Since it seems that these two have too big of an ego to tell you, I'll tell you. I am the stronger than both of these two combined. Forth has all my powers. So he can make YOU kiss the ground before you realise it.

The boy looked taken aback by this. He turned to Aki who looked away with a frown.

"We are talking about demons who killed thousands of werewolves in the past. Not some street hooligan. So you better start taking this seriously. My patience has its limit." I said through gritted teeth.

He clenched his jaw but didn't say anything.

I turned to the other boy who was glaring at him. Mensah also looked pissed off at him. Seems like they know when to get serious unlike these bastards.

"My name is Forth. This is Kai." I spoke up again after a while.

"My name is knock. This is Mensah." The one next to the bronze eyed said.

I nodded.

I then turned to the other one.

He looked away and kept silent. He was clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. Aki also looked angry.

Ok I've had it with this bastard.

I released a huge load of mana and compressed it making the atmosphere around us really heavy.

Aki and him flinched. Their expressions changed to ones of fear.

"I've had it with you and your fucking attitude! So what if you're a guardian?! That doesn't fucking give you the right to go acting all high and mighty! Yes you're stronger than other wolves but you need to drop that fucking self absorbed attitude of yours! How are you going to protect others if you have your heads so far up your asses that you think demons are not a big deal huh?! Let me tell you this you keep that attitude up and your pack members are the first ones that are going to get killed! Why?! Because you were so blinded by your own ego to see that the enemy is not as weak as you made them out to be!" I yelled at them.

They looked taken aback.

Aki seems to have realised and looked down with a guilty expression.

The boy was still not giving in. He still gritted his teeth even though his whole body was shaking.


Aki turned to him.

They seemed to be arguing through mind link. But this guy has an ego way bigger than the actual guardian wolf it seems.

"Ok Aki you've tried enough." I spike up after around 15 minutes.

Aki looked at me.

I dispersed the compressed mana.

"What's his name?" I asked Aki.

"Park." He said.

I nodded.

"Three of you step away from him." I turned to Park.

Knock and Mensah immediately stpped away and came closer to us. Aki hesitated.

"I'm not going to kill him. I'll make sure to heal his wounds as well so rest assured." I looked at Aki.

He looked at me hesitantly but came near us.

Park looked even angrier now.

I slowly walked towards him.

"Park have you met your mate?" I asked him.

He clenched his Jaw and kept silent.

"I'll take that as a yes." I said. "What are their names?" I asked Aki.

"Lam and Leo." He replied.

I nodded.

I channeled mana through the ground. Chains appeared from under Park and wrapped around him tightly. He tried breaking them using mana but they were too strong.

"So imagine this Park." I walked close up to him.

"You're fighting demons. One of the strongest demons in hell. And you think you can take care of them easily. You think you can win the fight no problem. Let's say you even beat them. But what about the rest of them? Sure they are less in number now but there's only one of you and how many pack members? 100? 200? 500? 1000? You think you can protect all of them while fighting the demons? Sure Aki is powerful. And your pack members will also be stronger but everything has a limit. Aki's powers are not unlimited. None of our powers are. Don't get arrogant just because you possess powers other werewolves don't. The more you let that power get to your head, the more blind you become. And that blindness will cause your loved ones to die right infront of you and you won't be able to do anything but watch helplessly."

Park was frozen. He was completely silent.

"So what are you going to do?" I stared at him.

He looked down.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that. I-i can't afford to let them die. Please...." I could see his eyes were starting to pool with tears.

I sighed and stepped back. I undid the spell. The chains disappeared.

"We are meeting here today to make sure none of our loved ones will have to die." I said.

He looked at me and nodded.

"Ok now that that's taken care of let's discuss our next move shall we?" I looked at all of them in turns.

They all nodded.

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