Mood Swings

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Carson felt the sun on her face, groaning she rolled over she just wanted to sleep. Why was she so tired?
Memories of last night flooded her head, suddenly she jolted in bed realizing it was empty. She frowned but then she smelt something coming from down stairs. She could only hope Milo left and Alex was currently making her breakfast. Grabbing her black silky robe just in case she slipped into it not bothering to tie it.
Her eyes scanned the empty couch with neatly folded blankets and she smiled. Milo's gone, check. Delicious breakfast waiting for you, also check. However when she rounded the corner into her kitchen she halted in her tracks. The wrong boy currently had his back turned to her. Milo was standing in her kitchen in just his boxers, multiple pans on the burners. He stirred and flipped a few things before turning to back to check the clock. His eyes laying on a irritated Carson which gave him a heart attack.
"Jesus fucking Christ! Carson! How many times have I said not to—-"
"Where are your clothes? And where is Alex and why are you still in my house!" Milo flinched grabbing onto the counter as he watched her get angrier by the second.
"H-he left..and my clothes are in the washer. They reeked of vodka, I think someone spilt it on me.." He peeked out from under his eyelashes to see how she was handling her hook up running out on her this morning. "Oh, okay."
"I-I'm sorry I.. I probably freaked him out by coming here. I was making breakfast to make up for it." Milo smoothly lied, Carson looked up at him slightly taken back by him trying to be nice. What was going on with him?
"It's okay, I guess your forgiven but as soon as your clothes are finished I want you gone."
"Yes ma'am." Milo reached over and pulled a fresh cup of coffee from under the coffee maker before handing it to her. He smirked as she actually looked speechless for once. 
"If you tell anyone about this, I'll lie and say it never happened." She rolled her eyes before giving him a small smile for the coffee. Milo smiled as he went back to flipping some things.

Carson sighed, she locked the door after Milo left. The morning surprisingly wasn't terrible and he had kept her mind off of Alex ditching her. Was that his intention?


Carson walked through the Manheim's backyard making her way into the patio that led to the back door. They always kept it open when they were home Carson and the other two assistant's Liz and Alice always used it as a way to get into work. 
As soon as Carson got in she saw Liz playing with Ziggy and Slim, basically what she did everyday since work was slow and there were technically three of them. It use to be just her and Liz, Liz went back and forth between Camryn and Marcia Gay Harden as a personal assistant while Carson took care of any and all things Manheim. She even made food for them sometimes but mostly helped Camryn with her day to day work and occasionally helped Milo out when he needed it.
Now everything was different Liz was Cammy's full time assistant, Alice was Cammy and Marcia's errand runner and Carson was stuck with... Him.

Milo sauntered into the kitchen wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. Carson knew his mom had scolded him more than enough to put on actual pants while the girls were here working, to be respectful but Milo was pushing a lot of boundaries lately.
"Carson I need coffee now." He demanded, a bitter edge in his voice as he raked his hand through his hair. He looked a bit more stressed out than normal.

"Your right next to the coffee machine.."
"Carson coffee or just go back home if your not going to be useful." His feet could be heard stomping on the stair case all the way back to his room.
"Dude what happened to our sweet little Mi-Mi?" Liz frowned holding Slim close to her chest as she checked to make sure her coworker was okay.
"I don't know, he's not seventeen anymore.. Those were the good old days."
"But you have to admit he's way more of a snack now."
"I'm happily taken so I can say what I want." Carson scrunched her eyebrows together but before she could say anything else Cammy called for Liz and off she was. Carson grabbed a mug out of the cabinet before getting the espresso machine ready for Milo and her morning coffees. As it was brewing she sent him a quick text to see if he was hungry.

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