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Chaos usually never happens in this room. There were order and civil conversations. No chairs shook with the sudden effort of someone standing up to accuse another. The guards didn't have to be on high alert or step in front of someone to block them from getting physical. They never had to have a tight grip on their weapons.

The tension was supposed to be unspoken here. Now it was freely said off with the knowledge of a man's future being held in their hands. A man whose hands were tied with chains behind his back and his mouth hidden behind a leather cloth. Nothing could be heard from himself, he was the only person with words to spare in the room. Everyone was wasting their own on useless arguments.

"Enough!" a higher-pitched voice sliced through the air like a sword.

The erupted sounds ceased. They were falling into small mumbles, but the words were being carried away by a draft. The woman who overpowered stood high in front of her chair. Her sharp, intelligent eyes weren't on anyone who was speaking though, she was focused on the tied man. Her hands flipped open a file that was on top of the table containing the documented situation and read through it.

"Caleb Andico," he lazily lifted his head at his name, "you have been caught at the Spawn Portal smuggling a large number of items from a modded realm. Among these include two Pandora Boxes, a recipe for a Big Bertha blade, a recipe for an obsidian chest plate, and a Prince spawn egg, This is a crime that is unacceptable and severely dangerous for the residents of our realm. Please explain to me and the rest of the team why you have decided to do this."

One guard had the decency to walk up behind him and untie the leather around the back of his head. He coughed at the disturbed dust that danced around his face. There was no emotion in it. No fear, no anger, no tears. Just solid stone. He wasn't afraid of any outcome that could happen.

"Miss," he rasped out, "those items haven't been returned through the portal yet."

Her eyes narrowed, "I am aware of that. We are working to find their proper realms, so honesty is appreciated. Now please, this is your time to speak for yourself and that doesn't have a correlation with you currently. Use it wisely."

This whole issue correlated with him.

"This trial system is so unbelievably unorganized. The people working in my favor are being bribed by half of your staff." he continued.

"They were all silenced by myself. No one here was bribed, Caleb, they have the right to their own opinion," she crossed her arms, "Tell me why you've smuggled modded items from another realm. This is your last chance."

"...I was smuggling to help people."

"There were others involved with this?" her eyebrows raised.

"I was doing this for the realm, your realm, our realm. I was helping them. People who are unfortunate enough to be paired with more powerful residents are not enjoying their life here. To make equality, they need help from an outside source. Modded stuff could do that, but you kept denying my suggestions so I took it into my own hands to help. You're leaving them to rot under more successful people."

"We can find other ways to help them without using mods. We already have a shelter program running at Spawn regarding this issue," she said.

"It's not helping!" Caleb snapped, "These people live in fear to go outside of Spawn because of how unskilled they are. Your system is corrupted. These people need mods so they can have the same equality as other people. You know they can't choose and pick whichever realm they go to!"

The other moderators in the room had started to stir again. Their voices were rising to a slight irritation of confusion and anger, riling against each other once more. One of them called out to Caleb.

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