Chapter Ten

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The next week, Louis met Niall's parents. Ashton's parents decided to take the three foster boys into their home. They all were happy. Louis was doing better, Zayn and Harry started dating, nine boys started becoming comfortable together as friends. Louis was back to his normal self again, but this time he had a boyfriend.

Things were alright. Right? Wrong. Three weeks after the incident, Louis found out a secret. Niall was a prince and he had to make his choice: marry a woman and never see Louis again or stay with Louis and no longer be able to be king. The couple had an argument.

"You could've told me!" Louis yells.

"How could I just say it? I couldn't just bring it up Louis!" Niall yells back.

Louis' heart dropped. "I-I trusted you with my secrets. Things that- that I can't tell people," he stated quietly.


"N-no. I-I want Zayn. I want Michael." Before he got a chance to continue, Niall stopped him.

"Please Lou."

Louis looked at him, hurt. "What? Did you think that you being a prince would change my opinion of you?"

"No. No, not at all please."

Louis sat down, crying. He was hurt.

"Lou. Babe please look at me."

Niall lifts Louis' head up so they are looking at each other.


I kiss Lou's nose. "I choose you. No matter what ok?"

With teary eyes, he shakes his head.


Pulling away, he puts his knees to his chest. Now he's in a ball. "You won't choose me."

I look at him, concerned.

He continues before I say anything. "Nobody ever does. They all leave. They don't give a shit where I go or what happens to me. You're just the same."

"Louis, I would never do that. Trust me."

"How?" He sounded like he was giving up on something.

"Because you can."

Ignoring me, he rests his head on his knees and shuts his eyes tightly. "Miss Amelia," I hear a quiet mumble.

"Who's Amelia?"

Louis sniffles, looks at me like he is gonna say something, but then gets up. "I-I'm gonna go," he sniffled out.


I see Louis walk in the house. He looks really upset. Before I can say anything to him, I see him walk upstairs.

"Uh. I'll be right back Har."

Harry nods. "Alright."

Quietly, I follow him. I went to walk in when I hear, "I m-miss h-her Zee."

"I know Lou. I miss her too. C'mere."

Deciding it is best to not ask about it, I headed back to Harry.


Louis ran into the room crying. "Woah. What's wrong Lou?"

"Melia." I hug him in a tight embrace. "I m-miss h-her Zee," he cried through tears, pushing away.

"I know Lou. I miss her too. C'mere," I tried.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me again. I picked him up and brought him to my bed. He layed down as I did also. Carefully, I pulled him to my chest and covered us up.

"I-it's no f-fair."

I rubbed his back and kissed his shoulder. "I know. It never is."

He burried his face into my chest and I heard talking downstairs. Letting me comfort him, Louis stayed in my arms. Pretty soon, we fell asleep.

"Zee?" a little whisper comes.

"Hmm?" I said while half asleep.

I hear a sniffle. "'Nuggle?"

Opening my eyes instantly, I ask, "What's wrong?"

Amelia lifts her arms up. "Pe-pease?"

I picked her up and she cuddled into me. I felt her bunny on my chest as she put two of her fingers in her mouth. Soon enough, Amelia falls asleep. The next morning, I hear yelling and arguing. Amelia is not on my chest so I hurry downstairs.


I open my eyes. "Yeah Mikey?"

"Can I cuddle too?"

I lifted the blanket for him to come in bed. Once he got comfy, I wrapped my arm around him and let him fall asleep with the blanket over his mouth. The next morning, I felt Louis and Michael cuddled against me still. I heard talking. Carefully, I got out of bed and headed downstairs. Ashton and his mum were awake, talking. His mum looked at me.

"Good morning hun. How'd you sleep?"

I'm still not used to getting that question, it's just awkward. "Good."

Ashton was quiet the whole breakfast, until his mum left for work.

"Hey um. If you don't mind me asking, who's Amelia?"

I froze. "Uhh."

"I'm sorry. I decided not to ask yesterday when I heard Louis say he missed her. You don't have to answer."

"I can't answer that question. That is something for Louis to tell you."

He nodded. "I'm gonna go hang out with Luke today. If you need me, then you can call."


~*~          ~*~         ~*~ 


I was sitting in the room, alone. Michael and Zayn were downstairs doing whatever. I am so hurt from yesterday. Niall can't trust me but I'm supposed to trust him? I can't do that. People needing me? Can never be true. People care? Not true one bit. Standing up, I punch the wall. I didn't do it too hard for a hole, but hard enough for bruises to form. I kneeled down and started punching the bed frame. It's thick enough to not break. My knuckles started bleeding but I didn't quit. Shortly, I got up and walked into the bathroom to clean up my hands.


It sounded like someone was hitting something upstairs. I looked at Zayn and we both stood up. We ran into the bedroom to see it empty.

"Louis?" Zayn asked. No answer.

I looked in other rooms every one were empty. Then I got panicked. "Zayn the bathroom."

His eyes widened as we ran to the bathroom.



I saw razors. Quietly, I grabbed one and too a blade out. I locked the door to the bathroom and pulled up my sleeve. I started the water in the sink and rinsed off my face. Bringing the blade to my arm, I cut deep lines. After about three, I felt light headed but kept cutting. Suddenly, everything went black as I fell to the floor.

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