Harry Potter - Draco Malfoy x Julia

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Imagine for: JulzLovDraco4Eva
word count - 865

You panted heavily as you ran down the corridor towards Potions. You had slept in and you were late, very late. You knew Snape was going to be angry with you and this only made you more anxious.

"Ah, Carter" he droned, monotonously. "Nice of you to join us."

"I'm sorry Professor, I--" 

"I don't care" he responded, flicking through a textbook. "Sit down, I'm sure Granger will tell you what you missed."

"Yes, Professor" you sighed. 

You took your seat beside Hermione, immediately feeling a scrumpled up piece of parchment hit the back of your head. You looked behind you and saw Draco Malfoy smirking at you. You rolled your eyes and leaned down to pick up the parchment, straightening it out and watching the animated drawing Draco had made. It was you running down the corridor and tripping, repeating over and over again. You scrunched up the parchment, frustratedly, and got on with your work, ignoring the remarks Malfoy made towards you throughout the lesson. 

A week later, Malfoy was still bothering you. He'd trip you up in the corridor and make you drop your books in your lessons, he'd even whisper insults in your ear when nobody was looking. It was Hogsmeade weekend, so you and the Golden Trio made your way down to The Three Broomsticks. When you were almost there, you noticed Katie and Leanne walking out, gossiping about something they were carrying in a box. When you left, you saw Katie floating in the air, her mouth wide open in a silent scream. Shivers ran down your spine, and you immediately knew who had done this, so you headed off to find him. Draco was in the Room of Requirement, you knew this because he and his friends hung out there all the time. You made your way to the door and thought about Draco, causing the doors to open soon after and reveal the white-blonde haired boy curled up against a wall. 

"Draco!" you snapped, storming towards him. "What in Merlin's name did you do to Katie?"

Draco's eyes widened. "I-- it wasn't me."

"I know it was!" you sighed. "Just admit it."

"How do I know it wasn't you?" he challenged, standing up and making his way over to you. "You've always been jealous of the Bell girl. Always thought she's prettier than you, hoped that one day you'd be as good at Quidditch as she is. Well guess what, you won't ever be!"

A sudden crack filled the room and there stood Bellatrix Lestrange, wand raised at Draco. Your eyebrows furrowed. How did she get in here? Draco flinched and put an arm out in front of you, as if he were protecting you.

"I knew it" Bellatrix seethed, her eyes darkening in anger. "I could tell by the way you talked about her that you--"

"What are you doing here?" he interrupted, impatiently. "Its not time yet!"

"You've become distracted, Draco" she remarked, glaring at him. "You're not trying hard enough. You've failed your task."

As Bellatrix began to wave her wand, you jumped in front of Draco, allowing the hex she had flung to hit you instead of him. You fell to the ground, blood seeping through your clothes. You gasped for air, trying to calm yourself. Draco let out a shout and dropped to his knees beside you, lifting your shirt slightly to reveal deep cuts on your skin.

"What?" he questioned. "What did you do?"

Bellatrix cackled, a brown-toothed grin on her face. "At least we won't have to worry about you being distracted anymore!"

"D-Draco" you stammered as Bellatrix Disapparated. "I--"

"Why did you do that?" he shouted, putting his hands on your face. "Why would you sacrifice yourself for me after everything I've done to you?"

"I... couldn't let you die" you rasped, short of breath. "You deserve to live!"

"Oh, Julia" he cried. 

"Its okay" you tried to joke. "You'll be rid of me soon."

"That's not what I want" he frowned, a tear spilling down his cheek. 

You chuckled softly. "Really? You kind of gave off that impression all these years."

Your breath hitched in your throat and you began coughing, blood spurting from your mouth. Your eyes flickered closed. 

"No!" Draco yelled, picking you up bridal style and taking you out of the Room of Requirement. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!"

Professors McGonagall and Snape came running to your aid, panicked expressions on their faces. McGonagall looked at Draco, disappointed. She told Snape she was going to get Madam Pomfrey, before running off. Draco set you down on the ground and Snape kneeled beside you.

"Vulnera Sanentur" Snape muttered, moving his wand over your body. 

He repeated this counter-spell numerous times, until the hemorrhaging had stopped completely. Draco just watched the whole time, biting his nails and wiping his tears away. Once you were all healed up, Snape stood and waited for you to regain consciousness, before telling you and Draco that you must act as if this was a prank, and then left you both. Against your expectations, Draco reached for you and pulled you into his arms, kissing you firmly on the lips. He pulled away after a moment, resting his forehead on yours.

"What was that for?" you breathed, smiling.

"Don't ever do that to me again!"

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