"Are you going to stay with my brother? I heard him talking to that Tasha girl that he has over. He didn't know I was listening, but he said that you keep going back and forth. I know that it's really none of my business. Well it sort of is it is because he's my brother, and I'd like to consider you a friend-"

I cut off her rambling. "I know I've done a lot of flip-flopping, and I feel really bad about that. He doesn't deserve it, he really doesn't. He deserves someone who knows what they want. I like your brother, I really do and I want to do what I can to keep him safe from my life-"

"You're afraid that someone's going to find out about him."

"Him and us. The people that I work with wouldn't take kindly to a hunter being romantically involved with a werewolf. I'm just afraid to move forward because I don't know what will happen."

"You said you like him."

I nodded, not quite sure why she was restating what I'd just said.

"How would you feel if you never saw him again?"

How would I feel if I were never to see Jared again? I suppose it would depend on the circumstances; if I just walked away, I would probably always wonder what would have been between us. If he died, I would probably be devastated. I would have never gotten my chance. All the thoughts were leading right back to that 'what if' question.

"I would wonder what could have happened."

"So don't you think you owe it to him and to yourself to find out what could happen?"

"Yes, but what if that ends up with him dying?"

I could see Alex trying to push the thought to the side. I was sorry I'd said it and for planting the image there. God knows I'd seen it enough times in my nightmares while contemplating this whole situation. But I also wasn't sorry. It was a very real possibility, and as much as Alex was saying it wasn't her business, it was. Jared was her family, and if she was going to come here and play this game to see where I stood, she needed to know all the risks involved. Jared was the last of her family, at least the family she was close to. She needed to know the worst case.

"He's a werewolf," she said finally. "I'm not sure what that all entails, but I know he's stronger and he's faster."

"He is, and I could probably still take him down by myself. Hunters are trained for people like him. We can take out vampires. Werewolves, depending on the kind, are easier than that."

"Then teach him how to fight. Teach him how to defend himself. Better yet, teach us both." Alex's eyes lit up at that.

She wanted me to teach her and her brother how to fight. I wasn't so sure Jared would be up for the lesson or the idea of it all. Would he be okay with his possible girlfriend teaching him how to fight, or would that wound his masculinity?

"You want me to teach you how to fight."

"Yes, I do. I've pretended that I know nothing about the supernatural world, and if what you're saying is true, then I need to learn. I need to know how to take care of myself in case one of them comes after me. What if one of them tries to attack me on the street? What if I'm all alone and I'm cornered?"

Alex did have a point, especially if she was going to come out to her brother. Being naive to the supernatural didn't keep you safe, but you were safer than those who did know. And if you knew, then you needed to be prepared.

"Okay. I'll agree to train you," I said finally. I saw the excitement in Alex's eyes. "And I'll talk to Jared about it too. For him. I need to talk to him about us anyway because he does deserve an answer. I really don't like the idea of training you behind his back though."

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