Chapter 20

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Shirabu's POV:

If i had to describe my feelings today, i would say 'at ease'.
I was sitting on the bed in the spair room of semi's house. I could even call it my room at this point... It has been two weeks... Anyway, my music played from my phone, green day and i hummed along as i drew random sketches in my sketch book.

I woke up in Semi's bed. Last time i woke up in Semi's bed he wasn't there. But this morning he was there. Sat up on his bed playing on his phone. He gives me a wide smile and i can't even hate myself for coming to him when i felt so vulnerable after that dream.
I couldn't even think about the dream because Semi made me feel so comfortable and safe. Comfortable and safe, something i definitely didn't feel then. Because i know that dream happened. The memories of Koji... they're slowly coming back. And Semi made it fine.

So when i hear two quiet knocks on my door i don't hesitate to call him to come in. Old me would get agitated. New me is completely content with Semi in my life.
"Hi." i heard semi's voice greet as the door open.

"Hi." I simply replied.

"What you drawing?" He took a seat next to me on the bed, making the mattress sink and some pencils roll towards him. He sheepishly apologises and stacks them somewhere where the bed was less sunk.

"Stuff." I don't really answer his questions, instead i just pass him the sketch book. I've obviously told Semi i draw as a type of escapism but drawing has always been something i didn't really share with much people. Until now, i guess. I look at his eyes for any reaction. I cant tell... he's smiling but i've never been good at reading people's thoughts or emotions.

"These are really good." He complimented with a sweet smile. "Who's this?" He asked, pointing at a face i had drawn a few days ago.

"Uh.. no one really." I shrug. Sometimes i draw people i know. I have a whole sketch book for it actually. I've drawn our whole team -for practice. I won't tell Semi about that sketch book. He doesn't really need to know i've sat down and had to think about his every feature to try get them right on paper.
It didn't mean anything at the time. It was just practice. And i did genuinely strongly dislike Semi until recently. But now, after all this, i bet i could redraw him and i would be able to include some features i missed out on before. Like how his hairline is more curved than straight or the shape of his eyebrows and how they move with his eyes.
However this drawing was actually just some stranger. "I haven't given him a name yet."

"Can i name him?" He enthusiastically asked.

"Sure..?" I still get shocked every time Semi takes such great interest in my things.
I pass him a pencil and point at the top of the page where i had earlier wrote 'Name: ....... '
Semi takes the pencil and immediately starts writing a name down. After he had finished he looked at the page in awe.

I extended my arm out, silently asking for the sketch book back. I looked up to the name tag and- why am i even surprised?


I let out a small kayty after reading his no5 so creative name. Well, it was supposed to be a normal manly laugh but it ended up coming out as a giggle. And i couldn't even hate myself for it. Because looking back up at Semi.. His cheeks were.. a bright red, which were only just visible under his hands that where covering his eyes?
"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I don't want you to see me flustered." He childishly mumbled.

"Then why are you?" I laughed.

"S-stop! You're laugh-" He trailed off, now burring his face into his palms.

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