4. Mean girls and even meaner fathers

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Dot tried to catch up with Hester and Anadil, but of course, they were too busy talking to each other, probably not even noticing she was lagging behind. It was almost a month since Hester came to the school after injury and she expected she would actually get closer to her and Anadil over the course of time, yet it looked like they were merely tolerating her presence.

They never tried to talk to her first, she always had to chase them, they always made fun of her, they always acted like they didn't need her and she was just a necessary annoyance. But at least she finally wasn't totally on her own and they were intimidating enough for the bullies to leave her alone.

She was glad she didn't feel so lonely anymore, but sometimes, she doubted that they would actually miss her if she disappeared.

"Dot, hurry up, for god's sake!" called Hester and Dot obeyed, but then stopped when she saw a familiar face. Her father? What could he be doing in school? She tried to rethink all the possible options, but couldn't figure anything out. He was supposed to be in work. Perhaps something serious happened and he had to talk to her...

She checked her phone to see if he called her, but there was nothing. Puzzled, she wanted to talk to him, but he already entered Mr. Manley's office.

She suddenly realized what was this all about. She skipped all of his classes this year. Dread twisted in her gut as she realised how angry he'll be when he finds out, well, if he didn't already.

She didn't know what to do. Maybe she should tell Hester and Anadil and they'll help her somehow... She quickly dismissed the thought. Even if they wanted to, what could they do to help her?

She didn't like the idea of being confronted about it in school, especially because she didn't want people to see her crying, so she followed the other two girls to their next lesson, which was the last that day.

Dot couldn't focus, thinking about how her father might open the door and start yelling at her any second, but slowly, she calmed down. She was sure that her father has gone to work again, but he was waiting outside of classroom impatiently, obviously failing at attempts to hold back his anger, his fists clenched tight and the vein on his forehead throbbing.

He didn't even try to get to a less public place, he just started screaming at her in the middle of the hall where everyone could see, which made it hundred times worse.

"You pathetic excuse for a daughter, do you think you can just decide to skip classes whenever you want? You are such a disappointment, no wonder your grades are so terrible, you stupid little-"

"I'm sorry, I just..." Dot was on the verge of crying. She tried to convince herself that this wasn't happening.

"Do I look like I care? Do you know how embarrassing is it to get a call from a teacher saying my daughter hasn't attended any Chemistry classes this year? Why do you even go to school? It's not like you are even going to accomplish anything in life! Well, you are right, you don't need Chemistry to end up in McDonalds!"

"I couldn't, I was scared and..."

"Scared of what exactly? Do you really want me to make this scary?"

"Are you going to actually listen to what is she saying?" said Hester, oddly quietly, yet there was a visible threat in her voice. Dot looked at her, surprised.

"This is none of your concern."

"I'm pretty sure that you screaming at our friend makes it our concern too." said Anadil. Dot couldn't help herself and smiled through tears at the word "friend".

"Friend? Am I seriously supposed to believe that Dot has friends? Listen up, girls, if you don't want me to to contact your parents, you should mind your own business."

Dead squirrels and dysfunctional familiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें