I took the thing from Scrooge's hand. Immediately it whizzed. The air felt freezing cold then blazing hot in a short time span. I squeezed my eyes shut and it felt like a small hand had grabbed at the back of my shirt, but I didn't open my eyes until I landed on the ground with a hard thud.

"No days off I guess." I rubbed my head.

Looking around, it appeared as though I had simply fallen on my butt, only our breakfast weren't sitting on Scrooge's desk, and his chair was toppled over, facing away from me. I heard sounds from downstairs.

"Scrooge?" I asked no one.

There was no answer. I moved the chair and he wasn't there. I noticed that everything in the room seemed newer the brass finishings where shiner and the carpet wasn't as worn. I heard something behind me. I whipped around and stopped inches away from slapping Louie.

"Louie! What are you doing here?"

"I was going to talk to Uncle Scrooge when everything went an ugly grey color. Uh, where is here? Or when? Ugh! I hate time travel." He crossed his arm. A scream came from downstairs.

"Uncle Scrooge!" He took off downstairs.

"Lou!" I couldn't stop him as he rushed into the hallway and down the stairs. I saw him stopped in front of open living room doors. He went rigid.

"Catch Santa! Collect a reward: a half-million! Ha, pay up!" a female voice read a game card.

I had only heard her voice once, but I knew it was Della. I caught up and saw Scrooge, Donald, and Della playing Scoogopoly. They hadn't noticed us.

"Louie." I pulled his arm to leave, but he didn't budge. Donald rolled and landed on a place that Scrooge owned.

"Ha! Take that! Taxes please!" Scrooge turned to Donald, who growled but handed him a wad of paper money.

"Lou," I whispered.

"Mom?" It was a whisper, but it got everyone's attention.

"Mom?" Della laughed, then she saw Louie and her smiled dropped.

"Sorry, time travel stuff. We'll be going now." I gave a nervous laugh and went to close the door, but Louie stopped me.

"I remember you!" Della said, running up to me.

"You do?" I knit my eyebrows together. Louie looked at me too.

"You're that time traveler, remember Donald?" She was so close I could feel her breath on my checks. It was so different than watching her on a screen. I realized what she said.

"Of course, I am." I rolled my eyes.

"What," Scrooge started, but Della cut him off.

"Wait, do you know my boys in the future? Am I a good mother? What are they like? Do they like me? Do they like Donald? Is that kid I met last time one of them? Are you one of them? Ohh I can't wait!"  The last question was directed at Louie as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

"No, you shouldn't know too much about the future!" Scrooge interjected, still counting his paper money.

"It's okay, I'll only answer one of those questions." I thought about it for a second. "I'm going with 'What are they like?' Blue is," Della interrupted me.

"Oh, Blue is what you called that kid at Christmas! So he is one of my kids! That's just his nickname right?" She clearly didn't like it.

"Let her answer the first questions," Scrooge said, walking over to us, abandoning the game. I laughed.

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