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Terms to be used in this chapter :

① Sagamor⇒ Chieftain
② Ka he ⇒ Wildcat
③ Misun⇒ little brother
④ E do da ⇒ Father
⑤ Oginalii ⇒ My friend

Aku (The New Chieftain's POV)

"Misun, all the food has been stored for another 6 month. Waya is helping your father to safe guard the area. Women and children sent inside the cave with Haki. Anything else?" Asked Baku, my right hand. He is also my brother-in-law and brother's best friend, so he calls me little brother, like him. After E do da, Nanna, my elder brother was supposed to take the new Sagamor position, but when he died protecting our people, I was made the new head of the tribe. I have been the new Chieftain of my people for last ten years. They love and respect me, just like E do da.

"No, Oginalii, that would be all. What about the people, who went for the last minute fishing? If they are not back yet, send someone for them. The storm will hit any minute now." I know we need to gather as much food as possible, but I'll not risk the safety of any of my clan members for that. "They are back Misun. Helping the others to gather the dry woods inside the cave." I nodded my head impressed and patted his shoulder, for all his help. If it was not for him, I would have drowned in the sorrow of losing my brother. No one could replace Nanna, but Baku has filled the gap and the pain now, is bearable.

"Let's gather everyone else and go inside. Haki would be worried for us." I said and we started running towards the others. When I reached there, my father was barking orders for everyone to carry the boats inside. Even after the death of Nanna and my Mother, he did not break down. Our people really admire him for his strength. He is still strong for his people. They say, I'm just like my father. I never show my pain nor care for it. I never cried in my entire life. Not even, when my brother or mother died. I had to be strong for my tribe. And tears makes you weak. I am anything but weak.

"Aku, you are here. Take everyone and go inside. I'll check the perimeter one last time and come back." E do da said.
"No! Nanna said the same thing to me, before he went alone to secure the entrance and never came back. I'm not letting the past repeat itself. I will not let the sea take away anybody else from me anymore. The area is secured. Let's head back to the cave." I said, pulling him behind me. He sighed but didn't resist. After sometime me and all of my men entered the cave. Few of them stayed near the cave opening to make sure it is secured.

"Aku, I...I...didn't check the graves. You could have let me secure it." My father said, deep in thought and walked toward the wall of the cave, to slide down it, resting his head on it. I know I have carved his unhealed wound, but my fear got the best of me. I have lost a lot in the past. I can't lose him too. So I put my guilt aside and went to check if everyone is fine. I saw Waya, my nephew is being pushed by his friends towards Nina, my neice. What are they up to? I thought I'll go and check, but Baku held me back.

"Let's see if my son is man enough to put his claim on his woman." He said, smirking. I shaked my head in amusement, but both of us leaned against the wall, to see the drama about to take place. Baku Chuckled,
when he saw Waya gulped before taking a step forward, towards Nina.
Feeling eyes on her, Nina turned back to see Waya standing behind her. He panicked and turned back to walk away, but didn't move when his friends glared at him."What you want Waya?" asked Nina, irritated. "Nina, I'm... I want to... I mean.." Baku barked out a laugh.

This caught Waya's attention and he glared at his father. I nudged him to behave. He was laughing historically. "Did you forget your time?" he told his father. This made him stop laughing. I chuckled. When Baku was proposing Haki, I remembered him getting drunk to gather his courage. At least his son is sober. He turned to Nina once again "Nina, I want to claim you." he said in one breath. She gave him a death glare. If looks could kill. But he didn't bulge. "I don't accept your claim." she said. This caught everyone's attention.
Waya looked hurt, but he didn't let it go.

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