The Vampire Diaries - Kai Parker (1)

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Imagine in which you're Damon and Stefan's younger sister and Kai Parker can't take his eyes off you. Slight AU, Kai didn't die and he's working on becoming a better person. Stefan is also still alive, and so are Tyler and Enzo. Basically everyone's alive, whoop whoop!


word count: 1565

You sat down next to your eldest brother at the bar at the Mystic Grill. His hair was scruffy, his eyes half closed and his words slurred as he asked Matt to get him another bourbon. 

"Hello sister" he slurred out as he noticed your presence, "What are you bothering me for this time?"

"Oh, nothing" you said, "Matt, can I have a bourbon too please?"

Your brother raised an eyebrow at you, but nodded in approval nonetheless.

"Little sister" Damon murmured, "Creepy witch siphoner is staring at you, ten o'clock"

You looked to your right and saw Kai Parker staring at you. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off, before turning back to the bar and picking up the bourbon that Matt had just put down for you. 

"How's your shift going, Matt?" you asked, a wide smile on your face.

Damon rolled his eyes at you. "Y/N, you're really bad at this. When you're at a bar getting drunk, you want to have fun! Not listen to Donovan rabbit on about how miserable his life is!"

You sighed and gave your friend an apologetic look. "Sorry Matt, he's got his grumpy pants on today."

"Doesn't he always?" Matt remarked, before shooting Damon a glare, "Catch you later, Y/N"

"Why do you have to be so horrible to him?" you snapped at Damon, "He's done nothing to you!"

"Has that bourbon gone to your head already, sissy?" he responded, "Matt Donovan has been a royal pain in my backside ever since we came back here!"

"Think of it from his perspective, Damon!" you reasoned, "Would you be best buddies with him if he killed me for fun?"

He looked thoughtful for a second. "Point taken. But I still don't like him"

You chuckled slightly, happy with his response, before meeting Kai's eyes across the room. You groaned loudly and stood up, taking your bourbon with you and leaving Damon staring after you. You sighed and sat down opposite Kai who was tucking in to a burger. 

"Hi there" he smirked as he swallowed a mouthful of his food, "How can I help?"

"Why are you staring at me?" you demanded.

"You're pretty" he shrugged, taking another bite.

This caught you off guard. You'd always found Kai attractive, but the ex serial killer part always prevented your feelings from progressing. A smirk spread across the man's face as he realised the affect his words had had on you.

"What's the matter, pretty vamp?" he asked, innocently, "Cat got your tongue?"

You glared at him before taking one last swig of your bourbon and standing up. You mock-saluted at him and walked past him, leaving to meet the others. You climbed into your car, sighing dramatically, before driving off to Caroline and Stefan's. When you arrived, you had a lot to complain about.

You found your three best friends in Care's back garden, giggling as Stefan flipped the burgers on the barbecue. 

"Hi guys!" you called, making your way towards them. "How are you all?"

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