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It took Cathy's body a couple of days to incubate her newest cold, though she could feel it's effects minutes after they stepped into the house. A sneeze racked through her body and she let out a groan, praying that this time she wouldn't be bed-ridden for yet another week.

It turned out her prayers fell on deaf ears, as two days went by and the symptoms worsened. It started with a coughing fit, followed by a sneezing fit, and then much to Anne's amusement she let out a mixture of the two, a combination of vocals and forceful exhalation that left her feeling like her soul had left her body entirely.

The third day she woke up and immediately went back to sleep again, her last conscious thought being: hell no. And much to her annoyance, she was woken again four hours later by Anne explaining something she most definitely wasn't paying attention to.

"Cathy." She pressed a kiss to her temple in an effort to wake her up. "Kat's rallied a meeting downstairs you need to get up." She gave her another kiss to her cheek when Cathy pretended not to hear her. Anne's voice was soft and considerate, but still echoed far too loudly in Cathy's head and she let out a low grumble, as if hoping it would signify her unwillingness to wake up.

Either the meaning didnt quite come across that way, or Anne simply didn't care, because she hauled Cathy up in her arms anyway and planted her on her feet despite the girls pathetic struggle.

"You alright to walk? Or do I need to carry you all the way downstairs?" It seemed Anne was finding amusement in Cathy's suffering and she didn't appreciate it. So she shook her head gallantly to prove she wasn't overreacting and slumped downstairs with Anne trailing behind to catch her if her legs decided to give way.

They stopped off on the way to the living room for a cup of coffee that seemed to do wonders in rejuvenating Cathy's energy and making her feel human again and she cradled the mug gratefully, enjoying the ability to feel her head again. She decided one cup wasn't enough and as soon as she finished her first one, she poured another and brought it with her to the lounge, collapsing onto one of the sofas beside Anne.

In front of them, Kat stood twiddling her thumbs nervously, waiting for everyone's attention.

"You ready?" Kat asked the pair who nodded. "Ok, there's something we'd-" She gestured to herself and Anna who stood beside her. "-Like to tell you."

Kat took a deep breath and looked towards Anne.

I'd never normally post a chapter this short but the next one's loooonng and I want it to keep its focus.

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