Chapter 15

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Night Club

Roshni was sitting at the corner table, sipping on her drink observing Siddharth who was grooving on the dance floor. She was trying hard to take her mind off him when he was leaving no chance to distract her thoughts. He was wearing the same off-white shirt that she had thrown on his face earlier in the day. Stuck to his well built body and tucked neatly onto his blue jeans, he was looking handsome. She closes her eyes,
"You know this shirt does look better on you, than on me" she could recall his husky voice in her ears.
"You were wrong, it looks so much better on you" she whispers to herself and opened her eyes to look at him once more.
This time he was staring right back at her, with both his brows raised as if he was answering to what she had uttered. A girl walks up to him and asks for a dance, he smiles cunningly knowing that she was watching him and agrees for it. Roshni gulps down the rest of her drink in annoyance while Aditi comes and sits beside her.
"I see the way he looks at you... and the way you look at him. You both love each other." Aditi said sipping on her drink.
"I am really not comfortable talking to you about this." Roshni stands up to leave, but Aditi holds her hands making her stop.
"Hey, just give me a chance to explain.. Trust me whatever you are thinking is wrong." she rushed her words.
"And tell me why are you interested in sorting things out?" Roshni raises her brows suspiciously.
"Because, he is..."she looks at Siddharth and then continues, "he deserves the best and I love him."
Roshni scoffs at her remark, "That was a nice blow" she says sarcastically.
"I won't lie to you, I do love him. But, I am not in love with him." she sighs.
Roshni just keeps quiet, still suspicious of what Aditi was saying.
"I want to tell you our story.." Aditi said after few minutes.
"I don't want to hear it." Roshni replies instantly.
"He is hurting.. and I can't see him like that.." whispers Aditi.
"Yeah right, he is hurting" Roshni says sarcastically while eyeing Siddharth who was enjoying his dance with the random girl.
"Please just give me a chance?" Aditi pleads, Roshni sighs in defeat and nods her head for her to go on.
"So, I had broken up with my boyfriend and for a week I had poured down alcohol down my throat trying to get over him when I came across Siddharth. He was a regular visitor to that bar, and had been noticing me - clicking pictures of me! Without even asking me. Can you beat that?" she laughs.
"Actually I can." Roshni smirks as she looked at Siddharth, recalling her encounter with him at the airport.
"For your kind information I am a photographer. I can't help but take snaps of the pure beauty in the world."
A smile crawl up on her lips remembering his words.
"So, he finally got the courage and approached me, we talked... like crazy.. for hours, for days, when we were drunk, when we were sober, when we were.."
"Yeah, I get the picture.." Roshni cuts her short.
"We fell for each other and we started dating then" she said in an obvious tone.
"Four weeks into knowing him, I got to know that I am pregnant. And since Siddharth and I were taking things slow, I knew it once that..."
"Anvi is not his kid?" Roshni asks surprisingly while her heart beats get elated.
"No.. Anvi's biological father was my ex." Aditi smiles sadly.
"So that means you and Siddharth got married?" Roshni was puzzled.
"No, we never reached to that part." Aditi's eyes were getting teary.
"Ok, then why does Anvi call Siddharth her dad? I am just too confused now..." Roshni sits up straight as she was eager to know the rest of the story now.
"I got scared that Siddharth will leave me once he knew that I was pregnant, I didn't want to lose him coz I had started liking him a lot and he was a good influence on me. I could not gather courage to tell him about the baby and then I decided that... that I will abort it..." her voice cracks.
"Do...Do you need some water?" Roshni asks with concern.
"No... So I was prepared to go for it, Siddharth was not supposed to come home but somehow he followed me to the hospital and he got to know about it. I was right, he was furious at me. He was not angry about the fact that his new girlfriend was carrying someone else's baby but with the fact that I chose not to tell him and took a drastic step. Then he made me realise what I was going to do was wrong... and he supported me.. he supported me throughout without expecting anything in return."
"He did that?" Roshni whispers to herself.
"And when Anvi was born he was on cloud nine. His happiness had no bound, we were happy. Everything was going great, we were living together but there was something that was not right. We were together as a family but we were not a family. My career had already taken a step back with an unexpected pregnancy and then Sid started making plans about the future. He talked about marriage, moving back to India to his family, Anvi's future... and all this made me feel suffocated. I wasn't ready for such a big commitment, I had to do something on my own before settling down. During that time even his dad had visited town for a week and stayed with us. He too grew closer to Anvi and when he left, Sid proposed to me for marriage and I said no." she sighed.
"What!" Roshni was furious at Siddharth for not telling such an important phase of his life to her and at Aditi for breaking his heart.
"I just needed more time. He was already heart-broken when I told him I needed some time apart and unfortunately it was that day only when Anvi had called him "Dadda" for the very first time. I couldn't break his heart any further, so even though there is nothing between us anymore there will always be something between him and Anvi. He has been her father since day 1, and I will always remain grateful to him for giving me my life's most precious gift to me - my daughter! So, when you ask who is Siddharth to Anvi? Well, if I had to term it then he is her Godfather." Aditi smiles looking at Roshni.
But Roshni was not looking at her anymore, she was looking at Siddharth - she fell for him a little more than before.
She gets up and walks up to him, he was sitting at the bar. She taps on his shoulder and he turns around to face her,
"Siddharth, we need to talk." she said.
"Huh? I don't want to talk." He said stubbornly, not meeting her eyes.
"Sid-" she started but he ignores her and starts a conversation with a girl who was sitting beside him. After a few more tried attempts to talk to him, while he was busy drinking and fraternizing with the girls Roshni's anger had no bounds. She holds him by his arms,
"What the hell-" he said in his inebriated state.
She drags him all the way, out the emergency exit to the side alley while he keeps shouting at the top of his voice since loud music was being played - "Where are you taking me?"
"Kahi mera fayda toh nahi uthane wali ho? Help! Help!! Someone, Anyone... wild rabbit on the loose..." he shouts in the empty lane and his voice echoed. Roshni pushes him away,
"Shh!! Dimag kharab hai kya tumhara? I want to talk to you..." she whispers.
"I told you na, I don't want to talk to you. Bunnnyyy..." he slurrs.
"Why do you drink when you can't handle yourself." she saves him from tripping down on the ground.
"Don't touch me. Rabies ho jaenge mujhe..." he giggles at his own joke.
"Just because rabies and rabbits have the same first three letters it doesn't mean rabbits give rabies, you idiot!' she smacks on his arms.
He stood up straight, after a few seconds with a serious look on his face he said, "Why is the earth rotating so fast? Is it doomsday already?" he asked her with eyes wide open.
"Shorty please! Stop your nonsense, I want to..."
A couple comes out in the alley giggling and laughing, they walk away once they see that it was already occupied by Sid and Roshni. Siddharth hears the music that was playing in the pub,
"That's my jam... Woo..." he starts to go inside when Roshni comes in his way stopping him.
"Pich! Sach batao, you love to irritate me na?" he asks her, poking on her shoulders.
"Oww that hurts.." she rubs her hands on her shoulders and takes a step away from him so he couldn't poke her again.
"It hurts na.." he takes a step towards her and corners her on the wall of the building.
"Siddharth... I wanted to apologize for..." he interrupts her by his sarcastic laugh.
"Apologize... really? How.. How long will this go on?" he asks staring in her eyes.
"I know I made a mistake, I should have let you explain yourself before jumping into conclusion... I misunderstood the entire situation..." she murmurs not meeting his eyes as she was feeling guilty.
"You know Roshni it's been just a week with us... like this... and already do baar... two times.." he pokes on her shoulder twice and continues, "You've hurt me.. " he mumbles with moist eyes.
"When Aditi left me, it took me a lot of time to come out of that break up... I don't want to feel like that ever again in my life. I... I refuse to go through that again... Aur pata nahi mujhe aisa lag raha hai ki tum bhi..." he looks at her earnestly.
"I'm sorry. I love you, Siddharth. I will never ever leave you..." she grabs his collars.
"You're lying.." he said removing her hands from him.
"No I am not.." she tries to come closer to him but he moves away further.
"It's easy for you to throw me away from your life... you have already done it.." he was talking to himself now.
Before Roshni could say something, her phone rings, she picks up the call.
Siddharth turns around to face her.
"Slow down, Rick! Breathe! What happened?" she asked with concern.
"See now I get replaced by Rick!! What happened to I want to talk to you... yaani me.. yaani Siddharth, not Rick!" he yelled raising his hands up in the air.
"Shorty, shut up. Not now." She whispers to him and concentrates on what Rick was saying from the other end.
"Why will I shut up? I will not. Shut Rick up!" he says stomping his feet.
"Shh! Finger on your lips." she puts his finger on his lips and he stands silently waiting for her call to end.
"Don't worry. Just wait there. I am coming to pick you up." she cuts the call and starts to go.
"Greaaat! Didn't you just say you will never leave me again? What happened to that? And who the fuck is Rick?" he starts shouting at her retreating figure.

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