"Yixao! Yibo! YOU Stupid Yibo!

Xiao Zhan pressed his ear onto the door again, and fast little footsteps running to the door. Xiao Zhan grits his teeth hearing a woman scream Yixao's name.

The door flew open, and Yixao immediately ran in Xiao Zhan's arm crying uncontrollable. Xiao Zhan hugs  Yixao, patting his back. He closes the door, and immediately sees a glass cup thrown across the living room.

"What the----"

"So, you're the special boy that Yibo talked about."

Yixao whimpers, hugging Xiao Zhan tight. Xiao Zhan didn’t have to be told what's happening with his situation. He already knows who the woman is. It was quite obvious.

He studies the woman. He admits, She's quite pretty. But he can tell, her personality is horrible.

"Sun Li!  Just get out!"

Yibo growls, grabbing her by the arm. She slaps him off, approaching Xiao Zhan, who glared at Sun Li and hid Yixao's face.

"What's so great about you? You only have your face, to be honest. Is that why you chose him, Yibo? Because he's pretty?"  Sun Li laughs,  making Xiao Zhan growl under his breathe.

"Thanks for the compliment.. But I'm not pretty, I'm handsome..."

"Hah? It wasn’t a comp-  "

"I may not have what you have, but I already have what you want to get. Yibo and Yixao has me. And they accept me. Not you!"

"What did you just say?"
Sun Li shrieks, her face red. Xiao Zhan chuckles, snuggling Yixao in his arms, showing off.

"Money and face doesn’t get you anywhere. If you think, Yibo chose me because of my face , then you're wrong."

"Then what, Uhh? You don't look anything special to me!"

"When you were supposed to be his, and Yixao's side... It was me instead. Your job as a mother, was taken by me. I showed Yibo how to properly care and love Yixao, something you wouldn’t be able to do. I didn’t use my face and ass for Yibo to like🤪.Every thing happened naturally."

Xiao Zhan gave her a winning, cocky smile. Yibo had a stunned face on, but then smiles satisfied. He expected Xiao Zhan to yell back, but he was calm and confident. He liked that.

"You hear that Sun Li? I think, it’s time for you to get out."

"If I can have Yixao for a day, I can show you how I'm better than you!"

Yixao peeks and pouts towards her. He points his finger at her, and stuck his tongue out.

"No! I don’t want to! I'll never follow you! I like Xabu and daddy more! I don’t follow strangers like you! You Kill Bill !"

Xiao Zhan and Yibo laughs.

"You didn’t even take him yet, but he already hates you."

Yibo chuckles. Sun Li squeals, stomping her foot on the floor.

"You probably just sucked his dick! You man whore!"

"Uh, no I didn’t. He touched my ass, and suddenly got obsessed. It's not my fault he didn’t like your flat ass."


"Get out Kill Bill ! No no no  you DEMON! "  Yixao yells. He jumps out of  Xiao Zhan's arms, and ran to the kitchen. He came back with black-paper, and began throwing it at Sun Li.

"Be gone bad demon!"

Throwing a whole bunch of black paper at Sun Li. Xiao Zhan and Yibo knew, that they should stop Yixao, as they were mature adults, but it was too funny to stop.

"Hey! Stop it!"

Sun Li grabs her bag and ran to the door. Yixao huffs, proud of himself. Xiao Zhan follows Sun Li while Yibo stays in the living room, beginning to clean up the black paper.

"Daddy! I defeated the bad demon!"

"I'm so proud! You got daddy's skills in pushing away women!"

Yibo exclaims, internally smirking. Xiao Zhan watched Sun Li dust off all the black paper that was on her clothes. She puts on Her heels, and glared at Xiao Zhan.

"What are you teaching him? Huh? You think you make a great mom? Then what was that? He was so rude!"

"Excuse me, Yixao has always been obedient with Yibo and I. It's just you. If he doesn’t like what he sees, he pushes them away. He got that from Yibo."

Xiao Zhan chuckles. Sun Li shrieks loudly, gripping onto her purse. Xiao Zhan smirks, and grabs her wrist.

"Oh, and... About me sucking Yibo's dick..."

"What are you--"

"I'll suck his dick soon. Don't worry.
Maybe when I'm done, he'll propose to me, since I'm that good."

Xiao Zhan sarcastically said. Sun Li flicks Xiao Zhan's hand off, and frustratedly yells.

"I'll fucking comeback!"

"Okay. I'll wait for you. I'll tell you my experience in sucking Yibo's dick."

Xiao Zhan laughs, looking at Sun Li expression.

"Fuck you!" Sun Li opens the door, and slams it shut. Xiao Zhan snorts, and walks back to the living room.

Xiao Zhan smiles seeing Yixao happily sitting on Yibo's lap, talking about how he defeated the bad demon.

"Xabu! Did you see? The Demon left!"

"You were amazing Yixao!"

Yixao shyly giggles, his hands on his cheeks while he blushes. Yibo scooted closer to Xiao Zhan, placing his arms on Xiao Zhan's shoulders.

"So, what's with you talking about sucking my dick soon?"

Yibo asks, and smirking. Xiao Zhan gasped, looking away.

"Y- you heard that...?"

"Hmm... Shall we make that 'SOON' to now?"



I smell some Smut nearing

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