The Hunger Games - Finnick O'Dair (1)

457 7 1

word count - 655

You watched with a sad smile as your best friend marries your sister. You were happy for them of course, how could you not be? But it still punched a hole in your chest every time you saw them together. You had loved Finnick for as long as you could remember, you've never felt even an attraction towards anyone else. But he was marrying your sister, so you just had to stand with her and deal with it.

"Annie Cresta--" the preacher began.

"WAIT!" both Annie and Finnick chorused.

Your head shoots up in shock. What are they doing?

"I can't do this" they said in unison, before looking at each other relieved.

You were very confused to say the least. Why were they doing this? Annie loved Finnick and Finnick loved Annie. What was going on?

"Why not?" they both chorused, yet again, before they both said, "Y/N!"

They stared at each other, surprised, as your eyes widened in shock and embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Annie" Finnick frowned. "But I'm in love with Y/N"

"Oh!" Annie sighed, happily. "That's good, because she loves you too! Oops, sorry sis!"

Your face flushed red. "You knew?" you asked her.

"Of course I did!" she beamed. "The way your eyes always light up when you see him and your face goes all red. I've known for a while and... I guess it made me fall out of love with him. I'm sorry I exposed you."

"It's fine" you laughed, shaking your head slightly.

Annie took the steps down off the altar and took your hand, leading you up to Finnick. She connected your hands and smiled at you both, before stepping back down and taking your place at the bottom of the steps.

"Finnick I--" you began, looking at your feet.

"Shh" he whispered, thinking you were about to apologise or panic.

"No, please, just let me speak" you mumbled. "I have been in love with you since the day we met and I've never stopped. You make me smile, you make me laugh and you brighten up any room you're in--"

"Y/N" Finnick breathed, causing you to look up at him. "I love you."

He connected your lips in a passionate kiss, one arm around your waist as his other hand caressed your cheek. A few of the guests gasped in shock, but you didn't care. You were kissing the love of your life and that's all that mattered.

*** A few years later ***

"Y/N run!" Katniss screamed as the Mutts chased after you.

Finnick pushed you forward, before glancing behind to see how close they were. You stopped, grabbing his hand and pulling him along with you. Your group reached a ladder and Finnick helped you up, about to climb up himself before he gets grabbed by a Mutt.

"No!" you screamed, grabbing his hand again. "Hold on!"

"Y/N" he panted, eyes filled with terror. "You have to leave me behind!"

"I'm not leaving without you!" you protested. "Not after everything we've been through!"

"Y/N, its okay!" he smiled, half-heartedly. "Go!"

"I can't!" you shouted.

"Go, Y/N please!" he cried, tears filling his eyes.

Anger rushed through you and you pull with all your might, dragging him quickly up the ladder and into a quick hug before you start running again. Tears continue to spill down your cheeks as you continued running, the image of Finnick being pulled down by the Mutts stuck in your mind. Finally, you lost them, giving you the opportunity to collapse to the ground and let out the sobs you had been holding in.

"Y/N" Finnick whispered. "Baby, hey? What's wrong?"

"I almost lost you" you sobbed. "You almost died!"

"Hey" he breathed, lifting your chin so you met his eyes. "I'm right here."

You nodded, blushing slightly as he wiped away your tears. He chuckled softly.

"C'mere" he smiled, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you. "It's okay, we're safe now. It's okay."

You curled up against him, enjoying his warmth and the sound of silence. Little did we know, it was about to get a lot worse...

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