Second period was no better, especially since I sit next to River in it. Again, as soon as I entered, I was swarmed. They were like seagulls and I was the food.

To make it worse my friends were shooting me glares, probably because I forgot to tell them about River and I.
Somehow, I was able to make it to my spot while ignoring them, but again that didn't stop them from following me to my desk.

"Are you guys really together?"
"Does he talk to you?"
"Is he nice?"
"When did you get together?"
"Have you kissed?"
"How big is he?"

Those are some of the questions I got, although I don't really know what the last one is supposed to mean.

They only went away when River came in and sat next to me. "Woah," was all he said.

"Tell me about it," I groaned and put my head down, mentally exhausted.

Repeat basically the same thing for my third period, and now it's lunch time.
Usually, lunch is my favorite time of the day, but not anymore now that I have to face my friends and basically the rest of the whole school.

I left my class and headed to the cafeteria. Okay Cove, you can do it, just open the door.

Never mind , I can't do it. I'm just going to wait for River.

I walked around and soon enough I spotted River leaning against his locker.

"River," I sighed when I reached him, and he looked down at me with amusement in his eyes. "Cove," he answered in the same tone I used.

I glared at him and grabbed, dragging him to the cafeteria with me while he just laughed .

"Okay, you got this," I said to myself once I reached the doors. 3,2,1. I opened the doors and everyone turned to look. Silence spread through the entire cafeteria, and I let go of River to walk to my table. I silently prayed that he was following me, and thankfully he was.

I reached my table and sat down. River sat next to me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder. People finally started talking again, but not at our table. The silence kinda reminds me of when I tripped over River's backpack a few days ago.

"So umm Cove, why didn't you come to school last Friday?" Emma asked and I silently thanked her a million times for breaking the silence.

"I was sick," I responded, and silence once again came over us. This has got to be the most awkward thing ever.

After no one made anymore attempts to talk, I took out my sandwich and started eating. Everyone else got the memo and took out their lunches as well. Well everyone except for River.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked just loud enough for him to hear. He shrugged and reached in-front of me to steal half of my sandwich.

"Hey!" I yelled rather loudly and tried to swat his hand away. I missed though, and he took the opportunity to take a big bite out of my sandwich.
I gasped. Now it's on, no one steals my precious food!

He shrugged and ate the rest of it in front if me because he knows I can't do anything about it. At least not now.
"Just wait until later," I mumbled and ate the remaining of my sandwich in peace.

The bad boy and meWhere stories live. Discover now