Chapter 21

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[A/n: i have mix feelings about this chapter, i wasn't sure if i should have written it in or not but.. whatever]

Edit: i really wish i made Yaku date kuroo instead of Lev. I love YakuLev but i feel like i need more KuroYaku on my page. Bc i haven't done enough. But too late now. I guess i'll just have to add OiSuga 🙄🤭

~~ whoop whoop time skip to the gay boy slumber party ~~

Semi's POV:

"Eitaaa!" Tendou called out, hanging upsidedown from my couch. "When is Kenjirō coming down!?"

"I'm guessing never." I scoffed.
Everyone had arrived about two hours ago and shirabu? Hadn't even left the bedroom yet. I'd texted him a few times and the only replied i'd get were 'no' and 'i'll block you' and 'come to my room and i'll kick your ass'. So you cant accuse me for not trying.

"But i wanna play truth or dare! And Kenjiro has to play!" He winked at me, which looked kinda weird since he was upsidedown.

I put my phone down, leaving the groupchat be as Oikawa was whining about Sugawara being out with his team and 'i'm going to take Kageyama hostage if i dont get attention right now'. "I'll try and get him down."

Goodbye world, i'm going on a suicide mission: Going to Shirabu's room.

"Semi, where are you going?" Goshiki ask as i walk past him. He was sat at the kitchen island with his boyfriend, Koganegawa. None of us from the team were that close with Kogane (apart from Goshiki of course). He's a tad awkward and when Tendou tried making friends with him it was a total disaster. Tendou kept asking questions after questions with no time for Kogane to answer so he got too overwhelmed and screamed 'I found a cool trick on my flip phone!' and everyone went silent. After that we've just been acquaintances.

"I'm gonna try get Shirabu to come down."

"Oh-" He replied, a scared expression quickly taking over his face.
I laughed a little to myself, i felt bad for goshiki at times. He didn't know how to deal with shirabu like the rest of us.

I made my way upstairs, turning a right to shirabu's room and knocking on the door.
"Come in." The faint sound of shirabu said from the other side of the door.
With permission, i entered the room.

Shirabu laid on the bed, playing on his phone, papers scattered everywhere around him. "Hey."

"Hi." He seemed pretty relaxed to say he was threatening me over the phone.

"So.. you coming down yet?" I asked, already knowing the answer.


"come on shirabuuu~" I whined, taking a seat on the bed. "We're gonna play truth or dare."

"Did you seriously think that would make me come downstairs?"

"No." I laughed, "Honestly, i thought it would make it worse but still~" I made it so i was sat in front of shirabu, both our legs crossed so our knees were touching.

"Just leave?" He gave me one of his famous scowls that have only become quite adorable to me now. I cant believe i ever find this face annoying.
Well. I can. I still do. But annoying mixed with adorable.

"Not until you agree to come down and play." I said in a teasing tone.

"Semi?" His tone was not teasing. He sounded serious and it was quite scary. He lifted his head, so his posture was more neat.

"Yeah?" I subconsciously straighten my back as if trying to assert dominance. To hide the fact that i was a tad nervous.
Shirabu sighed a little, leaning in until our noses were touching. "H-hey!" I stuttered from the sudden action, leaning back.

"Don't." He simply replied, leaning even further, i kept going back as he kept coming forward. That was until my head touched the bed, shirabu now completely on top of me, looking down on me.
"Just don't talk." He added, right before closing the gap between us.

Easily giving in to shirabu's touch. I leaned into the kiss, arching my back upwards.

This hasn't happened in some time... i needed as much as i could. As much as Shirabu on me, touching, laying, kissing. Jesus, i am too weak for Shirabu Kenjirou.

The kiss continued. But it.. it wasn't like before. No, no. Before the kisses were more.. harsh.. rushed? It didn't feel special at all. This? The way his lips moved to slowly yet surly against mine. The way his weight from laying on top of me was so perfect i felt like i was in the clouds. The way his lips were so smooth, it felt as if they belonged there.
The way his vanilla scented hair tickled my forehead. The way his light touch made goosebumps appear as shirabu's hand traveled from under my shirt against my stomach.

This kiss felt... special.

Yet, all good things come to an end. Shirabu pulled away from the kiss, leaving my once warm lips to cool.
I stared at the younger boy, my eyes shimmering as if trying to speak with them but not knowing what to say.

Shirabu let out a sigh, lowering himself, letting him rest of my chest.
"S-shirabu." I stuttered, realising how small i sounded i mentally curse myself for stuttering. I really am too weak for Shirabu Kenjirou.

"Mhm?" He hummed in reply.

"Care to.. explain?"

"I thought maybe if u kissed you, i wouldn't have to come down." He answered, lifting his head to look at me with a little smile.

Me on the other hand, was unamused by his answer. Was this just.. him.. using me? I slowly nodded my head, trying to stop myself from frowning in front of shirabu. I broke the eye contact, looking at the closed bedroom door.
"Right.." I hardly whispered. I delicately picked shirabu up slightly, just enough to get him off me and on the bed instead.
"See you later then." I said, my emotions were clearly shown in my voice, disappointment, sadness...

I'm not great at hiding my feelings.
Maybe i have too many.

I left the room, letting the door quietly close behind me, making my way back downstairs.

[A/n: I- damn shirabu, why you gotta do semi like that? ;-; ]

Edit: if you've been a reader of mine for a while then you should know that i act more like a reader than a writers in my stories.

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