Chapter Two

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Leaving the library in a very flustered manner, Matt considered what to do. Gilbert Beldeshmit. Gilbert-Hecking-Beldeshmit. Matt hated that guy. As the petite Canadian stomped down the street he reminisced angrily.

In 7th grade, Matthew had been going through a hard time in class. For years, he had been praised for his intelligence and academic excellence in all subjects. But in 7th grade, the AIG regulations for Math changed, making it much harder. While he was very smart, this new math was so difficult and frustrating for Mattie, he almost always spent his nights restlessly studying and doing homework, and watching videos online in a desperate attempt to not fail math.

Because of this, Matt had felt stupid for one of the first times in his life. He had began to dress very messily, and became more shy and reclusive than normal, drawing further into himself and further into his own lack of self confidence.

And because of his behavior, he was relentlessly teased by his classmates and became a social outcast in his school.

So, toward the end of 7th grade, there was a very important Math test. Matthew had been studying for weeks, and even saved up money for a private tutor. He was positive he was going to get an A on his test and, hopefully, bring his grade in Math up by two letter grades. He took the test, and respective of all his hard work, got a 98%. But the next day, his teacher called him out after class. The teacher accused him of cheating off Gilbert, who had confirmed this suspicion falsely. Despite the truth, Matt was suspended and failed 7th grade math, so he had take it again in 8th grade.

Thinking about it now, nearly two years later, it still made Matt furious. But, he thought to himself, he was going to either let go of his grudge with Gilbert or give up his trip, and he sure wasn't giving up that free trip.

Resolving to talk to the boy tomorrow at school, Matthew trudged back home and knocked on the door. Not to his surprise, a slightly askew Arthur Kirkland answered the door.
"Oh Matthew, you're home. Good, it's time for dinner." the short British man noted, opening the door further to let him in.
Arthur was Matt's step-dad, as his birth mother, Joan, had died in child birth of him and his twin brother, Alfred.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late, I was at the library." Matt replied quietly, setting down his book bag and walking into the kitchen to greet his father.

"Oui, Papa!" He called to the lanky Frenchman, who was humming to himself as he made something delicious smelling in a pan.

"Matthieu! You're home! I was just about to call you. How was school, mon ami?" Matt's father turned to him and smiled, hugging him with his unoccupied hand.

"Sorry, I was at the library. School was good, I have some good news! I want to tell everyone though so I'll wait until dinner."

"How exciting! Mattie, be a dear and set ze table for me? And if you would grab Alfred for dinner that would be lovely."

"Of course, papa." the boy said, moving around his father to the dish cabinet, and grabbing the things he needed to set the table.

After setting out the dishes and silverware on the dining room table, the Canadian set out on the far more challenging task, getting his brother out of his room.

Though the boys were technically twins, they were fraternal and looked completely different. Alfred had also been raised at a boy's academy in America because he had been considered "too rambunctious" for Matthew's French private school, or any other school in France, for that matter. And while Matthew loved his brother, he knew that Alfred could sometimes be very rude and obnoxious.

Running up the long stairway, Matt arrived at his and Alfred's shared room.
Knocking on the door politely, the Canadian called in to his brother:
"Hey Al it's time for dinner."
"Alright, one sec."

The tall, built American boy exited their bedroom with a suspicious grin on his face.

"Race you to the table!" He screamed, running toward the stairs full speed.

"Al be careful! Remember the stairs!" Matt shouted after his brother, but it was too late.

"CRAP I'M FALLING DOWN ALL THESE STAIRS!" Alfred screamed as he quickly descended.

"I warned you of the stairs, brother. I told you." The smaller boy shook his head in a disappointed fashion, watching his brother'a fate.

"It keeps happening! Our stairs aren't even this long, are they?"

"I told you man. I told you about the stairs." Matt hissed as Al landed-finally- with a loud thump at the bottom of the stairs. He leaped quickly to his feet, and with a slight dizzy expression, dashed to the dinner table.

When every blond in the house had gathered at the dining room table and was eating the delicious meal that Francis had prepared, Matthew remembered the news he had wanted to share.

However, the unfortunate thing about being a quiet person a louder household is that it is difficult to get a word in edge wise when it comes to dinner discussion. As Al and Arthur argued loudly over the definition of the word "football" Francis ate his dinner quietly, observing all the nonsense with his son.

Clearing his throat mildly in an attempt to politely clear the chaos, Matt looked around at his family. Clearing it again, he raised his voice slightly and caught the eye of his father, who quickly nudged Arthur. Arthur stopped and looked confused until Francis flashed a glance at their younger son. "Ah." he exclaimed, folding his hands in his lap and silencing Alfred.

As the room swiftly became silent, Mattie cleared his voice once more, before quietly saying:
"Thanks. Sorry to interrupt dinner, but I had good news to share..." he paused slightly looking across the table at his two eager fathers and a bored looking Al, "I've been picked to go on this years' student exchange trip."

"That's wonderful Matthieu! I'm so happy for you!" Francis squealed in delight, waving his hands in the air.

"That is very good news, Matthew. It should be a very educational experience." Arthur nodded, leaning over to pat the blond's shoulder affectionately.

Alfred, who had already known, simply nodded and smiled.

When everyone finished eating, Matt cleared the table and got ready for bed. As he brushed his teeth, he thought about talking to Gilbert the next day. As nervous as it made him, it was nessecary. But despite this knowledge, the red gaze and confident smirk of the boy terrified Matt and he felt his self confidence diminishing once again, as it had in 7th grade.

Pulling his covers over his head after the exhausting day, Matt reassured himself that sleep would help everything. He needed it, after all, if he was to talk to Gilbert the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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