Promo 1

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Little girl: mama, I want to go park. 

Svetlana: no, not now.

Little girl: please mama, I want park.

Svetlana: go and play with your toys.

Little girl: but mama...

Svetlana got up from her seat and yelled: SHUT UP!

She raised her hand but before the hand could touch the little girl's check, someone held her hand.

Om: don't raise your hand on a child.


Gauri was flicking through some files when her sister Prerna came.

Prerna: Gauri we are so close to finalising the deal! 

Gauri: that's great. What do we need to do now to fully finalise the deal?

Prerna in a quiet voice: go to India....

Gauri: kya? Speak louder.

Prerna: go to India.

Gauri looked shocked.


Om: Svetlana is always so horrible to our daughter. I don't know why. 

Mishti: Svetlana is a bitch. Seriously, how can one be so horrible to their own daughter?

Om: I wish she was the mother of my child.

Mishti: are you on about her?

Om: yes I am.

He looked at a picture and smiled.


Gauri: time to go to India.


Om: time to go to that event.


Narrator: will they meet? Why does Svetlana hate her own daughter? Why was Gauri shocked to hear about India? 

By the way Mishti is just Om's best friend, I believe that a girl and boy can just be friends with no romantic feelings for one another, just pure friendship.

Soo I have no idea why I am writing stories with kids in it these days, maybe because I have been suffering from baby fever 🥺❤️P.S the love of a mother and wife will be updated tomorrow or Tuesday. 

If you have a name for the little girl and you want that little girl to be called by that name, let me know 😊❤️

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