Will you stand with me in front again

Start from the beginning

"Take the choice with consideration, once you step on it don't look back, walk with conviction come what may" Zhan woke up again vividly remembering seeing a familiar old wise man from his dream.

The week went by and they both had decisions to be made. Will filming together again makes things worst or better. There were differing supporters , different expectations yet as professionals they had to do what's needed and yet maintain their private life.

The week came to an end with Zhan having to do his read over the radio station again. He had signed up to do daily reads for the next few days. His usual passion and love for such reading came through as the radio station wanted to feature a string of love confession and appreciation towards the next one week. Zhan was the perfect pick given his love for literature and art, role playing and appreciation for poems and poets.

"Zhan you ready?" The broad caster asked
"Yup, all good just cue me to" Zhan said in return

"Two reads ya, I'll put the queue, in 10 seconds counting down from now"

The first read went off as they played the soft instrumental melody behind, Xiao Zhan closes his eyes and got into the mood as he gently recited

"A Dedication of appreciation to our parents whom we love"

The Tiny Hands You Once Held- A Grateful Child

The morning sun lights my day
As I hum and tap through the stairway hall
Thank you mum and dad I said to all
Though at times it's hard to gauge
The actions behind your every love
Unspoken yet laden with so much love

As I grow I learn to deeply understand
That unconditional love and your usual stand
Moulded my core to a love so true
The mere foundation you've taught me to

The values and belief showered from my crib
A lovely family that runs so deep
I'll forever cherish them each moment indeed
Like a sheltered treasure i keep them deep

I am by me today I thank you true
The learned path I gather I use it full
Righteousness and truest form I stay in tune
Humbled and compassion my ways of truth

Effort and principles I held them tight
Wealth and content I discern them well
Like how you've taught to live a grateful heart
My every success I dedicate them yours
The applause and praises is never mine alone
I send them through as you see me grown

As I walk on my own with a love so true
I'll be alright I will know what to do
I am forever grateful mum and dad
For the silent support, that you had my back
I'm still your precious from the start of time
Though I've learnt to fly rest assured I'd be fine

As the reading finishes, Xiao Zhan went on to the next reading

"A dedication the one we love, our lifetime partner"

真的爱你 (Truly love you)

Even though seasons changed
This heart remains unchanged
Even though distance came
These feeling stayed the same

Lovely sprouting flowers in the lively spring
Sweet lingering scent of the summer breeze
The gentle romance of the autumn falls
And warmly knitted love under the winter stars

These painted feelings from the heart
The unspoken words from the start
Revealing them now sealed like an art
A commitment we'll walk & forever guard

And like how it normally is, the number of listeners sky rocketed, the crew and radio station praised him for his ability to carry the reading through with the right emotions. The misses his fans had that could only catch glimpses of his appearance went berserk at just this short hearing. 

"A time for appreciation and confession - tell your loved ones what they mean from the depth of your heart"

He ended the read with those words leaving the avid listeners gasping for more replaying the reads. And so his belief of spreading what is right and the positive actions for the community is seen through some of his works. Though kept low profile at any sound of his appearance, the social media hits beyond what the record holds.

"You were perfect today" Yibo said over the video call that night.

"Thank you.....you heard it?"

"Of course never miss any of your reads, never miss what you will say especially if it's for me" Yibo said confidently with his smile grinning through the mobile screen.

"Bo Di, I've thought about it, the proposal, why not? Love working with you again I'm just worried if it will be a total blast and disruption if it gets out of control"

Yibo playing cool but leaping excitedly within "we'll be fine, let the script writer and directors manage it"

That night back in the magical forest in their dreams - the painted space lighted up brightly once again. The sky above filled with the brightest stars and colours made from pure feelings casted onto the blanketed sky. The flowers glowed with little lovely butterflies  🦋. The beauty of the night and day merged as one as the story continues to unfold.

Stranded from the past. Is this heaven's wish for us? - Yizhan Where stories live. Discover now