"The Oompa-Loompas ate nothing but green caterpillars, which tasted revolting. The Oompa-Loompas kept looking for other things to mash up with the caterpillars to make them taste better:

"Red beetles, the bark of the bong-bong tree— all of them beastly, but not quite beastly as the caterpillars.

"But the food they longed for the most was the cocoa bean. An Oompa-Loompa was lucky if he found three or four cocoa beans a year. But oh, how they craved  them. All they'd ever think about was cocoa beans.

"The cocoa bean happens to be the thing from which chocolate is made, so I told the chief... They are such wonderful workers. I feel I must warn you, though, they are rather mischievous. Always making jokes."

"Augustus, mein child, that is not a good thing you do.", Mrs. Gloop shouted at his son, who is scooping chocolate from the river.

"Hey, little boy, my chocolate must be untouched by human hands.", Mr. Wonka warned him, as Augustus was about to get another handful of chocolate, he was about to fall.

As Augustus closed his eyes, he felt nothing, but a tug on his shirt. He opened one eye and surprised that he is almost an inch away from the river.

Then, Jason said, "Don't worry, Augustus, I got you.", as he tugged him away from the river, Augustus and Jason were breathing heavily.

"Dude, you almost drown, do you know how worried your mother would be if you fall from the river?! You could've died and look.", Jason said and pointed at the pipes behind Augustus.

"You could've suck into those pipes and be stuck in there!", Jason scolded and Augustus teared up, "I'm sorry.", he apologized.

Jason's face soften and said, "It's okay, it's not your fault that you have no self-control, but you gotta learn how to stop when you have to, okay?"

Augustus nodded and said, "Thank you for saving me.", Jason nodded and said, "No problem. Here, for your face and hands, keep it.", and gave him a handkerchief.

Augustus wiped his face and hands and they got up and went to the others. Mrs. Gloop rushed to her son and hugged him tightly, "Oh my, Augustus, never do that again, please.", she said.

Mrs. Gloop walked towards Jason and shakes his hands, saying, "Thank you for saving my son.", Jason nodded and said, "Your welcome."

Augustus, then, apologized to Mr. Wonka, "I'm sorry for touching the river.", Mr. Wonka looked at him and smiled, "Alright, apology accepted. Just don't do it again next time, okay?"

He nodded and went to his mom, then Mr. Wonka said, "Now... on with the tour.", while they are walking towards the edge of the river, Mike went to him.

"I've been looking for you, where have you been?", he asked, "I made you this.", Jason said as he give Mike a candied bracelet.

"You made that?", Mike asked, "Yeah, you don't have to if you don't want it.", Jason said, "Oh, no, I'm taking the bracelet.", he said as he takes the bracelet and wears it.

"Thanks for the gift.", Mike said and smiled genuinely, "Your welcome.", Jason said.

Then, a pink boat with Oompa-Loompas rowing it, as they stop, they began to laugh at them, "What's so funny?", Violet said.

"I think it's from all those doggone cocoa beans. Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love.", Mr. Wonka told them.

"You don't say.", Ms. Beauregarde said seductively, which made Mr. Wonka uncomfortable, then Mr. Wonka looked at Jason and Mike, which made Jason looked at him, "What?"

"Nothing. All aboard.", and the began to ride the boat, Mike licks the boat, "Really, Mike?", Jason said, "I just wanna know what it taste like.", he said as he continues licking the boat.

"Don't lick my boat, or else you'll make it all sticky, okay?", Mr. Wonka warned Mike, who stopped, Jason holds his laugh and said, "You're so cute."

Mike blushed and grumbled, "I'm not cute.", and Jason chuckled and Mr. Wonka said, "Onward.", and the Oompa-Loompa in the front starts banging the drums.

Mr. Wonka gets a ladle and puts some chocolate, "Here... Try some of this. It'll do you good. You look starved to death.", Mr. Wonka said as Charlie takes a sip of the chocolate.

"It's great!", Charlie complimented and give the ladle to his grandpa, who took a sip as well, "That's because it's mixed by waterfall.", they turn to Mr. Wonka.

"The waterfall is most important. It mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy. Uh, by the way, no other factory in the world m-", he was cut off.

"You already said that.", Veruca interrupted, Mr. Wonka was quiet at the moment and said, "You're all quite short, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah. We're children.", Violet said, "Well, that's no excuse. I was never as short as you.", Mr. Wonka said.

"You were once.", Mike said, "Was not! Know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on the top of my head. Look at your short little arms. You could never reach.", and he giggled.

They turn away and Charlie asked, "Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?", Mr. Wonka said, "Oh, boy, do I. Do I?", and he began to have a flashback.

Mike scoot next to Jason and quietly said, "I don't like that Wonka guy, he's too suspicious. Not to mention when you save Augustus, he looks... disappointed, like he wants to get rid of him."

Jason thought about it and said, "Now that you've mention it, he was quiet when Augustus apologized. Maybe, we should stay out of his business. You'll never know you might get into trouble."

Mike sighed and said, "Fine. I'll stay out of his business. Just because you said so.", and he scoots away. Violet and Veruca saw this and they said, "Boys."

Then Charlie noticed that they are heading towards the tunnel, "Mr. Wonka? Mr. Wonka, we're headed for a tunnel!", he shouted.

"Oh, yeah. Uh, full speed ahead.", Mr. Wonka said as the Oompa-Loompas starts rowing faster, "How can they see where they're going?", Violet asked.

"They can't. There's no knowing where they're going. Switch on the lights.", he said as they went inside the tunnel and the boat went faster.

They stop at the moment, Jason notice that Mike was feeling sick, "Are you okay?", he asked, Mike nodded and said, "Yeah, just scared of very high speed."

"Wanna hold my hand?", Jason asked, "Yes, please.", Mike said as Jason hold his hand tightly, "Thanks.", Mike said, "No problem.", Jason said as the boat continues to move.

"People, keep an eye out. We're passing some very important rooms here.", Mr. Wonka said as they look at the doors that is labeled.




Ms. Beauregarde turns to Mr. Wonka and asked, "What do you use hair cream for?", Mr. Wonka looks at her and answered, "To lock in moisture."

Then, there's a room where the Oompa-Loompas are whipping a cow, "Whipped cream.", Charlie said, "Precisely.", Mr. Wonka said and giggled.

"That doesn't make sense.", Veruca said, "For your information, little girl, whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips. Everybody knows that.", Mr. Wonka informed.

Then, Mike held Jason's hand tightly as the boat starts to move faster again. Now, the boat slow down and Mr. Wonka said, "Stop the boat. I want to show you guys something."

And they stop at a room called, INVENTING ROOM.

A/N: 1,871 words, another long chapter and yes, I saved Augustus because why not.

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