Something New

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“Sometimes when you lose your way, you find YOURSELF.”

― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

You were about to tell Keith something else so you were not perceived as a total freak in his eyes, but fatefully the intercom went off.

“All supernaturals from three-thousand to five–thousand-five-hundred may go to their designated location” Half of the people in the cafeteria rose from their seats and departed the cafe. Not fully understanding the situation you watched as the student walked out of the cafe.


Keith must have understood your uncomfortable situation being that he spoke up and said,

“Here, let me help you” He reached out for your hand and held it gingerly in his own, he had a very gentle touch. You both blushed in unison. Keith cleared his throat to keep the situation from being less awkward than it already was. He flipped your hand over to where your bracelet number was facing.


“Your digit is 8217 so when they say, for example, ‘All supernaturals from six-thousand to nine-thousand may leave’ you go. And on the opposite side of your bracelet.” He flipped your hand over again, “It tells you where to go”


“Oh, okay, thank you”


“You’re welcome” he said with a very authentic smile”

“All supernaturals from six-thousand to nine-thousand may go to their designated location” You looked at your bracelet just to be sure and rose from your seat. You saw how Keith left without a simple goodbye.

“Oh well” you thought.


As you walked to your cell you bumped into someone. You soon found your self on the very cold concrete completely bent forward in pain.


I was turning the corner to get to my room, I felt a pressure rise within my chest as if I had had collided with someone. Since I was considered quite built I wasn't sure if i had made up the collision. She had (h/c)  hair cascading down from a the hair tie, which held her ponytail in place. I started to shake, she would turn out to be those supernaturals that easily get anger and lash out on people with their powers. In past experiences I wouldn’t do anything because she was a girl. But I soon realized that she wouldn’t be lashing at all, being that she was still on the floor

"Oh, Im sorry"


"It's ok" you said. Then the boy offered his hand and helped you up as you started to dust off the rear of your pants.

" Look,” he said “I would make a long apology speech on why I sorry ,but if I did I would be  late to my ‘designated’ location" he rolled his eyes when he said designated as if to mock the high vocabulary used by the computer.

"Ok" you said arching your brow and smirking.

"Well...ok, bye" he said walking away. As you walked to your room you started to think about  about something you were ashamed you hadn’t thought of before, your family.

“Do they know that I’m even here, are they even looking for me” you pondered with anxiety. Crazy to think you were taken away to some type of government facility for "special" people.


Walking in your room you noticed a small stack of black clothing. On top of it lied a thin grey box. You rotated it to see if it had any buttons and what it was. You don't know what you did but suddenly it turned on. The little small grey box had a generated voice that explained where you were to go once you were finished putting on your provided apparel.After you put on your training clothes you walked to the training room.  As you walked in you noticed how people observed your every move from the corn of their eyes.

“Great” you thought while rolling your eyes. Taking a quick note on how was only two girls in this “class” of student including you, mentally sighed in frustration.

You stood in the line that was soon created by the students when a very heavy built man strode in with enough swagger in his step to silence the room. He had skin the resembled the Pawpaw flower with enough wrinkles in his face to tell a story. Though his body said otherwise he had the hair of a fifty year old man.


“Alright!” he declared

“My name is Couch Swarts I am your trainer. Before we get started I think you all deserve and explanations since some of you have been here for over a year and still do not understand the purpose of the institution.First and foremost, the main i would like to say the reason why you are here is that there is an immense problem that spread all around the word” He paused

“Demons, monsters, fallen angels, in general some supernaturals are turning against the human race. We are recruiting six supernaturals to help us in the battle, kind of like super heroes” he announced with a smirk.

“A once we have the rest of you will continue to stay here to improve your skills. Now I know what some of you are thing ‘What if I don’t know my skill’. Well that’s not a problem; we will just force it out of you with this.” He said holding a small pill between his index finger and his thumb.

“Now, let’s get started with… 50 sets of 2 pushups,” for a fraction of a second some of the guys were confused.

“ Some of you are not the brightest,” he said with a smirk “I can fix that”

“I feel like I’m in military camp” you thought beginning to get and and do pushups like the rest of the students”

“You will meet my standards, this is war, and I’m building an army”


“Maybe if I fake my sickness I can leave early” You thought not taking the whole situation seriously. You were so deep in thought you flinched when Couch Swart loud voice was closer.

“I am the type of person who that likes to test your limits”

You head you looked up while you were doing your push up, he was right there, standing next to you. You were quite scared.


“For example” he says while putting his heavy boot on the center of your back.


“What the heck!” you thought “Did he just but his foot on me?”


You were about to give up when you felt a weird rush of adrenaline for a fraction of a second and kept on going, you were doing this for five minutes. He finally took his foot off of you and smiled with satisfaction.


“I’m impressed” To be honest, you were very pleased.


Authors Note:

I am such a duck! I checked wattpad & quotev to see the comments on the update and realized  didn’t update, I just had a dream about. I need help! :)


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