You Were Raised By Strippers!?

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“What the fuck are you wearing!” Jason practically screamed as he took in what Rachel was wearing.

Today they were supposed to go to a gala that Bruce had decided to set in San Francisco. He liked to say it was for a business trip but everyone could tell it was to see his youngest and his eldest. But they were soon distracted by Jason's near hysterical tone and turned to see Rachel.

“Clothes, dumbass.” she snapped. She did look nice. She had on a short black dress but her makeup was slightly heavy.

“No, no, no! What you're wearing is an abomination! And don't get me started on your makeup! Dark heavy goth look would be nice if it wasn't to see my dad! And try to do something nice with your hair for once!” he ranted waving his hands up and down to indicate each part he was describing. Everyone rolled their eyes at their dramatic teammate.

“Jay, maybe you're being slightly dramatic. Rachel looks-” Dawn tried to say to calm down the younger boy before he got into another fight with Rachel.

“Looks like she'll be the next meal course for some douchebags who don't know what no means. Hell, she can't even hide a knife behind those drabs!” snapped Jason already moving to Rachel.

Everyone had a slightly dumbfounded look but Dick plowed on. He was going to go to this Gala, even if it'll kill him.

“Jason, just leave her alone. We're going to be l-”

“Shut up!”and everyone stilled at the tone. It sounded distressed, as if he was on the near verge of a panic attack. Rachel quickly shook her head and sent him a look while putting her hands on her hips.

“Fine then, great beauty critic. I'll let you style me in whatever you want. You get free reign in all my clothes.” she said sarcastically but Jason's face lit up and he quickly started to drag her away to her room.

“We're so going to be late.” muttered Kory.

“Diana is so going to use this against me.” whined Donna.

“How's the kid meant to know anything though?” asked Hank in confusion.

Everyone just shrugged and waited.

~Rachel's Room~

“You're such a dick.” she snapped as he ruffled through her closet.

“No, that's Dick. I'm the designated assholes who was raised with strippers for most his life.” he said sweetly before finally deciding on something and throwing her some clothes on her bed. He turned away to face the other wall and closed his eyes. “Get changed. I'm not peaking.”

“Sure you aren't!” she snapped.

“I repeat, I respect women and most of my life I was raised by strippers. You get respect for women when you realise that most men are assholes.” he snapped back.

It was quite for a while before Rachel started talking and Jason could hear her getting changed. “Why were you raised by strippers?” she asked curiously.

“My ma was high most times and my dad was an asshole.” he replied and didn't elaborate more.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” she said sympathetically, already pulling on the dress that Jason had made her wear. She had to admit it was a really nice dress. It was a blackish dark blue dress with a golden belt. It was short at the front and stopped mid thigh before being long at the back and stopping just underneath her knees.

“I don't want or need your sympathy.” he snapped and he was glad that he had kept his eyes closed.

“But still, being polite is nice.” she said. “You can turn around now.” she added.

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