Twenty Sixth Symphony: Arise.

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"Tell the swine
we will make it out alive
there's a note
in the pages of a book
So sleep tonight
we'll sleep dreamlessly this time
when we awake, we'll know that everything's alright.
Sing to me
about the end of the world, end of these hammers and needles for you.
Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for
there's some strength left in us yet
hold on to the world we all remember dying for
there's some hope left in it yet"

-Arise, Flyleaf.




Zoe turned around out of nowhere, half asleep, sending her arm like a flash to smack whoever dared to wake her up-but didn't hit. Her arm was stopped by a hand, his hand, and her sleep-ridden mind recognized the notes of urgency in Zhack's voice when waking her up.

"Don't make a noise," he whispered. "I think someone is watching us."

She rose, completely awake then, and looked at him directly in the eyes in the hopes of using emet to their favor.

"What's happening?" she thought, putting all her strenght into sending the message.

"I heard a movement. When I looked, a shadow seemed to run. I can't find anyone."

Zoe nodded.

"Let's go."

But it was too late.

The sunlight was barely fighting through the darkness, and the rest of the group were all deeply asleep in strange positions, and before Zoe or Zhack could do a thing-

-an arrow.

In the center of the clearing.

And wind rose like a tornado, circling them in like they were the storm's eye, stealing the air from their lungs and making breathing difficult.



"What the hell is happening?"

"Is Wind going to attack us too?!" Zoe exclaimed, annoyed. She threw a burning flare to the tornado, only managing to set it on fire.

"No, wait," Zhack took both her hands and pointed to somewhere in front of them.

He winked at her, and then shot a thunderbolt. Zoe understood instantly, and set it on fire too.


The tornado stopped.

"Well what,"

"Who's there?" Stan was the only one awake enough to point a gun all around him.

"Woah dude, that wasn't necessary," the flying dust and sand fell back to the ground, revealing a young woman standing just in front of them, her voice with a strange, sing-songy accent when using the whitelander tongue.

Zoe rubbed her eyes, wondering if she was hallucinating. The woman couldn't be older than twenty five and was extremely short, so short and so small it was unbelievable, with a tanned skin tone she had never seen, and wait, the best part: a strange black scarf with a starry pattern covering her hair, her neck, and her shoulders.

"What was it named? Hi... hi..." she tried to remember Bram's Old World classes with all her might. "Hijab! Hijab, what muslim women used to cover themselves."

Oh Lord.

"Anyways, it was about time you woke up!" the weird woman shook the dust from her clothes. Zoe noticed excitedly that she didn't wear neither black nor white. "Take me to your leader, oh wait I've got a better one, I come for you-"

"Who are you?" Stan sounded like someone had punched him on the gut.

His niece looked at him, surprised when she noticed the way he was looking at the woman, like suddenly the sun had risen in his dark, cold world. She tried not to smile.

"Oh, right, you don't know me," the woman waved cheerfully at them, her multicolored eyes glinting. "My name is Silah Hussain, I have been sent from the Shadow Lands to take you with me-"

"Wait what?" Chainne seemed to be finally awake.

"What, you thought everyone went there by boat? Nope, we know when someone is coming, and I was sent to pick you guys up! Now, your names please."

"Uh, yeah..." Stan said, breathless. "I'm Stan Brook, he's Zhack No Last Name-"

The wo-Silah narrowed her eyes at Zhack.

"As far as I've been told, only your royalty wears no last names."

"Then I'll have to look for one," he said.

She seemed to approve his answer, and turned back to Stan so he would continue.

"... He's Cydak Hill, she's Chainne ParaMount, and she's Zoe Brook, my niece."

Silah grinned, excited.

"Niece?! Ya Allah, I can't wait until we're there! Follow me!" she turned around, hopping as she walked.

Not a single one of them had ever seen such a happy person.

Zoe slapped herself mentally.

"How can we trust you?"

"Oh you can't, I could be planning to take over the world for all you know, right, Zaria?"

Like a punch to the chest.


Like she couldn't breathe.

She called me Zaria.

Like her heart stopped beating.

Only Bram called me Zaria.

"Let's go," Zoe breathed out finally, following Silah. Her hands were cold, her self was cold, her whole being was terrifyingly hopeful.

She called me Zaria.

Double update woot woot! Ain't I a good person? Ain't I?

Chapter goes to @JaberaRahman again, she knows why ;)

Evil plans and conspiracies,


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