Chapter 15

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"When are we going?" I asked politely.

"Be patient Alexia." He put his socks on before putting his suit on.

I got up out of the bed and walked over to the door.

"Where are you going?" He bellowed.

"I don't know." I honestly didn't but something inside me just told me to leave.

Within a second of putting my hand on the door handle. He had grabbed me and pinned me against the door. "What did I tell you? Behave!" He shouted in my ear hole so I heard him loud and clear.

A tear escaped my eye as I was still held against the door. "All I want Is to go back to my room, please?" I whispered, he let go of the tight grip, but still held me there.

"If I said no, what will you do? Escape?" He began to laugh. Still holding me against the door.

"What do you want from me?!" I shouted in his face.

"For you to love me." He whispered in my ear. His breath hitting the side of my neck. He still held me tight to the door. "Please let me go." I whispered. I felt sick in my stomach, he was to close to me, his breath was sickening.

"This game would be easy for you Alexia, i know, ive played before. You just have to play the game. Simple." He whispered in my ear, before kissing my neck, and nibbling my skin. "Please let me go." A tear escaped my eye.

"Play the game." He whispered in my ear.

"And how am i supposed to play?" I cryed.

"2 ways. Either dont play at all, and you'll die for certain or ill help you." He said letting go off me. I rubbed my wrists which now hurt like hell.

"Help me?" I began laughing. "Help?! How the hell are you gonna help me?!" I shouted.

"Please Alexia, dont be like this. Please." He tryed to stroke my face, i knocked his hand away.

"Keep away from me!" I said grabbing the door. This time he let me go.

I walked down the corridor only to be joined by Gerrad. "Nice work Alexia, its working." He whispered in my ear.

"Working? This game makes no sense to me at all. Play the game? How? How do i escape this...nightmare!" I shouted at him before running down the corridor.

I carried on running till i hit something hard, it was Gerrad. He some how to stop me by blocking my way. I dont know how he did. But he was strong and i fell to the floor. He grabbed my arm and picked me up.

"Dont run away from me Alexia, you may get away with it, with Ronan but not me." He whispered in my ear before dragging me into another room. Which was the training room. It was empty, completly empty. "Lets get some practice in before today starts." He said pointing at the mirror.

I stood starring at the mirror as Gerrad clicked his fingers and i was in my tutu. "Remember point you toes, those hands need to be elegant." He reminded me as he walked round me as i practiced. "Perfect." He comment as i spun. "Toes!" He reminded me and i corrected myself.

"Brilliant, i think you will do well Alexia, dont let the nervs get to you, you will win this." He said.

Within 30 minutes we were ordered out of the room and to the area of performance. All the girls stood in their costumes and were ready to perform. The Govens began taking their seats.

Soon Ronan entered the room and sat down in his chair. He stared straight at me, before looking away. He soon stood up.

"Welcome contestants to the first annual game! I hope you all are well, and practiced and understand the rules."

He looked around to a completely silent group of girls who stood confused.

"You don't know the rules? Ok, rule number 1? There aren't rules. Simple." He sniggered.

I rolled my eyes, I hated him. Everything about him. Just the way he sat there and acted like he was some... Some great person.

It had begun, the game. One after another girls got up and performed. On girl played the saxophone earing 35 men bidding on her in the millions. Many other girls performed after her, dancing, singing even one girl who was very flexable earned herself a high bid. The compertition was getting harder and it had barely started.

It was finally my turn and i stood only a few feet away from Ronan. I could feel him starring straight through me as i began to dance. I had made no mistakes so far, as i finished i had only made one mistake, which was i forget one step. Which i hoped was not notice able. The crowd cheered and clapped as they did for the rest of the girls. I was bidded on up to 8 million which wasnt bad only two girls got higher than 10 million so i did ok.

"That will be all today, thankyou all contestors." Ronan smiled standing up as the Govens clapped.

We began leaving and i could still feel him starring at me.

"Whats his problem?"

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