He kissed me again.

"That works." I said and ran off.

There were many more agents to fight on the way then I thought. Half of them were girls while the other half were boys. 

Sue and Ava were doing a great job on sweet talking the men to turn on Spyder and to help us.

We finally got to the machine faster  then I thought we would. I kept my promise. I wanted to go through the lasers but my promise to Ben was I wouldn't do anything super dangerous and going through blinking lasers was dangerous.

Chip and Jawa made it through.

They talked about something but I don't know what. They finally pulled all the wires. 

The brainwash machine was finally dismantled. We ran back to the control room to be greeted by many agents ready to fight as Ben said. Ben was in the leader group of this group.

I knew he would have to fight someone so me and my group Morse code blinked and we decided I would go for him and scream things of anger. I had to be gentle with him though so I wouldn't harm him.

He then said " charge" then his group went for mine.

I went straight for him.

He was blinking" it is ok. I will go easy on you" I nodded my head. 

I through a punch and said" you betrayed me you nit wit" 

He kicked me and said" it was for the best"

"No it wasn't. You could of stayed." I said while round house kicking him.

He judo flipped me. Wow he is getting better at fighting. 

"Why would I stay" he asked

"Because we care for you and you are great and we need your help" I said while gutting him.

"Well to bad for you. Spyder now haves me and it will stay that way. They are way much better then you and the CIA" Ben said while dodging a kick from me while throwing his own move that I didn't know of.

"Fine. But I am having it my way" I said. 

"In three capture me" he blinked. In three seconds I captured him.

Then Nick walked out holding Ashley.

"Oh Ben are you ok" Ashley asked

"Does it look like I am ok. This stupid Ice Queen dumb dumb beat me up and has captured me." He said. He is really good at acting.

"We will get out of this baby" Ben said. What the Frick is going on.

They saw my face because Ashley said" oh yeah we are dating. Didn't you know" I was confused .

Then Ben looked at me and started blinking. He was using Morse code. I did the sign that told him restart. He blinked

"I am really sorry. It was the only way I could get her trust. I still love you and always will more then anyone else" I blinked back" oh ok. Thanks for telling me"

"Come on Jidiot, are you going to take us or not." Ashley asked. Nick then knocked her out because he didn't want to hear it anymore. All the other Spyder agents there we corrupted, were dead, passed out or just didn't care. So we let go of Ben and we out Ashley in the back of a car.

"Nice job everyone. Let's check in with the others."  Ava said

The rest of us modded.

We were checking in sight them.

"Hey did you guys highjack there controlling team of planes." Ben asked

"You were right Ben. They were really bad fighters. We all throw one punch and then they fainted or cowered away" Rikkie said.

"Well then they were sleeper agents or brainwashed" I said. The rest agreed

"We are just about to blow up 3 of Spyder's bases." Grandpa said

"Ok. Nice job we are going to check on the fighting team" Ben said.

We checked on them. They said everything was alright and that we should come because there were more people then excepted.

We went except Ben. 

Before we left to help them we brought Ashley and locked her in a closet in the hotel.

"What do you want" she asked.

"Is there anything you want" I asked

"Nothings from you Jidiots." She replied. Thank good the CIA was starting to transport her into a professional person.

We finally had sometime alone. We went to go fight. Once we got there everything was done.

"Nice job guys" I said. All of there faces were like um.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that" I asked. Then Wendy one of the team leaders for fighting said" Ben has grown a lot at fighting and not being seen. He was on top of the roof shooting everyone down. None of the Spyder agents knew it was him and somehow no one still knows. Ben did all this because  he saw we were having trouble. Spyder fights a good battle but Ben can fight a better one." She finished.

I was so proud of him. I couldn't help but smile. I then saw him on the roof and screamed at him" Benjamin Ripley get down now." He did as I said as in he zip lined down.

"Hi Erica. You missed all the fun" he said. I could hear my normal Ben.

"Great job Ben. You kicked there butts" I said

"I learn from the best and that is Erica Hale" he said.

I couldn't help but smile.

We defeated Spyder's plans this time and Ben still has his cover in Spyder.

"I can't wait till we can spend Christmas and New Years at home" I said

Then Ben smiled but then that smile faded.

"We forgot there is a Murray on the lose. We don't know where he is. We need to find him" Ben said.

Oh shoot we forgot about Murray.

That's for today. Sorry this got out a little later then normal.

Hope you like

Have a good day.😁

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