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You stared ahead to the hooded figure in front of you. Hawks wings drifted out, blocking your vision from him. The winged-hero got up flashing the person a closed-eye smile. Hawks was clearly forcing this smile. His hands were out as well, trying to deescalate the situation. Your gut grumbled in anxiety. You probably shouldn't have talked about your story out here in the public. You knew Endeavor was a polarizing figure as it is.

The figure scoffed. You noticed some of their skin was scarred and purple. You felt your stomach lurch again. In the corner of your eye, you saw Hawks motion for you to get up. You slowly gathered your laptop and things. The figure stood there. You could feel patrons throughout the bar staring at this scene. Some eyes were filled with amusement while others were filled with animosity.

"Actually, we were just getting ready to leave, anyway. No need to worry buddy," Hawks joked. Although his voice was cheerful, you could tell there was a firmness in his tone. Your heart was thumping in your chest, you could even feel sweat beginning to form on your forehead. Was the bar always this hot?

"Aw, why not. I feel like we would have a lot of fun together," the figure responded. Although his response seemed light-hearted, there was a veiled threat that loomed underneath it. You give a small bow, in respect earning the focus of Hawks and the figure. You try and put the most genuine smile on your face.

"S-Sorry about that. I think I just had too much to drink. Excuse us, if we cause any problems," you murmured. Although you couldn't physically see the figures' eyes, you felt their intense gaze on your figure. Hawks swiftly grabbed your arm and began to guide you towards the door. His body was slightly tilted as he waved to the figure.

"I'll see you soon!" he called out. Although for a second, you noticed how sharp Hawks' eyes became. His usual amber eyes and circle-pupils were not slitted, like an animal. It reminded you of a predator warring off other predators from taking their prey. Your throat got heavy, but the figure did not follow you. The figure kept his arms in his jacket pocket. You could have sworn you saw some inkling of blue light emitting from it though.

Once you two reached outside, Hawks let out a dramatic sigh. He looked over by your figure, clearly annoyed and irritated by the situation the two of you just faced. You looked away, your own body tense, and worried about what just happened.

"You really need to be careful where you start talking about stuff," Hawks muttered. He was right. You took a risk and paid the consequences. If it wasn't for Hawks, you would most likely face whatever fantasy that figure wanted to play out. A part of you wondered if the figure knew any information about Endeavor and the Todoroki family. His behavior wouldn't make sense if there wasn't some sort of link.

Hawks placed a hand in his pocket. He stretched his wings to the full length. The vermillion feather gleamed in the small light the streetlights gave off. A frown was on his lips.

"Come on, we need to get out of here. Wouldn't want him following us out here now would we," Hawks suggested. He must mean he wanted to fly the two of you out of here. You tried not to sigh and walked over to him. With ease, Hawks picked your figure up and lifted up to fly. You held him tightly looking down at the city below, as your satchel with your notes and laptop flew beside you. As scary as it was being this high, there was a sense of peace. You could hear hawks' seedy breathing. Every now and then his eyes would wander onto yours to make sure you were okay. You were sure where you were headed, but soon enough the winged-hero landed outside the top of the building.

The building—well penthouse—was large. Hawks slightly tucked his wings, before walking towards the glass building next to him. He stopped for a moment, turning around to see your confused expression.

"Well, aren't you coming? This is my place, don't worry," he exclaimed. You slowly follow him into his penthouse. Once you entered, you noticed how messy everything was. His living room couch was filled with an array of pillows and blankets—like a nest. Although it was messy, there was a cozy atmosphere about it all. You walked over to the couch and plopped onto it. The cushion was really soft, clearly expensive. Your arms tightly squeeze a pillow. Hawks went into the kitchen before returning with two bottle waters. He placed them on the glass coffee table next to magazines he was featured in the front cover of.

"What the fuck just happened," you muttered out. You were still in shock at what happened. Your body still had not calmed down from what happened at the bar. Hawks leaned into his couch and let his head fall back. His ash-blond hair shifted as a result.

"What happened is that you're an idiot not knowing what you got yourself into," he replied. Your eyes snapped over to his and narrowed. You had an urge to throw him with the pillow you had in your arms but opted to roll your eyes instead.

"You don't know what you're talking about Hawks. I know this story is big. I know what type of people come with the genre. But guess what, that's my fucking job," you responded. You shifted in your seat on the couch. You wanted to get out of there. You were tired of the Number Two Hero demeaning remarks. You heard Hawks sigh once more.

"I think you failed to realize what bar that was, that's why you're an idiot," Hawks corrected. You didn't give him a response and grabbed the cool water. You cracked open the top and let the refreshing drink lubricate your throat. You didn't realize how parched you were. It was most likely from the adrenaline.

"You need to watch you back from now on. He's probably coming after you," Hawks confessed. He shifted his body again, by placing his elbows on his knees and his hands placed on his hand. His statement seemed dead serious. 'He' probably referred to that figure. You wondered how much a taser would cost. The real question you should be asking yourself is why Hawks seemed to know this person. Your eyes narrowed and a small smirk appeared on your lips

"How do you know him, chicken-wing," you snapped. Hawks gave you an amused face and rubbed the stubble on his lower chin.

"Haha, so funny. Drop it," he sternly replied. You closed your eyes, amused at his abrasive attitude. He clearly knew more than he was letting on, but those questions would be for another day. For now, you just needed him off of your ass.

"I don't have another room, so you're sleeping right here tonight. Don't bother me until the morning, got it kid?" he replied. You scoffed watching Hawks get up from his seat.

"We are like the same age," you responded. He childishly stuck his tongue out and walked off to his bedroom. That man was going to be the death of you. You looked over to your satchel beside you and retrieved your laptop. You knew the adrenaline coursing through your veins wasn't going to go away soon.

"Might as well document this," you muttered to yourself. Tonight was going to be long. Hopefully, you'll get tired soon and rest your uneasy head and heart.

On the Record (Hawks x Reader x Dabi)Where stories live. Discover now