The Long Game!

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"Yes, Blue is his nickname. He also hates it. He's the sensitive slash adventurous one with a touch of middle kid syndrome. Red is book smart and likes to play big brother. Greenie here is," Louie spoke up.

"Deviously handsome? Lovably lazy?" He propped himself on the door frame, trying to look cool. I rolled my eyes.

"Is the evil one." The boys, who had been staring at me suddenly turned to look at Louie, who feigned hurt at my words.

"You would tell my own family that I was evil? How dare you ____?" He clutched his chest and shook his head.

"Do you remember 'Only Child Day' incident?" I raised an eyebrow. He got defensive really quick.

"Hey! Technically, that was only one third," I scoffed, "okay at most, two fifths my fault, but we handled it."

"Rebel?" Della asked and fell to her knees.

"Mom?" The word was foreign in his mouth, but I don't think Della noticed. However, she did notice Louie, stepping back, and grabbed my hand. Before anyone could react, Donald walked over.

"I don't understand," Donald paused, "Who's the kid?"

"Uncle Donald?" Louie turned his head to get a better view.

"Uncle?" Donald turned to his sister. "What have you done this time, Dumbella?"

"Hey!" Della and Louie said together. She laughed before turning towards her brother. "What makes you think I did something?"

"You always do something!" Donald took a step forward. It was subtle but Scrooge took a step back so I pulled Louie back a little, mirroring him.

"Why I ought," she threw a punch, and they started rolling on the ground. Scrooge cleared his throat.

"Enough!" He slammed his cane on the ground, and Donald and Della stood up. "That's better. Now, what are you two doing here?"

"I don't know. I picked this up off your desk and it sent us back in time." I had to be careful what I told him because Louie was still clinging to me.

"Wait, we haven't hatched yet?" Louie said more towards me, but his mother nodded. I could see the gears working in Louie's mind. Louie pulled me into the hallway. "____, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Absolutely not!" I crossed my arm, knowing what he was going to ask. He had pulled me into the hallway and started batting his eyes, even before asking.

"I have to try! She's my mom!" His eyes were watering. I soften my demeanor.

"Lou, you can't mess-"

"Mess with the timeline. I know, but I know how this is going to play out. You're going to say no, then you're going to see something that will change your mind, and then it'll be too late, so can we skip to the end?" I tighten my jaw. "____, please."

"Louie, I will not change my mind on this. You are not to talk to your mother, or the rest of your family, about the future." He kicked the wall and I figured I would give him a few minutes alone. I walked back into the living room before I could say anything else.

(Find a different way to help her.)

I thought with all my might like he would develop the ability to read minds. He was smart, though. He would figure it out on his own.

"You had to give the 'don't talk about the future' speech, too?" Scrooge asked, walking back in the room. I nodded.

"If only I could figure out why it sent us back here." I pulled the thing out of my pocket.

Might Solve a Mystery, or Rewrite Hist'ry!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt