No, I can not forgive you yet

Start from the beginning


"Okay, you ready? And run!" the director Thomas yelled. I nodded and run through all the rooms as fast as I could. "Okay, stop, that's good!" he yelled and walked to the computers to look if it looked good. I was breathing heavy because I'm totally not sporty. After every show we play, I'm like half dying because I barely breath. After Thomas has watched me running on his screen he nodded. "Good, that's nice. Let's do the part in your room again" he suggested and pointed in the direction of my copied room from my childhood. The video was basically about my childhood. First I'm a happy child in kindergarten, later I come to school and the fights with my parents begin. In highschool were the big fights and then Ian comes and tries to save me, even aunt Julia has her part in it. Well, she isn't really there but there's a actor for her. Anyway, then after highschool I moved out and met the guys. Then comes the part where you see us perform. And all that happens in 4 minutes. We already have most of the parts and we just worked on it 2 days. It went pretty fast though. I always thought it takes longer to make videos. Anyway, there was also a part where I was as a teenager sitting on my bed and singing the lyrics of the chorus. That's one of the only parts we had to film, except of that we just had to do the part with us performing. I actually didn't like it, that most of the part of the video was just me. I mean Ian was pretty important, too and I mean this band isn't just all about me, there are 4 more wonderful guys next to me. I told this the director multiple times and he changed some of the parts, so the guys had to act, too. Bob was now home from his holiday with his girlfriend, clearly. After the video shoot was also a quick photo shoot and we also had to film a new episode for NR-TV. Yeah, we're busy. But it's kinda cool. Maybe because like that, I don't have pretty much time thinking about Jack... Well, let's not begin with him again. Let's talk about the photo shoot. It was like every other photo shoot we had, but it was for Glamour Kills. We're now partners with them, actually since tour with ATL. But we didn't have time yet to take some photos. So most of the time we were outside and posing for the new GLMR KLLS line, which is pretty awesome. After we also did that, we filmed some parts of the set of the video and of the photo shoot. This time Jerry was talking in the video. Bob went on the next laptop and put the video online. After we did everything we had to do, we finally could go home. Next day was he last day of filming the video.


"Say 'Hello' to the camera, Val!" Ian said and started to film me. He really likes filming. "Hello to the camera, Val" I said and waved. I did it like Frank Iero [for those who don't know him, he's the guitarist of My Chemical Romance] did it in a video once. Ian just laughed and shook his head. "Tell what we're doing" he said still laughing. "Well, we're now at Steve's house, because he has the hugest place for practicing. And we're just covering a song which we're gonna play on Warped Tour, BUT I'm not gonna say which one. You have to wait until Warped. I just can say: we all listen to this band. I know, that's like the best hint you ever got, right? Anyway, see ya at Warped" I told and waved to the camera. Aaaaaand Ian put it already on our website. Steve and Jerry were just sitting next to us practicing their bass and guitar things. Bob already knows how to play the song we're gonna cover. Ian can also do his guitar thing and the screaming. Yeah right, there's screaming in the song. But actually most of our own songs have scramming in them, too so it's not really something special. And I know already the words of the song, because it's one of my favourite ones. "So, you ready guys?" Ian asked Steve and Jerry. They nodded and stood up from the couch. The rest of us also stood up and walked the the instruments and I to the microphone. The music started and I began to sing. [italic parts are screaming. now the parts in [ ] are what she sings]

Sunshine, there ain't a thing that you can do that's gonna ruin my night.

(But, there's just something about)

This dizzy dreamer and her bleeding little blue boy.

Licking your fingers like you're done and,

You've decided there is so much more than me.

And baby, honestly it's harder breathing next to you, I shake.

I brought a gun and as the preacher tried to stop me.

Hold my heart it's beating for you anyway.

What if I can't forget you?

I'll burn your name into my throat.

I'll be the fire that'll catch you.

What's so good about picking up the pieces?

None of the colors ever light up anymore in this hole.

Nobody prays for the heartless.

Nobody gives another penny for the selfish.

You're learning how to taste what you kill now.

Don't mind me, I'm just reaching for your necklace.

Talking to my mom [brother] about this little girl from Texas. [B-more]

What if I can't forget you?

I'll burn your name into my throat.

I'll be the fire that'll catch you.

What's so good about picking up the pieces?

None of the colors ever light up anymore in this hole.

Just give her [him] back to me.

You know I can't afford the medicine that feeds what I need.

So, baby, what if I can't forget you?

(What if I can't forget you?)

Collide invisible lips like a shadow on the wall,

And just throw, oh no.

You can't just throw me away.

So, what if I can't forget you?

I'll burn your name into my throat.

I'll be the fire that'll catch you.

What's so good about picking up the pieces?

What if I don't even want to?

What if I can't forget you?

I'll burn your name into my throat.

I'll be the fire that'll catch you.

What's so good about picking up the pieces?

None of the colors ever light up anymore in this hole.

Just give her [him] back to me.

You know I can't afford the medicine that feeds what I need.

So, baby, what if I can't forget you?

(What if I can't forget you?)

I'd better learn to live alone.

What's so good about picking up the pieces?

What's so good about? What's so good about?

What's so good about picking up the pieces?

[Song: Pierce The Veil - Caraphernelia]

I bet you know why we're covering this song.

[I'm gonna put the song of Pierce The Veil in the next chapter (which I'm gonna upload on Wednesday) I didn't put it in this one, because you MUST listen to this live version of 'I Should Have Known' by the Foo Fighters because it's awesome : ) it's right over there >>>>>>>>

and you also MUST listen to Incubus' song 'Sick Sad Little World' but choose the live version, it's way better than the album version ; )

please tell me what you think and maybe vote ; )]

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