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You could only see vermillion plush feathers. The figure unwrapped his wings from his body, exposing Hawks. He was here to save you? His amber-slitted orbs gazed down at your broken figure. For a moment, sadness spread through the heroes eyes, before hardening towards the villain who caused you so much pain.

"Glad to see you did show up after all," Dabi sneered. Hawks plucked out one of his feathers. As his wings became smaller, the feather in his hand grew larger. The lone feather hardened and the sharp tip gleamed in the light. Hawks stood his group in a threatening manner. It felt like one move would cause the two men to break out in a fight.

"Dabi you need to calm the fuck down. You usually don't take risks like this," Hawks spat out. So you were right. It seemed that the winged-hero did know the fire quirk-user. Your tongue grazed over your dry lips. You wanted to ask him so bad how they knew each other, but you needed to worry about your safety for now. Dabi narrowed his almost glowing turquoise orbs at Hawks. It seemed much more hostile than previously.

"She is a risk. A liability to me. I thought you liked to clean up liabilities," Dabi responded. Hawks gritted his teeth in response. Hawks was shaking his free fist in anger. Whatever Dabi just told him, clearly struck a nerve.

"Shut the fuck up you burnt piece of shit," Hawks cried out. The persona he tried so hard to maintain was cracking, and you were bearing witness to it. You slowly try to move your body up. The rope still constricted your arms, but you hesitantly moved your legs and leaned against the wall. Your arms were so sensitive. You were sure the rope had also caused abrasions and burns on your delicate skin. Your chest rose and fell loudly as you were taking deep breaths. Your shifting body caused Dabi to snap his eyes and focus into your direction. He produced more azure fire in his hand. The glow casted shadows on his face, making him seem more menacing.

"Dabi, calm down. She doesn't know anything. She doesn't have proof of anything," Hawks cried out once more. He was clearly restricting himself from attacking Dabi. You didn't understand why though. Heroes and villains were supposed to be mortal enemies, yet when it came to Hawks and Dabi they seemed to have some sort of understanding of one another.

"I thought you wanted to be a part of the League, Hawks. What's with the sudden shift in attitude," Dabi muttered. Hawks relaxed his body and looked away from Dabi. He was debating his actions. His face said it all.
He was debating whether to save you now.

You tensed the muscles around your arm. A warm glow enveloped that part of your body. The glow made the two men surprised. A part of you was amused by that. This was a society filled with quirks after all. You hissed in pain, feeling the skin heal, and reattached itself in some areas. The glowing ceased, leaving a perfectly healed arm. Your eyelids felt heavy, but you had much more strength than before. You could finally talk yourself out of this situation.


"Look, I don't know whatever ties you have to the Todoroki family or Hawks or the League of Villains. My main concern is getting out of this alive, so what can I do to achieve that," you stated. Your voice peaked in some areas of your declaration signalling your fear. You put on a brave face as you bit the inside of your cheek. Dabi ceased the fire in his hands and walked closer to you.

"See that's where the problem is doll. I need you dead," he replied. Sweat fell down from your forehead. This man smelt like smoke and ash. If he got any closer, you were sure he would burn you into nothing. You were a part of the media. You knew what he was capable of. You needed to think of something fast. Thoughts and ideas rushed in your mind. You could feel the adrenaline kicking in again.


You had to stay calm to get out of this alive.

"Alright, before my death. Grant me two questions," you demanded. Dabi's smirked, his raven hair shifted from tilting his head slightly in amusement. Hawks' eyebrows were furrowed, mouth agape, clearly confused on your sudden acceptance of death.

"...Are you Touya Todoroki?" You asked. Dabi stopped smirking, his face was blank. He got closer and crouched down towards your face.

"Tell me why you think that first," he challenged. Your throat began to feel dry. Most of your notes were on your laptop the idiot Hawks stole from you. You couldn't give an as detailed explanation as you wanted to. In fear, you forced out a smile, making the villain narrow his eyes at you.

"Reactions to be honest. Back in the bar specifically. Not many people know who Touya is—the Todoroki's made sure of that. Unless you had significant ties to them, you probably wouldn't know," you explained. Dabi hummed amused at your explanation.

"Yes. That's me. You're on your last question, doll. Make it a good one," he responded. You gulped, lubricating your dry throat. Dabi hated hero society, he wouldn't be a part of the League if that wasn't the case. You needed to appeal to that.

"How about I continue to write my story, and publish it. You wouldn't be in it, but it can detail the accounts of the abuse and corruption of power Endeavor has. It would ruin the credibility of the Number One Hero, making people fearful and cautious towards heroes, to begin with. With a little PR, more people can side with the League," you muttered. You looked away ashamed at yourself. You didn't want to write the story to bring down hero society, you wanted to write it to hold them accountable. Your eyes fluttered closed as you felt Dabi lean in closer to your face.

"...You know I like the way you think. Doesn't help you're cute either," he whispers in your ear, causing you to shuttered. Dabi leaned away and got up between you and Hawks. You opened your eyes and watched him cautiously. He didn't appear to produce flame, so it looks like he wasn't going to kill you.

"Alright. Write your shitty little story. If you run away, or it doesn't get published. I'll find you and end you myself. I'll make your pretty little face as pretty as mine," he threatened. Hawks walked over still armed with his feather. He cut you out of your ropes and tried to pull you up. You shook and almost fell to the ground before Hawks caught you. Your quirk often leaves your body like this after you use it.

"I'll be watching you," he said grabbing your phone. He made you unlock it before entering his contact. You knew the number would most likely be a burner phone.

"Bye, for now, Miss Journalist," he muttered, sauntering off to who knows where. Once he was gone, Hawks tightly held your shoulders. He was clearly angry at what just occurred.

"How stupid can you get? Do you realize what you just did," he shouted. In response, you flashed him a smile. Tears began to stream down your face. He loosened his grip and softened his eyes looking at your form.

"What choice did I have," you cried. Hawks remained quiet and wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed in his chest. You were now a tool for the League of Villains to use as they please.

Just like Hawks.

On the Record (Hawks x Reader x Dabi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora