You Can Cook!?

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Jason was sleeping peacefully when he heard the screams of people being tortured and sirens blaring.

Okay, so he might be being over dramatic but Bruce always did say that he did have a thing for theatrics.

Anyway, when Jason heard the screaming he shot up like a bullet, expecting to be back on the street and seeing another woman getting harassed by a man. Maybe a kid who thought it was a smart idea to fuck with a gang. Instead he woke up to white walls covered with posters and his book everywhere.

The next thing he realised was that it was not screams of people being tortured or sirens blaring. It was Dick’s panicked mother's hen voice and the fire alarm.

Honestly, the thing that actually worried him was the fire alarm. When he heard it he bolted right out of bed, ignoring the fact that he was in short shorts and an oversized wonder woman t-shirt, and raced to the kitchen to only wish he had stayed in bed.

He heard a horrified scream and only when everyone had turned to him did he realise that he had been the one to let it out.

“You okay, bat brat? You seem-” Jason wouldn't know what he had seemed like to Hank because he cut him off with another scream. This time, it was one of anger.

“What the fuck did you do to the kitchen!!” Honestly he was surprised that the windows hadn't cracked but he was sure that his teammates' ear drums were busted.

“Jason, I think you're overreacting. It's just-” Dick tried to sooth him but Jason could care less about the ex boy wonder. He was just trying to find a way to make their deaths seem like an accident.

“A pigsty!! There's butter on the roof! Milk spilled on the counter! Egg shells everywhere! Are you trying to let bacteria contaminate the place!! And oh God, what the fuck did you do to the floor!!!” Jason didn't even care if his screaming was going to ruin his whole bad boy image because currently the fact that his kitchen had been destroyed by a bunch of adults was the only thing on his mind.

“Jason, I think you're being a tad bit too hysterical.” Dawn tried in her normally soothing tone but Jason wasn't having it.

“HYSTERICAL!?! You all ruined the kitchen. MY kitchen!!”

“Since when was it yours?” Donna tried to sass but Jason just levelled her with a look. Part incredulous, part angry.

“Since I'm the only one who can cook!! And what the fuck is that on the pan?! It looks like some undiscovered fungi!” snapped Jason, turning his attention to the appliances. Not even the strongest dish shop was going to clean all this out.

“Those are eggs. I tried to make some.” muttered Rachel, her cheeks flushing pink when Jason turned to her.

“How in fucks name did you idiots provide for yourself for so long!” he was going to continue but then something fell from the ceiling before him and he let out another scream.


“Pancakes.” was Kory’s short reply and Jason felt like he could faint.

“That's it. All of you out. I'm going to actually make something edible.” when it looked like Dick was going to protest he cut him off. “And no, Dick! Cereal isn't an option. God knows how you actually managed to make the milk successfully.” he muttered the last part under his breath but Dick still heard.

Everyone just rolled their eyes at Jason. Even Gar thought he was being a tad bit too dramatic. Sure their attempts at pancakes and eggs were a disaster but what was he going to make? Everyone walked into the training room, thinking that Jason was going to sulk back in and demand to be fed something.

So they sat in the room and waited. Rose playing with her katana, Rachel reading a book, Gar practicing his transformation, the girls gossiping and the guys talking about a movie.

However 30 minutes in and Jason still hadn't come. Everyone was getting confused by the time an hour had gone by and Jason still hadn't come.

“You don't actually think he's making something, do you?”asked Gar, but he had a hopeful face on. Maybe he could finally eat something decent for once.

“It's Jason, Gar. I doubt he even knows how to turn the oven on.” muttered Rachel scathingly.

“I doubt the nerd actually can cook. He's probably just getting something from the microwave.” came Rose's voice from where she was laid out on the floor.

“Guys be nice. Jason might have surprised us with something really nice.” chastised Dawn, but even she sounded uncertain.

Before anyone could contradict her they heard Jason calling for them. “Oi, idiots. Get here. I made you breakfast. Be fucking grateful”

Everyone just rolled their eyes expecting there to be just Granola bars he had scavenged from the pantry and orange juice but what they saw shocked them.

There were piles upon piles of food. All ranging from pancakes and waffles to eggs and bacon. Dick could also see some fresh fruits lying around  as well as a few glasses of apple juice. The Titans, both old and new, couldn't help but feel their mouths drool at the sight of such a delicious meal.

“You made all this.” asked Donna pointing from Jason to the food, her voice filled with disbelief.

Jason’s cheeks flushed slightly but he held his head high. Dick could admire his bravery. “Duh. Someone had to.”snapped Jason, glaring at everyone. “We're also going to need a shit ton more supplies. I had to get rid of almost everything and the few supplied I did have were barely anything so be grateful.”

Everyone felt their eyes widen even more once they had all turned their gazes away from Jay's meal and actually looked at the kitchen. The tiles were clean and so where the counters. The ceiling had no more gunk on it but there was a trash bag nearby and everyone could see the kitchen utensils that they had used this morning along with a few pots and pan. Shit, the bill was going to be expensive.

“Damn, nerd. I didn't think you had it in you.” Rose's normally mocking tone had turned impressed but Jason hadn't realised.

“Could you all for once just not beat up on me. Especially after I did something not asshole like. Christ, why do I try?” asked Jason angrily storming out of the kitchen.

“Jason, she-” but Jason wasn't listening and he stalked off to his room, slamming the door shut.

“At least there are pancakes.”


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