🏰The Camelot Ball ||| Douxie X Oc ||| Part 2🏰

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Oc= Vinadere

'''''''''''''''' "To the king!!" I shout,

We rush to his aid, right as the Savage Leader pushes aside the last guard's unconscious build.

Oh shit.

The Savage-Leader is closer to the king than we are-- much closer. I pick up the pace in my run, but this dress isn't helping. But thankfully I'm armed. I draw two more daggers and haul them at the leader, right before he can make another step. The daggers dent his armor and cause him to fumble back, making enough time for us to reach King Arthur. The leader groans and holds his head, before he looks at us and readies his sword.

"You children are weak, and should not be meddling in affairs that do not concern you! If you surrender, I might let you live."

"Guess again, bucket head!" I snap,

"It is a helm!!!"

I quickly slip my hand into my lower aim of this dress and grab the handle of a portable sword. I flip it through the air and open it to its full glory. The Savage-Leader shouts a rally cry and slices his sword around, before directing it for me. Our two blades collide and he drives his weight upon my force. The heaviness quickly increases, pushing me back from my stance more and more by the second.

"Douxie! A little help here?!" I grunt,

"I shall assist as well!" Glories the king.

"Yeah, sure, ok, JUST HURRY UP!!!"

I make a speedy move of my feet and bow out of the position he had me in, stepping even faster to the side. The Leader's blade cracks open the ground of the grand ballroom, and appears to get itself stuck. He looks at me--- with my sly and highly smug face--- and tugs on the blade to remove it.

Douxie charges the leader and kicks him down to the ground. The leader spreads out and slides away from his sword, as the three of us stand over him to give a --- well-- an intimidating feel. Gotta love dramatics.

The Savage grunts and stumbles onto his feet. The three of us close him in towards the corner. But we don't expect for the Leader to scream at the top of his lungs in a low tone. I cover my ears, until he finishes.

But we shouldn't have given him the chance. As soon as he finishes his shout, he starts laughing. He looks King Arthur dead in the eyes and says,

"Welcome to your tomb."

The walls begin to stirr, and the floors rumble and quake as a sudden thud in the earth breaks us from our line of defense. A deep, monstrous roar echoes through the air, sending shivers down my spine.

"Well, it would seem that you have found yet another predicament, haven't you?" Mine and Doux's heads both spin around to see Merlin approaching us.

"Ah, great wizard. Have you come to assist?" King Arthur asks.

"More like to give permission to those who could assist."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, I am hereby allowing my apprentices to use their magics."

"What!? That's absurd!!"

But Merlin cuts off the king's objection. "It's either that... or yes, perish before the beast. Trust me, my friend. You're going to need their help."

Merlin walks off, laughing softly to himself, vanishing out of thin air. What else do I expect from a great wizard. He's also quite great at exits. Anyways.

I look to Douxie and smirk,

"Does this mean we can use our magics?" I ask,

"I guess so. Your bet is as good as mine."

I roll my shoulders back as a huge, massive tremble breaks off the roof of the ball room. And as our heads turn up, we see what will 'presumably lead us to our tombs.' A wyvern of black scales. The worst kind. These guys are wicked, are cruel, and will show no mercy. And something tells me that this Savage Leader has somehow managed to tame one.

Let this be a miracle, yeah? 

Falling In Love, Again and Again ---- Douxie X Reader / OcWhere stories live. Discover now