Chapter Forty-Three

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"The Lady Anne-" George began.

"How could you do this to her? She is your sister!" Katy pleaded with Isabel, interrupting him. "All she wants is to forget her hardships, yet you continue to remind her of her mistake."

"Her marriage was not a mistake. It was a planned sign to go against Edward. She was a traitor and is lucky to be in our household," Isabel returned, looking her in the eye.

"Isabel, the same could be said about you! About me! We have found forgiveness in his Grace, the King, and prospered. Anne deserves that opportunity, too." Isabel looked to George, unsure how to respond. Katy appealed to Isabel only with kindness and genuine care, something she had never seen from the duchess. George had told her how Katy could rave like a fool, letting her temper get the best of her. She had only heard stories of Katy's kinds in passing, believing these stories to be false. "Isabel, I know you have good intentions, but she is hurting."

"I do not want the fortune George," Richard added in. "That belongs to Anne and Isabel. We only want to prepare her for marriage and to start a new life."

"I am her guardian!" George screamed back, standing from the table. "You have no place asking for her to join your household. She will follow my instructions."

"George do not be a fool," Richard responded nonchalantly. "You must have some leeway-"

"Does Katy know? Of your secrets meetings with Anne? How Anne loves you, yet you play her for a fool. She believes you love her as well, Richard." Katy giggled, looking towards Richard. His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed.

"He does love her," Katy asserted. Richard turned to her, as Katy put her hand in his, "How could he not? Lady Anne is pleasant, bright, and pretty. She has been his friend since they were children."

"Would you divorce your Irish Rose in favor of Anne, Brother?"

"I would never leave her. She would need to be pried from my hands," Richard chuckled, leaning back. "Where does this anger towards us stem from, George?"

"Perhaps you forget, Richard. We offered to have Katy join Isabel's household. You told her father she would never serve my wife."


"Do you find me out of favor because we did not marry?" Katy questioned. Isabel gasped, looking over Katy.

"Katy," Richard scolded.

"Which is it George? For I cannot tell your feelings towards me any longer." George's eyes filled with anger and frustration. "You want to aid me, then toss me aside. We are bound in this circle of help and harm, from both of us. It must end."

"Control your wife, Richard. Or she will be taught her place," George intimidated.

"You will not threaten her," he quickly turned on George. Richard put his hand on her thigh, squeezing lightly. "You are out of line, Katy. Apologize to him." Katy stood and faced George.

"I am sorry I was unable to do more for Lady Anne," Katy curtseyed and turned on her heels, exiting the room. She listened to George's voice raise.

"Bring her back here, Richard!" Silence, she figured Richard spoke softly to his brother. "You'd better hope her hysteria clears before that child is born!" He screamed, the door slamming shut. Katy looked over her shoulder, Richard rushing to her side.

"Don't look back at him. He is raving," Richard whispered, taking her arm. She heard George in the room, speaking loud with Isabel.

"I am sorry," Katy whispered, "I tried, Richard, I really did."

"You exceeded my expectations for you, truthfully." Katy exhaled with relief, leaning on Richard's shoulder as they walked. "We may have made things worse for her," Richard whispered.

"Richard!" Edward's voice boomed and Katy closed her eyes. "We must speak," he growled. Richard turned to face him, George not far behind him. "Alone." Richard left Katy alone and she walked towards her chambers. Katy rushed towards the bed and collapsed, letting the blankets engulf her. A small creak filled the air and Katy sighed.

"Anne, I fear I have over stepped and made things worse for your dear cousin." There was no response, simply silence. "I do not trust George as her guardian, she needs someone who has her best interest in mind." Katy sighed, "Someone who will not use her. Surely it is difficult for her to determine who wishes her best."

"Katy," Anne whispered, moving towards her. "Anne is present." Katy looked up over the cousins, one she had barely known and the other her most trusted confidant. Anne Neville's eyes light up in the room, her brown hair reflecting the sun.

"Anne, I am terribly sorry I could not do more. I have no favor with them. I have even attempted to consult Edward, though now Richard discusses with him."

"Thank you, your Grace."

"Anne, you do not need to call me that."

"I think he is going to send me away, like my mother. He will have control of her estate. Izzy does nothing to plead with him on my behalf, yet you do." Katy could see both fear and sadness in the girl, though her meek and innocent nature had changed. Anne stood before her, humbling herself and asking for help. "I should not like to be a prisoner here. I have no one. My own sister barely looks at me."

"Have you spoken of this to anyone?" Anne shook her head no, looking towards the ground.

"I am forbidden to see anyone without George's permission." The door slammed shut and the sounds of pacing boots filled the air.

"Stay here," Katy whispered, exiting her chambers and moving towards Richard. He sat with his head in his hands, his dark curls covering his fingers. He was distressed, his chest rose and fell rapidly. "Richard?" He didn't move, but exhaled forcefully.

"We are leaving, Katy." He looked up at her with soft eyes. "We have been excused from court."

"No, we can't," she rushed to him, kneeling in front of him. "How could he do that to us?"

"He believes the London air has caused you hysteria and by removing yourself, you will save our child."

"What of the Queen?" Richard shook his head, "She does nothing for me? We should speak with her."

"The Queen is with child as well, she has other matters to attend to." Katy placed her hand on his face, and he placed his over hers.

"There are no preparations made," Katy whispered. He kissed her hand, holding it close to her. The door opened forcefully, revealing Isabel panicking.

"Richard, you cannot take her to Gloucestershire. We only have each other."

"Isabel," Richard stood from the chair, "That has been decided. She is coming." Richard moved towards the door, lightly shutting in.

"Annie! Annie! Do not let them take you!" Isabel sobbed, from the other side.

"I have secured the Lady Anne for your household. George will manage her finances, but she will now train with and assist you." Out of the corner of her eye, she watched the door creak open. Katy beamed, embracing Richard and kissing his forehead.

"She will have a true life with us." Anne smiled at Katy, looking over the two embracing. Richard placed his hand on her belly, dropping to his knees and whispering softly to her. "When must we depart?"

"Tomorrow. I do not wish to delay our travel with the child."

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