Chapter 14

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I lay there for a few more minutes, I decided to wake him up purposely. I tossed and turned. Until I heard him turn over to face away from him, he groaned before turning again to see me. He was awake now and was laying there starring at me.

I looked at him as he just lay there starring at me. He smiled before getting up.

"Are you going to behave today?" he said making his way to the wardrobe before getting some clean clothes out.

He walked over to the other side of the room. "I'm going for a shower." He said before going into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

I lay there. I tried again to release my hand from the tight grasp of the cuffs. However it did not budge.

I was now shaking, he soon came out of the shower, wearing nothing but a white towl round his lower half.

His wet hair drooped over his face before he brushed it back to see his tanned face.

"Ok do you promise your going to behave?" He asked before routing round in a draw.

"What do you think?" i questioned him.

"I will un-tie you, if you promise to behave. Because today if the first day of the compertition and if you dont behave, you will be staying in this room all day. I can promise you that."

"Fine." I mumbled.

"Good." He walked over to me, and un-tied me. I rubbed my wrist better, because he tied me really tight.

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