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chaeyoung could only sleep at 3. her mind was a mess since last time she fought with mina. not really fought but she considered it as one.

right at 6AM, mina woke up and see the girl beside her. she is still sleeping peacefully and sound. mina get off the bed and walk outside to be greeted by her mom. her mom is on call with someone.

she went to the kitchen and get herself a drink to hydrated herself. she overheard her mom saying 'okay i will tell her'. she frowned and look at her mom in confusion.

"mom, who's that?" she asked. her mom look at her phone and sighed. "it's chaeyoung's mom. her uncle pass away."

mina who is sipping on her cup, stopped. she couldn't control how shocked she is right now. chaeyoung is still sleeping. peacefully. she doesn't want to wake up the girl with a bad news.

she felt her heart thumping, "what? oh my god.." she shook her head.

"tell her to get up, she needs to go to the hospital. her family is waiting there." mina's mom smile sadly. she knows how hard it is for chaeyoung to hear such news.

mina is still standing there by the kitchen table, frozen. she didn't know what to do but for sure, she needs to wake up chaeyoung.

she wasn't feeling good enough yesterday. chaeyoung seemed to be a bit distant and she didn't know what the cause and now she has to dealing with this horrible news.

mina walked to her room and see chaeyoung still sleeping. chaeyoung moaned but still with her eyes close. when mina was about to sit, her telephone suddenly ring. she sighed and walk over the phone and pick it up.


"hello, is this mina?" a woman said on the call.

"yes it's mina." she can recognize the voice. it's chaeyoung's mom.

"mina, can you please put chaeyoung on call?"

"ah yes sure. she's still sleeping, i'll wake her up. i just heard from my mom. i'm sorry for the loss, you have my condolences."

"thank you dear. chaeyoung is lucky to have a friend like you."

mina smiled while hearing that.

"please wait a moment."

mina then walk to her room again and poke chaeyoung's shoulder. she whispered, "chaeng, chaeng. wake up. your mom is calling."

chaeyoung wake up, half asleep. she scratch her eyes. "uh... what?"

"your mom is calling, she is on the phone. go get it, it's something important."

chaeyoung lazily stand up from the bed and walk to the phone. "hello?" she still sound so sleepy. mina can only sigh and stay beside chaeyoung.

"uh.. what?!" the girl yelp as she heard about the news. "o-oh... okay... okay, i'll be there. okay. bye." she hungs up.

chaeyoung still strying to process what the hell is happening. she looked so lost. staring at the floor blankly. mina who is beside her, move to crouch in front of chaeyoung. she is holding her hands. chaeyoung hands are trembling.

as mina hold her hands, chaeyoung suddenly burst out in tears. she felt her heart broken. it's just she didn't see that coming. it's her favorite uncle. her uncle is always so supportive of her art. he even once bought her art even though she said he didn't have to do it but he did.

"chaeng..." mina softly said and rubbing chaeyoung's hands. she hugged the girl and patted her back. she feels so sad. it's the first time she see chaeyoung crying. the girl is always show a happy-go-lucky side.

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