Chapter 9

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He didn't feel any better than he did yesterday. The weight of the meeting still rested heavy in his head, and it wasn't getting any lighter. No matter how hard he tried to make himself unbothered by the events that happened, they just made themselves more prominent. The only thing he could do was move it to the back of his mind so he could worry about what was going to happen later.

He pushed it aside long enough until night fell. With the stars out and the world covered in a blanket of darkness, he was left alone with his thoughts again. Well, at least with the exception of Patches. He wasn't even laying down on the bed. The cat was pressed up against his back, snoring loudly while he sat on the edge of the mattress. His eyes were trained on a distant point on the off-white wall.

Dream was racing through a stream of ideas, and all of them were ones that his friends definitely would not approve of. There was no way that he could tame any of them though. From his spot inside the guest bedroom, he was able to see the window above the spot he was staring at. It had to be a little past midnight at this point considering how high the moon was standing among the sky. The plan that he was forming had taken a couple hours during the night to organize, but initiating it was going to be the harder part.

He loved his friends to death, he really did, but at this point of time he had to really consider the priorities. It couldn't be a coincidence that so many people would see a creature that wouldn't even exist in the Overworld, and as far as he knew, no cross-realm being existed other than endermen. It seemed like such a precise and absurd thing to lie about. The wish that Bad would let him off of medical leave came barreling through his thoughts again.

Dream stretched his arms up in the air and yawned, on accident waking up Patches in the process. The snoring that filled the room cut off and morphed into a mildly interested purr. The fur on her head was smoothed down by his fingers as he stroked her back to sleep. He didn't want her following him down the steps even if she had silent paws. There was no chance he could risk getting caught because of his own cat.

The guest bedroom really didn't have a lot of his things in it, and what he did have was for necessary use only. After the destruction of their house, he really didn't own too much to his name. All of his personal belongings were most likely destroyed when the support beams of the house crumbled to the ground. Yet, there could also be other things hiding inside that were still salvageable. It gave him a thought as he threw on the shirt he layed out for himself a couple hours ago.

He pulled his crop jacket on over the shirt and looped his tool belt through the top of his pants. The simple things usually went on the belt: his radio, a few knives, a tied rope with a few feet on its length, a steel striker, and a couple flint rocks. Anything else that could weigh his legs down were put inside his backpack.

Dream could make his first stop at the house and dig through the ruins. It was possible that he could find their weapons or even some of the diamonds they got from their mining trip. It would make a couple things in his plan so much easier to do. A pickaxe and his sleeping bag would be nice to find. He already stole Sapnap's shield and George's sword, both attached to the top of his backpack. He knew Ant had more tools, but he also knew he didn't have the heart to steal his more expensive things.

It was now or never.

"I'll see you later, girl," he whispered to Patches.

He gave her one more pat before opening the door. The hallway had been deserted since the evening before, giving him the clear to slip into it unnoticed. He was able to memorize the spots where all the creaks and groans the floorboards would emit. It wasn't like any of his friends were light sleepers, but it was better to be safe than sorry. The stairs were more difficult to travel down anyways because of how loud they were.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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