Chapter 22

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[A/n: My little brother is trying to drink beer as we speak, please help <3
(he's 1)]

Edit: WHAT?! He's FOUR now
WHAT??😭 oh my. stop i hate it.

i kinda hate these next few chapters but there's nothing much i can do about it

Semi's POV:

"Hey! You took a while. Is he coming down?" Tendou did not hesitate to ask the moment i reached the stairs. He had now moved from upside down in the couch to sitting crossed legged on the kitchen floor. Everyone was in the kitchen, raiding my kitchen... Thanks guys. I have to work to feed two growing teen guys, i can't really afford feeding everyone else-

"I don't think so." I mumbled, waving the red head off. I walk to the other side of the kitchen counter where Goshiki sat and picked at some sweets they'd shared out in bowls.

Tendou stands up to see me, "Why so moody?" He rested elbows on the kitchen counter, his chin in his hands as he imitated a 'moody pout' at me.

"It's nothing." I fake a laughed. An obvious fake laugh. Again, i'm not great at hiding my feelings.

"Alright.." It's obvious Tendou doesn't believe me. I do intend on telling him. But not now. Not at a literal sleep over with three other guys in the room. Shirabu would kill me if i started advertising the fact that he just kisses boys to get his way. Holy shit. Shirabu Kisses boys to get his way. Wow. It sounds crazy when i put it into words.
"Then let's play."
Oh right, truth or dare. Of course. Classic gay boy slumber party game. I nod my head, following tendou into the living room where Ushijima, Goshiki and Koganegawa had already moved to whenever Tendou and i were talking. Tendou gathered everyone in a small circle on the floor (he has to move some things around. That's going to be a pain to move back), "truth or dare bitches!" Tendou shouted in a very loud voice.
I could just image Shirabu's reaction after hearing that from upstairs. The cringe he wouldn't try hide.

Stop. Stop thinking about Shirabu.

And so, the game started.

Tendou took the first question, obviously, where he dared Koganegawa to do a handstand and i was just scared he would break something in my house. He didn't break anything. But the handstand was rather... unsuccessful. I mean, if i had limbs that long then a handstand would seem impossible...

Kogane then asks Goshiki whether he would move to date tec with the consequence that he would never be able to become an ace. (Not for talent reasons, just because there always has to be a consequence). Goshiki did not even hesitate to say "No." And that's what we call a loyal teammate. (Also Tendou was staring daggers at him.)

I feel sorry for Ushijima because his very first go he was dared to sing a song from the frozen 2 soundtrack and... i cant even lie and say it was good because it was terrible. Just terrible. Please, i don't ever want to hear that man sing again. No offence to the captain or anything but he should definitely stick to volleyball and leave the whole music thing to me.

Everyone had had at least one truth or a dare apart from me. Meaning it was now my go.. Well. I am not looking forward to this. "Semi!" Goshiki called out. "Truth or dare?"

"Oh.. uh.. dare?" I answered in a more unsure voice.

"Uh.. Tendou can you..." Goshiki said, seeming stuck of what to dare me.

"Oh of course! Eita, i dare you to *drag* Kenjirō downstairs." He smirked, emphasising the word 'drag'.

"That's my dare?"

"No, but he has to be here for your actual dare!"
I looked at tendou for a few seconds, trying to find something in him that would change the dare, but nothing. Obviously.

Tendon, you're great. And i understand what you're trying to do. But. Wrong. Time.

I sighed, standing up from the floor, "One minuet."
Again, i made my way back upstairs. I could easily just stay up for a while, come back down and lie saying he refused to come downstairs.
As easy as that... but i just.. didn't want to.

As much as i didn't want to face him right now. I walked up to the spare room's door, bringing my hand up to knock, only before my knuckles could hit the wood, the door swung open.
"Jesus fuck!" Shirabu shouted, obviously startled from me just standing there.

"Jesus fuck?"

"Uh.. Jesus christ and holy fuck?" He scratched the back of his head. "What are you doing?"

"Tendou told me to.. drag you downstairs? And you know what Tendou's like when he wants something.." I mumbled, looking down at the floor, purposely making it impossible for us to make eye contact.

"Right." He replied. "I'll come down."


"Yeah.. whatever i guess."
I nodded my head, turning back around to the stairs as shirabu walked behind me.

~ making my way doWnstAirs ~


"Yeah hi.."

"So what's my dare then?" I asked, taking a seat where i earlier sat. Shirabu taking a seat next to me although i think he only did that to get away from goshiki since he was kind of shooting a death glare at the first year.

Then nothing, nothing, could have prepared me for what Tendou said next. I was expecting something stupid. Something stupid to do with Shirabu. Like a kiss or something i dunno! Maybe a hug. Maybe make Shirabu admit something.

"Let Kenjirō sit on your lap for the rest of the game." He knowingly smirked.

I silently scowled at tendou, knowing exactly what he was doing.
I looked over to shirabu, my facial expression softening a little. "Uh.."

"Just.. don't touch me, okay?" He scowled as if it was my fault. Hesitantly lifting himself up until he was sat directly on my lap.

To say he was literally doing anything and everything to not join the game. He seemed pretty... not hesitant to do that.

Completely shocked that he actually went along with it, i would have just stared at the younger from surprise but there was something.. a little uncomfortable..
"Hey shirabu?" I whispered. "Can you.. move.. just a little?"

Immediately, shirabu moved, seeming to get the point as his face turned into a dark red dangerously fast. His hands quickly brought up to cover his face.
I laughed a little, i still can't get over how cute he is.. no matter how upset i was with him. I just can't seem to stay man at him.
I miss the good ole days where i could hold a grudge towards Shirabu for years.

"Not to ruin the moment.." Tendou spoke up, "But it's shirabu's turn."

"Since when was i playing?!"

"Since you joined Shiratorizawa bitch!"

"I-" Shirabu sighed, obviously defeated by tendou.
"Fine. I ain't a pussy so, dare."

"Hmm.. okay! Wear this!"

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