The Doll Garden

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E p i g r a p h

They were beautiful, fragile, and usable just like porcelain.


B l u r b

The Harrington family was what everyone in the picturesque town of Runswick, Rhode Island aspired to be, until their eldest child Jenna, tumbled down a flight of stairs, leaving her with little to no memories, including the distinct screams of women from her father's garden.

And these vague, yet disturbing childhood memories soon become reality when the three Harrington siblings are forced to return to the estate six years later; where she finds the preserved, doll-like remains of three women, one of which resembles Jenna to an uncanny extent.

Now, Jenna is forced to question everything about her childhood up to that night. But time is ticking as her family's dark past comes into play. And it isn't until she spots a woman roaming the garden with her lips sewn shut, that she realizes all the painful truths behind her father's estate starts with her look-alike, Marisol.


A u t h o r ' s N o t e s

This book is yet another chilling suspense thriller I've been working on offline beside Traces of Delilah. If you enjoyed Mary's Bones, then this might be right up your alley! There will be various themes mentioned such as suicide, assault, etc. that may be triggering to some readers. Please do take that into consideration before reading this book. 

I also want to give a shoutout to gardenofcats for helping me with the title! Another shoutout goes out to indigosa for helping me with the blurb! They both deserve a big thank you for that! Keep in mind this is just a rough draft and the book is currently being rewritten! Constructive criticism is always welcome, all I ask is that you do not be rude. Lastly, thank you for checking out The Doll Garden! I'd love to hear feedback, otherwise that, I hope you enjoy!

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