Chapter 23

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Edit: Yo i've been busy sorry for the delayed update 👍

Semi's POV:

"Hmm.. okay! Wear this!" Tendou enthusiastically smiled, bringing a white plastic bag out from seemingly no where.

Tendou tends to do that a lot. I know i always accuse him of having magic powers but this one actually has an explanation. Tendou always have things either on him or going around him. And there's just so much of Tendou you can hardly take in your surroundings. So whenever he pulls out some random shit, it seems magic.

"What.. is it?"

"You'll see." He shrugged as if it's nothing. With a slight scared expression on his face, shirabu stood up from my lap, taking the bag and waking into a different room. I was surprised he was going along with it... is he trying to prove something? If so, what? That he's not scared to deal with whatever evil pride crushing plan Tendou has?

I shuffle in my seat, feeling a little weightless now that Shirabu is no longer sitting.. on.. me... Okay the more i repeat it the crazier it sounds. And that's without context. Thinking about it with context, with the fact that Shirabu was literally on top of me kissing the fucking soul out of me? Yeah. It's fucking crazy!
"What was in the bag?" I asked out of curiously and a distraction. And why had Tendou brought some random clothes to my house?

"You'll see." He repeated, this time followed by a wink my way... Fuck no, what is the idiot up to now!? Tendou Satori and Shriabu Kenjirou are going to be the fucking deaths of me.

"I bet it's a dress. Maids dress, i'm calling it." Koganegawa laughs and i join in easily. Shirabu? In a maids dress? I'd literally pay for that.

We all sit in an impatient silence, everyone wanting to see shirabu in this mystery outfit. I assumed it would be something embarrassing from Tendou's behaviour but... Shirabu cant go along with anything too bad. However, need i say again, he is sat in my lap...

"NO WAY IN HELL AM I WEARING THIS!" Breaking the silence was an angry sounding shirabu shouting from the other room.

"YOU HAVE TO!" Tendou shouted back, laughing. I flinched at the sounded loudness of Tendou Satori and all his Tendou Satori-ness.
The room fell back to silent, until...

The door harshly swung open, exposing the clearly annoyed and embarrassed- no- Very embarrassed shirabu.
Obviously my eyes were immediately on Shirabu's clothes- or rather bode from the lack of clothes he wore. Not just because i have been impatiently waiting to see the mystery outfit but because... What the hell did Tendou make him wear?! And- And why- Why does it look so good?!
He stood with the biggest scowl i've ever seen Shirabu wear. A red and black shorty top, what do they call them? A crop top? A half top? DIY show your stomach off top?  It was short sleeved and was showing off the crazy amount of muscles i always forget Shirabu has. Matched with an awfully short.. skirt. The skirt slightly too exposing, only just managing to cover what needed to be covered.

Yeah, so as i was saying, Shriabu Kenjirou is going to be the death of me. I swear my head has been deprived of any oxygen and any other sort of gas or fluid thats essential to live. I'm totally sweating through my clothes because my body just turned the temperature up by ten-thousand- nay- the switch just broke. I'm officially decomposing.

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you-" Shirabu continuously muttered, making his way back to the circle, taking a seat next to me. And i have to agree. Tendou, i hate you i hate you i hate you but Jesus Christ i love you i love you i love you.

"Nuh uh." Tendou tutted, "Eita." He added.
I looked at Tendou with wide eyes, is he seriously expecting him to sit on my lap when he looks... when he looked like that?!
"A dares a dare semi semi."

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