Five : Tempted

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The party was held in a Michelin starred hotel at the center of Seoul. The sumptuous decoration highlighted golden, a lively music playing along.

Jungkook passed amiable smiles at every known faces, his eyes tinged roguish when he finds some ladies bump into his shoulder purposefully.

The lavish hall wasn't crowded, though he liked it the other way. Dancing along the crowd and swaying at the beats as long as he prefers.

"Hey man" A joyous voice called out for him. Jungkook glanced over his shoulder, finding a muscular man in all black outfit.

"Jackson" His voice was pleasant, but it hid his inner annoyance. He wanted to meet the person who made him excited for this party which he didn't plan to attend earlier.

The man named Jackson, approached him warmly. "You look great bro"

Jungkook only sneered, he knows he looks irresistibly hot. His slightly pale skin was matching perfectly with the casual black blazer and plain white shirt.

"Baekhyun was asking for you" Jackson had to raise his voice, the music becoming loud in the background.

"Okay" Jungkook stretched out his voice, running his tongue along his upper lip while eyes wandering all over the hall.

He was never a person who was interested in parties and stuffs which includes socializing. To say exact, he was a complete introvert back then. But this one month spend in LA made his interests to differ.

While dealing with the business matters with baekhyun who was very approachable and congenial, they became quite good friends in no time.

Jungkook was then insisted to attend a business party by baekhyun where he was met with his friends jackson, minho and kai. They were quite interesting and did became his good mates too.

Slowly, he started to hang out with them in the clubs and parties. Sometimes he felt embarrassed when he didn't know how to act in the clubs as he never went to one.

Observing his newly made friends who were so cool and fun with such outgoing stuffs, he steadily started to behave like them. And without him knowing, he was changing his whole personality.

Like having fun, attending night clubs, having alcoholic drinks. He never in his life got a chance to experience these new things.

Most of the successful buisness men whom he was now competing with were born with a silver spoon, including baekhyun while jungkook struggled so hard to reach where he is now.

The path was never easy, facing the hardship, endless works which deprived him of sleep, the humiliation of inexperience and judgement of being an orphan was something no one could cope up with. But jungkook took all in as the motivation to prove himself worthy.

And he did.

In his struggle to become successful, he never paid attention on having the enjoyment and relaxation the men usually have at his age. He was never familiar with attending high-class parties and lavish clubs.

He always secretly wanted to experience the idea of having fun with friends but avoided that because he couldn't afford a distraction in his way.

He definitely had happy moments with his hyungs but never really opened up with them fully, because he never considered them as friends. They were his hyungs whom he respect a lot to support him till now when no was there for him.

His parents left him in a orphanage when he was an infant. He never really experienced the love and protection of parents that a child gets. Of course he had his hyungs, Namjoon and Yoongi, who loved him unconditionally. He met them in school when he was ten years old and was being bullied by his classmates whom he wished to be friends with, there his hyungs protected him and does till now like their own brother.

𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 || 𝐕𝐊 ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon