x male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon