Chapter 8

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Picnic Spot

"What is going on?" he thought as he looked at them; he could feel a tension growing between them all of a sudden.

Clearly, Roshni was looking uncomfortable with him touching her. And he was annoying her on something. As Aditya's hold got tighter on her shoulder and her expressions turned sour, he started walking towards them. In his mind he knew what he had to do, punch him hard on his face.
But while walking towards them, the anger in his heart couldn't outdo the love that he felt for her at that moment. As soon as he reached there, his instinct took control of his mind and he just sealed her lips with his.
The various emotions that their hearts had borne past couple of days finally got a let out in the form a kiss. They break apart and look into each other's eyes trying to see whether it meant something for the other or not. But both couldn't understand the other. How could they, when they couldn't understand their own feelings. Siddharth turns around to say something to Aditya, but he was nowhere to be found.
Roshni looks all around and sighs in relief that none of their siblings had seen them.
"Thank God" she muttered as she tucked her hair behind her ears.
Hearing her words, he felt a sudden tinge of pain in his heart.
She thought I did it to make Aditya run away? So this meant nothing to her?
"Phew, your boyfriend ran away finally!" he said faking his humour.
Roshni looks at him in confusion and suddenly it dawns upon her that he did it to rescue her from Aditya.
"You kissed me coz you wanted to stop him from pestering me?" she asked in astonishment.
"Why did you kiss me back?" he asked instantly.
"Ugh! You're such a jerk!" she said pushing him.
"What? Wow! You can kiss me to distract my mind and when I do the same so that your so called boyfriend stops irritating you then I am a jerk?" he claps his hands sarcastically.
"Oh please, I helped you that day." she retorted.
"And I helped you today!" he spat back.
"From what? I could have handled him. He is my friend." she said in anger.
"Yeah right, your boyfriend! Sorry to interrupt your romance." he gritted his teeth.
"He is not my boyfriend! I would have handled him." she snapped.
"When? After he kissed you?" he said in rage.
"So you had to kiss me to stop him from kissing me?" she replied with same ferocity.
"If you didn't want it, then why did you kiss me back?" he asked coming towards her.
"If you wanted to help me, why didn't you punch him on his face instead?" she whispered.
"I donno.. I just.. wanted to.. " he whispered back looking intently in her eyes.
"Ditto." she mumbled answering his question.
"This is getting too complicated!" he sighed cupping her face between his hands.
"It sure is." she agreed putting her hands on his.
They just stare at each other for few seconds, before he broke their silence,
"Why did you thank god earlier?"
"Coz I didn't want Di to.." she said and recalls that they were standing close to each other and Sam could have seen them.
She pushes him away and looks all around her running her hands through her hair nervously. Siddharth bursts out seeing her reaction, he bends down holding his knees,
"You were scared of your Di!" he teased.
"Shut up!!" she said in anger.
"So let's just decide it; what is this that is happening between us?" he asked scratching his forehead.
"You say first!" she said and waited for his reply. He didn't know what to answer, so she continued -
"I think we both need time to think. How about we talk about this the first thing in the morning?" she asked.
"Done." he said shaking her hands.

Parking Lot

"Hey, where did your friend disappear?" asked Yash as they kept their belongings inside the Jeep.
"He ran to find a girl of his own" said Siddharth playfully.
Just at that moment Aditya comes from behind and pats Siddharth's shoulder.
"Hey guys, it was nice meeting you all. And Roshni I am really very sorry. I didn't mean to -"
"It's ok Adi, you don't have to apologize." she cuts him off mid sentence in fear that he would give out further details of her and Siddharth.
"Anyway, you are a lucky guy!" he pats Siddharth once again and leaves.
Siddharth doesn't react, coz he didn't want his siblings to know what Adi was talking about. Roshni looked everywhere except at those three who were waiting for an explanation from them.
"He is just a weird guy!" said Siddharth with a laugh and sits at the back of the jeep.
"He is not weird." defended Roshni instantly.
Siddharth glowers at her with what-are-you-doing look. She closes her eyes and tries to think for a second what to tell Sam and the others about Aditya.
"How will you find him weird? He is your boyfriend after all! Weirdo couple!" he teased.
"What did you say? I am weird? Please then what are you?" she snapped at him angrily.
They continue their bickering and the others just roll their eyes in annoyance and take their places in the jeep. This time Yash and Sam were sitting in front whereas Kritika, Roshni and Siddharth sat at the back.
"Hey bhagwan, kaha fass gayi main.. kabhi in dono pyaar-mein-pagal ke beech toh kabhi in dono jaani-dushman ke!" whispered Kritika to herself looking up in the sky.

Jeep Ride

The ride back home was a silent one; all were tired of the day's event. Kritika had dozed off to sleep on Siddharth's shoulder whereas Sam and Yash were busy talking with each other in whispers. Roshni mouths a Thank You to Siddharth.
"For what?" he whispers back raising his brows.
"For the fake fight." she smiled back.
"You thought it was fake?" he asked in bewilderment.
"It was not?" she was puzzled.
He just shrugs his shoulder with a maybe look and looks in front with a small smile lingering on his lips. She rolls her eyes and with a smile on her lips she mumbles, "Pagal"
Both of them were lost in their own thoughts, trying to understand what the other person meant to them. They were happy that the other had not refused instantly, instead just needed time. So there was still scope for acceptance. But were they ready to accept the fact that they loved the other one dearly? Were they ready to forget about their past relationship and move on with the new one that was blooming between them? With these thoughts troubling their mind, someone was bound to fall off to sleep.

Outside the house

When they reached home, Yash and Sam burst out laughing on seeing the others.
Kritika was sleeping on Siddharth's shoulder, and he was sleeping on Roshni's clinging onto her like a baby. Roshni just scratches her head and says,
"From where did he come Jeeju.. he is such a baby!" shaking her head.
A drop of drool from Siddharth's mouth falls on Roshni's shoulder and she screams in disgust breaking his sleep. She gets up immediately and gets down the jeep.
"What the hell, Shorty!" she yelled at him.
He rubs his face and yawns, trying to open his eyes to see what she was talking about.
"You are a disgusting pig! I hate you so much." she shrieked in anger wiping her hands on his shirt.
"Ugh! What are you doing?" he said jerking her hands off him.
"Returning your dirtiness back." she said escaping his hold.
"Ah I hate you more, you broke my beautiful dream." he said in anger.
"GOOD that it broke! Or else my shoulder would have broken." she retorted.
"Ok guys! I think that was enough." Yash interrupts in between and asks Sam to take Roshni away.
"Come Rosh, let's go inside." she said pulling her sister towards their home.
"What happened? Did I miss something?" said Kritika as she woke up from her nap.
"Nothing important." said Siddharth and jumps down.
He walks towards his house glancing at the retreating figure of Roshni. She turns at that moment to look at him; she looks fiercely at him as if he was her prey. She turns back again and goes inside. He stood there and their fight echoed in his mind.
"I hate you so much"
As she enters her home, his words run through her mind,
"Ah I hate you more"
"So, how was your picnic?" asked DD on seeing them.
Roshni looks up at her mother and replies angrily,
"I shouldn't have gone to this stupid picnic in the first place." and runs to her room.

Siddharth's Room

He slams the door of his cupboard shut.

What the hell happened? So, does she even have any feelings for me or not? What was that kiss about then in the picnic? She needed time, so that she could think of how to say no to me? Ughhh!! She is such a complicated person to understand! Bachpan se dimaag kharab hai uska! Bewakoof!!
He takes a shower, and changes his clothes. He skips dinner and stays in his room asking everyone in his home not to disturb him.
What should I do now?

Roshni's Room

"Stupid! Idiot! He hates me right? Then why did he kiss me?" she mumbled while combing her hair.
"Maybe he said that in anger" her heart said to her.
"Still how can he tell me I hate you!!" she silenced it.
"Coz you told me first?" he said with a smirk.
She turns around to see him standing on the balcony waving a hi to her. Her jaws drop and she says aloud,
"What the hell are you doing here?"
She runs to the door and locks it, before someone else could see him in her room at that time of night.
He comes inside and sits on her bed. He feels the bedsheet with his fingers and says,
"Nice comfy bed!"
"Shut up! And get up from my bed." she said pulling him up by his arms.
"Arre main naha dhoke aaya hu.. your bed will not get dirty." he teased her.
"Agh! How did you come up here?" she asked leaving his arms and goes to the balcony.
"I climbed up." he said happily coming behind her.
"What? Are you mad? If you would have fallen..." she turned around and collides with him.
They look at each other and he says,
"You are concerned for me?" with a smile.
"If you would have fallen, my mom could have seen you." she completes her sentence and goes near her study table.
He follows her there and when she turns again, this time too she collides.
"Why are you following me everywhere?" she asked with irritation.
His eyes fall on the disfigured teddy bear and he picks it up with excitement.
"Wasn't this done by me?" he laughs.
"Yes." she retorted in anger.
"What was his name? Noodles?" he asked scratching his forehead.
"Mr. Toodles." she snatched the bear from his hand and keeps it safely back in the place before he could damage it further.
"Oh yeah right.." he said and smiles looking at her.
"What do you want?" she asked.
"I donno... I just felt like coming here and see you." he whispered.
"What? You just felt? Are you mad?" she asked raising her eyebrows.
"I guess you are making me mad." he responded.
"I thought we were supposed to give time to each other to think about us." she said as he leans forward.
"I don't want to think anymore, my head aches!" he said inaudibly.
"But we should sort out our feelings before indulging any further." she said pushing him back and sitting on her bed.
He runs his fingers on his hair and comes towards her,
"People waste time thinking about it. We had this moment earlier today and..." she cuts him off.
"Moment? You have a very high opinion on your kissing skills" she said playfully.
"Judging from how you responded I think you too have a high opinion on them." he grinned at her.
" need a reminder?" he asked leaning towards her.
She covers his lips with her hands and says looking in his eyes,
"Why did you say you hate me? Do you?" she pouted and removed her hands so that he could answer.
"I donno...I used to..." he said honestly.
"Didn't you?" he asked with a smirk.
"Yeah.." she sighed and lies on the bed on her back facing up the ceiling.
Siddharth too does the same beside her and they keep staring at the rotating fan above them.


Roshni was a fan of "The Magikians"
A troupe of people who were famous for their magic tricks in India. When they were going to perform in Goa, Roshni failed to get the tickets. That time Durga Devi was least interested in tending to her daughters as she always remained busy with her work. Hence Roshni could not turn up to anyone for help. Sam was also not in town as she had gone out in a school trip.
On the other hand, Siddharth had gotten the tickets of the same show. He left no stone unturned to tease Roshni as he knew she loved them. Finally Roshni gathered courage and went up to him,
"Shorty, I... I heard that you have extra tickets for the show.." she said meekly.
Siddharth sneered at her and said, "You heard right, but I can't give it to you!"
"Why??" she asked angrily.
"Coz you are not my friend. Coz I hate you!!" he laughed at her.
"You are mean. And I hate you too, Shorty!!" she snapped at him and left.
The next day was THE day for the show.
Roshni was upset because she could not attend it and mad because Shorty would tease her, her entire life for this. She decided to do something so that even Shorty could not go. She hid behind a bush near his house. She could hear the noises from inside. She waited silently for the moment when he would come out.
As soon as she heard his voice calling out to his parents that he was leaving, she threw the ice cold bucket of water which she had on the steps of his porch. When he came out, and took a step forward, he slipped all the way down the three steps and lands up on the ground. Hearing his scream his parents come out to see what happened.
Not only did he fall down, but he also fractured his ankle. He was crying tremendously due to the pain that he felt in his leg. He was rushed to a nearby doctor immediately. Roshni was terrified of the outcome of her plan. She did not want him to get hurt this bad. When the coast was clear, she ran back home and did not tell anyone about this coz she was scared what the others may think of her.
But she was unknown to the fact that even when injured, Shorty had seen her hide behind the bush. ]

"You knew it was me?" she asked sitting up and looking at him intently.
"Of course I knew... who else would it be?" he grinned.
"But why didn't you tell anyone?" she asked.
"Do you remember that one time where you lost that expensive Barbie doll of yours? Which aunty had brought from NY?" he said.
"Yeah.. And then I was grounded for 1 week and didn't even get new toys for 2 whole months as punishment! But why..?" she said sadly and then continued as her eyes narrowed,
"Did you take it?" she asked furiously.
He starts laughing and says, "I had to take my revenge na!"
She puts her hands around his neck and fakes to strangle him,
"Ugh! You were so wicked.." she said.
"You were too! That is why I hated you." he said putting his hands on top of hers.
"Can we ever move on from our past relationship?" she asked genuinely looking in his eyes searching for an answer.
"I donno Bunny... when I remember these incidents I automatically get irritated thinking about you... but when I remember those moments we spent together before we knew who we were... I can't stop thinking about you..." he whispered.
"It's like you never leave my mind... whether the memories are bad or good..." she continued.
"You were such a bitch when you were young. You broke my leg!" he said with a laugh.
She hits him on his chest in fury and said,
"What did you call me? Like you were a gentleman. You were a short ugly looking brat!" she said and grabs the pillow from above.
Before she could hit him, he rescues himself and gets up, she throws the pillow at him and he bends down saving himself.
"I said in past tense Bunny..." he said as she came on to him cornering him on the wall.
She raises her hand to hit him again, but this time he gets hold of her and grabs her by her waist pulling her closer to him, as he leaned on his back on the wall.
"You are a sweet person now..." he said huskily closing his eyes and taking in her aroma.
"A lil bitchy too, but I like it..." he continued and she smirks looking at the effect she had on him.
"How did you grow up to be so charming?" she asked sarcastically, encircling her hands around his waist.
"Tumse itne din dur jo raha... " he teased and she pulls his ears.
"Oww.." he chuckled.
He touches her cheeks, and traces his finger to her lips as he leaned towards her.
"We were supposed to think tonight..." she whispered as he neared her.
"I don't want to think anymore..." he said.
"What if this doesn't work out? We have a bad history together..." she said when his lips were just an inch apart.
"I don't care about the future, I don't care about our past... I just know that... all I want is you, Roshni..." he said in a soft voice and stares at her making sure of it that she knew how genuine his words were.
She gazed at him for a few seconds, it was the first time in her entire life that he had taken her name. And it sounded so good to her. She knew he was being honest with her, and for her too all that mattered in that moment was that she wanted to be with him.
They could discuss about the other things later, right?
Please don't think so much. he thought as he waited for her response.
Roshni gives in to her heart and goes ahead sealing his lips with hers. This kiss was a bit different than the earlier one, coz now they knew what the other thought. Her hands trace up on his back to his neck as they move towards the bed in sync. They tumble on the bed and she rolls him over so that she could be on top of him. They break their kiss and he says,
"I thought you didn't want me to be on your bed.."
"Just shut up." she said as she rolled her eyes. She bends down and kisses him again but pulls up in mere seconds as she laughed.
"What?" he asked looking at her in astonishment.
"I can't believe we are actually doing this!" she said.
"Don't ruin it!" he pulls her closer making her fall on him.
"You and me, like me and you? I mean I am making out with Shorty on my bed? Oh My God!" she said to herself frantically, tuning him out.
"You ruined it." he said aloud shaking his head.
"You did it at first!" she said suddenly as she heard him over her voice.
"You did!" he said pinning her down on the bed.
"You!" she said rolling him again.
And knowing them, this fight continued for a really long time...

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