10. We need therapy

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Excited whispers filled the hallways, it was the day everybody has waited for- the day of the student council elections. Usually, most people wouldn't even notice, but this time was different.

Students were secretly taking bets about who would win, the pre-election surveys showed very balanced results. Some people were going to vote for the Arbed boys, usually out of fear, admiration, or just to vote against the Coven, who have earned many enemies.

But there was a second group, the people who liked the three girls, finally posing a real threat to Arbed boys, and they wanted change, just to prove that the rest of their school lives doesn't have to be spent walking on eggshells to not anger Arbed boys in any way.

And both groups were sure that they are going to win.


"It's weird to have everyone staring at us," remarked Anadil while walking through the crowd of students.

"I know. Hopefully this all will be over quickly."

It was the afternoon they were getting the results and all of them were nervous to say at least, everyone having high expectation for them didn't help even in a slightest bit.

Arbed boys were already standing in the small room near the podium, waiting for them with smirks on their faces.

"Nice attempt, witches, but you still stand no chance," said Japeth upon seeing them. Kei and Rhian looked like they desired to be somewhere else and Aric prominently played with his lighter.

"Aww, you think somebody actually voted for you? Sweet," mocked Hester.

Before he could respond, Mrs. Dovey was already on the podium, testing the microphone. Without any other words, they stepped behind her, both groups glaring at each other.

"After weeks of hard work on campaigns by our amazingly talented students, I'm happy to announce the winners of the student council elections. This year, the participation rate was very high. I believe that you've made the right choice and will be satisfied with results. Without further delay, the winner is..."

Aric grinned and stepped forward.

"The Coven!"

Aric froze and then took a step back.

Hester almost burst out laughing when she noticed his expression, but managed to stay relatively calm. Dot didn't have that much self-control, she started giggling loudly, which resulted in Dovey's disapproving stare.

After the ceremony, which took way too long for them to actually pay attention, Dot hugged them both. "I can't believe it! We actually did it!"

"Of course we did, really, we had victory secured from the very first moment," said Hester.

"We've done quite a good job," added Anadil, smiling which made Hester smile even more.

"Quite? They've stood no chance!" grinned Hester as she pulled her girlfriend closer, planting a small kiss on her hair.

They've quickly pulled away when the Arbed boys approached them.

"Maybe you've won the battle, but we'll win the war," said Aric, his purple contact lenses glimmering unnaturally in the dimmed lightning of the waiting room.

"Not much war to begin with, really. Fighting a bunch of kittens would be harder."

Japeth's face reddened a bit. "Talking to them has no point." And then he left, the rest following soon after.

"I think your campaign was pretty cool," commented Rhian before walking away with them.

When they've made sure they're alone, Dot asked: "So, what are we going to do now? We should celebrate somehow."

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