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The next morning shivaay stirred in sleep. He squinted his eyes to get a better view since the sunlight was falling directly on his face. He finally opened his eyes and a smile spread on his face at the view. Annika was snuggled into him. Her head rested on his chest and she had wound an arm around his torso. Shivaay's arms were wrapped around her waist.

He kissed her forehead and caressed her hair. He wanted to get back to Mumbai as soon as possible and get married to her. He was having a hard time waiting and he wanted to wake up with her in his arms everyday.

She stirred a bit in sleep and opened her eyes. A smile spread on her face.

"Good morning baby" he wished her in his husky voice which sent tingles down her spine.

"Good morning shivaay" she lifted her hand and cupped his cheek. Slowly caressing his stubble with her thumb. It had been months since she slept peacefully.

Shivaay leaned down to kiss her and she happily obliged. His hands slipped inside her top caressing her bare skin and Annika moaned at the contact. Her fingers explored his dense locks.
They broke apart after a few minutes and shivaay rested his forehead on hers. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes were closed. Basking in each other's arms they remained in the same position for some time.

Annika came out of the bathroom after taking a relaxing bath. She wore a floral printed dress that ended up a little above her knee. Quickly applying some lotion and lip balm she walked towards the kitchen from where the delicious aroma of food was coming.

Shivaay was busy making the breakfast and as if he could sense her he lifted his gaze in her direction. 

"What are you making today ?" She asked excitedly. Hearing no response from him she looked at him only to find him busy staring at her. Annika's cheeks blushed and she smacked his arm.

"Shivaay stop staring"

"Why ?"

"Because it's bad manners"

"But you're mine so there's no problem" he winked at her making her blush even more.

"Shivaay" she chided him and he laughed seeing her reaction and  Quickly kissed her on the lips.

"Well I'm making sandwiches for breakfast"

Annika helped him set the table and soon they sat down to have breakfast.
They chitchatted telling each other about all the recent happenings in their lives.


A week had passed by in a jiffy and now it was time for Annika to leave for Mumbai. Both of them were unusually quiet since morning because Annika was to leave in the evening. She was sitting on the bed lost in deep thoughts. He walked towards her with a plate of her favorite aloo poori.

"Annika look what I made for you"

"Shivaay I don't feel like eating" she replied in a faint voice and continued staring out of the window. Shivaay sighed. He knew everything.

"Annika look I know what you are upset about and so am I but sweetheart I'll be coming back soon
My work is almost done here and I promise as soon as it is complete I will be there with you in Mumbai. But please eat something. Please" shivaay pleaded and she had to give in.

Taking the plate from him she tore a piece of the poori and forwarded a morsel to him. She knew he too hadn't eaten anything since morning. They continued to feed each other quietly cherishing the moment.

It was almost time for annika's flight. Her eyes were Misty and so were his. They stood outside the airport and annika's dam finally broke. She wound her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. Her silent sobs pained him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and peppered soft kisses on her hair.
Parting from the hug he wiped her tears and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Annika just a little more time and then we will be together. Now please stop crying. " He spoke caressing her hair.

"Now come on give me a khidkitodh smile. You know I feel michmichi when I see you cry"

Annika chuckled listening to him and a small smile spread on her lips. This man knew how to make her smile.

Their moment was broken by the announcement and shivaay asked her to go inside.

"Bye shivaay take care"

"You too love"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Annika finally disappeared inside the airport and a lone tear rolled down his cheek. Quickly wiping it with a smile he made way towards his car.


So guys this story is going to end soon. I had initially planned ten chapters for this but the love you all gave me encouraged me to write more. So thank you so much ❤️

Mi Amor✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ