Chapter 15

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I had been frozen since I'd felt that blade and heard those words.

What are you?

They'd echoed in my head the whole way down the hall and out to the back. The entire time, she'd had the tip of the blade sharply at the center of my back.

It hadn't been a question I'd been expecting to hear. I never thought I'd hear that one. 'Who are you?' Now that was common, but what- that was a different story entirely. She knew I wasn't human. Somehow she knew.

I had slipped up, I'd let my wolf gain control of me and there'd been nothing I could do to stop it. I'd started the partial shift, my fangs and claws had started to draw out, and that's what had started it all. The change in her had been enough to get a grip on myself and reel it back in, but it had been too late. She'd felt it and she knew something wasn't right. How had she known though?

When we were outside I slowly turned back around to face her.

"What are you?" She asked the same question she'd asked inside.

I swallowed hard, I didn't know how to answer this. I knew what I was, but I didn't know how to tell her. I didn't know if telling her would be a good idea at this point, not when she was armed with something that could easily kill me.

I looked down at the dagger still clutched tightly in her hand, pointing in my direction.

"I'm not sure what you m-"

"You know exactly what I mean, don't play that game. Tell me what you are."

"I'm a person," I stammared.

"No. You're not just a person, you're something else...something else entirely."

Her eyes were narrowed and I saw the look of disgust on her face. I couldn't look at that, I couldn't stand here and see her look at me in that way; like I was some vermin to kill. How did she even know about this? Her dagger was pure silver and I'd seen a flash of a gun from under her jacket when she'd moved earlier.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly.

"No. You don't say anything unless it's answering my questions," she said raising the blade in her hand at me in warning.

Shouting broke through the tense silence between us as a group of people walked near the alley. Electra moved toward me quickly, backing me up against the brick wall, the dagger stuck between us again, trying to hide it from the passers by.

The blade sliced through the fabric of my shirt, touching my skin and I let out a hiss as it burned my flesh. Her angry eyes that had been staring into mine turned to worry and I knew she'd seen it. She'd seen the shift in my eyes.

"You're a werewolf."

Damn it. How much of this world did she already know about? I'd assumed when she found out she'd run away screaming from me. I'd never imagined she come at me guns-or daggers-blazing.


I didn't know what she was asking. Why what? Why was I a werewolf? I just shook my head. "I don-"

"Why did you do this?"

"Why did I do what?"

"Make me care?" Her voice broke and I wanted to help her. I wanted to tell her it was all going to be okay, but was it really? She was standing in front of me with a silver blade about to gut me.

"You're not natural, I hunt things like you," she whispered. "You're a creature of evil. You kill people. You don't have a soul."

"What?" I pushed forward taking her by surprise. "You don't know anything about me," I growled, my anger overshadowing the pain I felt from the blade biting into my skin.

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