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Music of the Day
Into Darkness by BrunuhVille

CYNTHIA Brandon thought that her purpose in life had been fulfilled. She had lived on after her dear, little sister disappeared. A pang of despair would still resonate in her heart any time she thought of her sister. Her sister disappeared some time in 1921, after being admitted to an insane asylum. Cynthia had visited just a week prior to the disappearance. Needless to say, she was devastated by the news.

Mary Alice Brandon.

Her beloved, baby sister. Gone. She felt as if some cruel karma had caught up with her family. Their father was not a kind man. Just before dear Alice was admitted, their grandfather remarried. After his first wife passed on from a rare illness, he fell for a small, red headed, Scottish woman. Her name was Rowena. And Cynthia adored her.

Rowena was a witch; a proper witch. A grand witch. She had grown close with both of her granddaughters, picking up on Alice's premonitions long before Alice did. Rowena taught the girls the basics: Herbs, crystals, divination, supernatural creatures. Cynthia's favorite part of the day was sunset, when Grandmother Rowena would spend hours baking, cooking with Cynthia and Alice.

Cynthia had gotten involved with the Fae, much to Rowena's skepticism. She had heard how tricky the Fae were. Cynthia hadn't meant to, of course. She had gotten lost in the woods one late afternoon, with the sun beginning to set. She had called out for help, not expecting an answer. The Fae showed themselves to her, assisting her back to her home. She followed the colorful orbs that glowed in the night, later finding out that they were Will O' Wisps. She thanked the helpful creatures. Oh, what a no no that was. Never thank the Fae, she had been scolded that night.

Cynthia now owed a debt to the Fae. The worst possible list you could ever be on. However, they never told her how to get out of that debt. Cynthia was a smart girl, and she had been with the Fae for quite some time now. She knew how they worked. She figured that she would have to find the answers for herself. Her grandmother helped, of course. But, Cynthia didn't know of the dark magic that Rowena had fallen to. It was years later that Cynthia had noticed something very wrong. Her grandfather was getting older, losing his memory, his hearing. But Cynthia looked the same.

Cynthia had run to her grandmother crying, terrified with this newfound information. Rowena explained that it was her long relationship with the Fae. The Fae had gifted her with prolonged life. Rowena decided to take action, she felt that the Fae had trapped her granddaughter, preparing to kidnap her. The Scottish witch finally had her hands on The Book of the Damned. She would use the dark magic to break into their courts.

Unfortunately for Rowena, she wasn't strong enough to handle the magic. The dark magic was wild, unstable. The magic easily took over the host, amplifying her fear and hatred. Cynthia was at her home, miles away from the beginning of the battle. She felt it. She felt the magic around her hum in distress. Cynthia bolted out of her house, leaving their in home nurse flustered and confused. Cynthia had never run so fast in her entire life. She felt the Fae's panic, their pleas for help.

"She's in the court!"

"A witch in the court!"


That last voice Cynthia knew all too well. It was Faelynn. Faelynn was in trouble. Cynthia ran until she came upon a certain circle of mushrooms. The portal to the courts. She carefully stepped in the middle of the circle, whispering urgently.

"Take me to the courts! Please, let me help!"

The Fae transported Cynthia to their most sacred domain, the tingle of urgency and acceptance hung in the air. The courts of the Seelie and Unseelie was truly a remarkable sight. She was in Faeland, she knew, but she was underground. The pale roots jutted from the dirt above, hanging gracefully like the branches of a willow tree. Flowers littered the roots, a dim glow emitting from the bulb. She spotted more wisps, beckoning her to them. She ran after them, out of the foyer and toward the court room.

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